Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm in love

So my weekend overall was rather uneventful. To be honest I was pretty lazy, but I got a lot of things together and am ready to start this new job on Monday. Everyone keeps asking if I'm nervous and I'm not tomorrow (well just a tad) because it's just training, that's like going to school. I'll be nervous when I go to the branch, that's where it's the real deal, but I know as long as I listen in training I'll be fine. Now some may wonder what the title is talking about. One big event over the weekend I bought a memory foam cover for my bed. After only one night sleep I'm completely in love. And I watched a few Friend's episodes, did some crocheting and even took a nap in there I love it so much. It's amazing the transformation from a fairly hard bed to luxury it made. The best part was I had a 20 percent off coupon and saved 20 bucks. I've gotta say best 80 bucks I've ever spent and now can't wait to go to sleep each night. Hopefully I continue to feel this way. Especially that last accident I had even though it wasn't that bad it still tweaked my back pretty good and I just can't seem to get over it. I hope by now having a super soft bed the healing I have been doing won't go to waste by an uncomfortable bed. Well I decided I need to spruce this blog up a bit, so look for more pictures and I'll try to remember exciting/interesting stories, but right now life is pretty much middle of the road nothing crazy good or bad. Oh and PS no new nail polish this week...yet

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I got a job!

I finally got a job yesterday!  I found out yesterday and start next Monday.  It's with the credit union I was with before, just at a different branch as a loan officer. I'm very excited to have something full time with benefits, a stable company and something I'm fairly comfortable with but still is new.  I'm very sad to leave my job.  It's been the perfect summer job (so perfect Chalice is now doing it).  They were so nice to let me stay during the summer and I had a lot of good opportunities to work on special projects that are good for my resume.  One thing I won't miss about the U is the insane traffic.  Today it took nearly 45 minutes to get home, I think there's a lot more students up there who seem to want to go at the same time as me.  Well I'll keep this short ooh and this week I got purple nail polish!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cars...are they worth it?

Sad day this week my car rolled over 100,000 miles.  I got it at 69,000 three years ago, so I am doing pretty good.  I consider myself a pretty good car taker care person (yeah totally just made up that phrase) but with this monumental roll-over I knew there was some bucks to get it up to date on the maintenance.  I just so lucked out the insurance company finally contacted me from the other driver of the accident I was in December.  Since it was just some damage on the back, it wasn't worth it to go through my insurance first and really it wasn't too bad looking.  Well, I received the claim money this week (really not much but it works) and decided since its older anyway I'm not going to fix it well at least not anytime soon.  So I took it to get it aligned (something it desperately needed)  More money then I would have liked and two hours later, they gave me a list of things I should have replaced on my car.  It was legitimate stuff that I knew if I didn't get fixed would cost more in the long run.  I've taken it to a little mechanic who is fast and usually cheaper then the dealer.  I called him Thursday morning, he got me in and out same day, two hundred cheaper then the dealer and did a little more then the dealer was going to do.  I was happy although I spent about 800 on it this week, but at least I feel comfortable with it, safe and more then likely saved myself some money before the things actually caused problems.  Of other news this week I tried Smash Burgers.  The hamburger was amazing, the smash fries a little weird I admit.  They had like seasoning that was a little too crazy for me so if you go maybe try without that and just get regular.  I think I'm still a bigger fan of Five Guys.  Although In N Out is supposed to be coming, I've never been but hear it's amazing.  Well hope everyone starts their week off good, I'm still waiting on that interview and been crossing fingers all weekend....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blue nail polish?

