Do you ever wish you could go back in time? Do you ever wonder if one single silly choice in life could possibly change everything? This is a topic where if you think too far into it, your head will spin. I'm reading a book right now called The Golden Spiral, its about these people who've traveled through time and one of them (the bad guy) tries to go back in time to change the main characters life around. She remembers her real past, but her family and friends only believe what he's changed. I've just been thinking about that lately, especially the time of life I'm in and all the big choices I'm required to make at my age. And I'm not necessarily just talking about the bad decisions. For example my major, going to school for anything is obviously a good thing. Well, what if I choose the wrong one for me. Sure, I have a degree, but was it the right choice? Overall, I'm glad there's no time travel, but I will admit there are definitely moments I wish I could change. And I still miss my Grandma like crazy. One thing I do wish is go back in time and spend more of it with her, especially these last few months. She was one of the few people I could tell everything to and I never had to worry about what she thought of me, I really miss her.