I feel lately like I do the same post each week, but that’s sort of how my life is lately just about the same thing sometimes at different times or a few different people, but basically the same thing.  I had another good weekend Friday I had an interview (still crossing my fingers on) then later that night went with Mallory, Sam, Shelley and Kathy swimming and sit in the hot tub.  It was soo nice, I haven’t been in a hot tub in months.  We then got some ice cream and watched the video from when Sam and Mallory were hypnotized.  It was ok, but they cut out all the funny parts, either showing the audience or people who weren’t doing anything.  It was also out of focus half the time, I’m telling you I should start up a videography thing if people like that can sell theirs.  On Saturday I went with Mallory to do baptisms at the Draper temple.  I haven’t been in it since the open house, it’s very nice inside one of my new favorite temples.  You can definitely tell we’re in Utah and it’s summer because we saw soo many brides.  We then went back to our houses and she came over later for a sleepover.  Sunday was spent relaxing and preparing for the new week.  I have two funny stories of compliments I’ve received which are nice, but on the other hand leave me going ok…weird.  So I was at the temple and came out wrapped up in the towel.  Well one of the nice little temple workers goes you have beautiful color skin, your tan is just the perfect color.  I was like oh um thanks.  It was very nice of her, but something you don’t expect to hear and especially not at the temple.  Then I was getting a diet coke at the McD’s drive-thru which was oddly crowded I remember thinking for the time of day it was.  I get up to take my drink and the guy stops me he’s all I really like your sunglasses.  Now I’ve gotten you have pretty eyes before, but sunglasses, that’s kinda random.  He started asking where I got them, how much I had to pay and have an entire conversation as I’m looking in my mirror thinking no wonder there’s a line if the guy here compliments everyone.  It was very nice of him, but totally random.  Well back to work I go, we’ve had a lot of good donations (although none have topped my Kyle Korver picture-this includes La Caille giving us $1,000) and I’m keeping busy with it all.  I got here very early this morning and am leaving early to get my car estimated to finally fix the damage from that accident in December.  Well enjoy the middle part of the week! PS I have a new love for nail polish, I used to wear it all the time as a kid then got sick of it, but now love it again.  I got this awesome blue color this time!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm an idiot

Well, as the nurse said when it rains it pours.  On Tuesday night I decided kinda last minute to go country dancing.  (back up for a sec) I had just stopped wearing the splint on Monday and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.  I mean it hurt a little, but finally felt like it was healing.  I was dancing with my friend during a couple's line dance.  The guy normally dips you after every song, but not the line dances, well he decided to this time.  I wasn't ready for it making me off balance and when I realized what he tried to do I said no, no dip, but it was too late.  He tried to catch me and I really felt bad for him because he felt so bad, but on the ground I landed.  I of course tried to catch myself with my already hurt hand.  Needless to say it wasn't such a good thing.  After it swelling up pretty good, my fingers going tingly and a very sharp pain I decided to go back to the doctor.  Good news its not broken (although I hear sometimes its easier to heal if it is broken), I did bruise the bone and she said I just banged it up pretty good.  I'm back in the splint for another week, I'm supposed to take the anti-inflammatory medicine (She could feel where its swelling around the bone) and I decided I'm taking it much easier this time.  I won't do anything stupid and I"ll be better about wearing it.  Even if it gets hot and annoying.  I'll see how it is in another week and if it's still bad go to the orthopedic doc.  I have faith it'll be better then new in a week though.  So there's my story for the day.  Lidia said maybe it's my shoes?  I'm not sure about that maybe it's the idiot wearing the shoes who was doing things I shouldn't have in the first place.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A very good day

I've had a lot of fun over the past week including a Park City trip, going to the Salt Lake County fair watching Sam and Mallory get hypnotized (I started crying I was laughing so hard and I was all by myself which made it funnier), getting my hair done (brown low-lights and a more defined a-line so far I LOVE it), keeping very busy at work which makes me feel better about things, and finally I've saved the best for last.  It deserves it's own sentence though.  I know the suspense must be killing you.  Drum roll I held in my hand an ACTUAL original signed photograph from KYLE KORVER!!!  Yeah, it didn't just make my whole day, but probably month I'd say.  Let me back up and explain the story.  So for work we're having a competition and they asked if I'd call around looking for prize donations.  The Jazz was one of the places and we thought they'd just send tickets.  Well today I walk into the guys office who signs the letters and he's all I have a surprise.  The stuff has been getting mailed to him and he had things from all sorts of companies.  He's showing me everything then pulls out the Jazz one.  He's all yeah they sent over some signed pictures.  As he was pulling it out I saw Kyle then he's all this one is Kyle Korver and I started to like squeal I was so excited.  I'm like can I hold it.  I took a picture and everything.  He got a good kick out of it and even told some of the others in the office.  They're like maybe this will be the coveted prize.  So now because alumni can do this I want to make JJ and Jacob compete for me and win that prize.  The worst part or maybe the best is I"m keeping all the prizes locked up in my office so I know how tempting it is to "accidentally" let it slip into my purse and "get lost"  But at least now until the competition I can look and admire it everyday.  I'll attach the picture I took for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Well, so much for trying to have a positive week.  Today I called the principal of the school for the after school program coordinator.  Well, let me back up.  We've been emailing and finally last Friday at 5:50 she sent me an email saying yes call me at this number at the school.  I found it weird being a Friday so late, but tried it (my phone pushes my email to me within minutes usually if I'm paying attention) and no answer.  I figured that's fine I'll try Monday.  I called Monday around 11:00 the secretary said she wasn't in so I left my information including two numbers she could reach me at and waited.  Tuesday still nothing so I tried again sometime early afternoon.  No one at the school answered so I tried today Wednesday.  I figured if she wasn't there/didn't answer then I"d send an email saying I've tried to get in contact and give her my number for her to try me at her earliest convenience (plus I know she had my phone number from the guy I work with...)  Well, she finally answered, she didn't know who I was at first.  I explained and she's like oh well I never heard back from you and we really needed to get moving on this so I've hired someone else.  I'm like what the heck!  Normally I'd let things go, but not this it's not fair because she has a not very responsible secretary that I don't get the job and now I look like the one who never calls her.  Plus, you don't find and hire someone within three days.  She then was like well do you still want to hear about it in case the other person doesn't work out.  I did, not quite sure why.  But can you believe that?  I was in my car talking to myself like I"m so mad how did this happen.  I'm really really trying to stay positive, but it's hard to when stuff like this keeps happening where it's out of my control and I possibly could have gotten it.  I just have to figure something else that's totally amazing is out there and just waiting for the right opportunity.  And I have been lucky I have had the perfect summer job.  They even asked if I'd stay through part of September to train the new people (can't remember if I mentioned that before) unless I get something else I"m not obligated.  What kind of job says that?  Plus I work whenever I want, which has been awesome for the summer.  So, I'll just keep thinking positive maybe I just need to learn "life lessons" or something or have these experiences for future relief society moments, who knows?

Monday, August 03, 2009

A rough week

Well, this past week was one I would prefer to forget, but I'll go ahead and document it anyway.  I should have figured it was going to be bad when first thing Monday morning walking into work I slipped and fell down this little muddy hill, hurt my wrist and was completely covered in mud.  Skipping ahead a little in the week I ended up going back to the doctor on Saturday to have it x-rayed.  I had decided to let it go a few days see what happened, well it still hurt even a little worse so I decided to go in.  It wasn't broken although I did tear some ligaments and I possibly did something else I can't remember, but he put me in this massive wrist/finger splint and said give it a week, gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatory medicine if it still hurts see about going to an orthopedic surgeon.  So, I'm going to be good, wear the splint thing and hope it gets better.  It's been interesting trying to type with one hand and four fingers, but I'm making it work.  Well things just seemed to go downhill after that.  I found out I didn't get the Mountain America job and an interview I had on Wednesday I found out I didn't get that job either.  I've haven't been applying to as many places lately for different reasons so now I"m running low on possibilities.  Well after the rough week I decided I needed to have a positive attitude and I must be going through all of this for a reason, I mean come on something's gotta give.  Well, I really feel this will be a good week and even two days into it is already looking positive.  Last night I went to an amazing fireside at the Tabernacle, I got a letter from Cameron today (I haven't gotten one for quite awhile after the last one I sent him got lost in the mail), my job told me I can now stay into September to help train the new people coming in so I have an extra month for job hunting, I got a ton done at work today (it was one of those you're totally exhausted by the end of it but I loved looking back and checking off everything that's been nagging at me for the last few weeks), I went to the chiropractor this morning (he's been out all during July and after that fall, sitting on bleachers for different things let's just say I almost ran there this morning), everyone I work with was super nice to me today (they normally are nice people, but a lot of the time I can sit in my office and no one says a word all day well today everyone was talking to me), and one final thing that made me laugh a little.  Two of the people I work mostly with were saying it's good I've had such a positive attitude about my wrist.  Because I've just been saying it's my own fault for being stupid and walking across grass.  They were saying that's good most people would be complaining saying it's someone else's fault.  Well then I was on the other side of the office and a lady I don't really work with asked what happened I told her and she's like oh you better have filed workman's comp.  I"m like well I wasn't on the clock just walking in to work.  She's like well you should have anyway.  It's funny the different opinions and really I wish I was doing something cool to get hurt not just walking down a hill to work.  Anyway, I hope the rest of the week continues to be better then last and all of yours too.