Well, apparently I only update this once every 6 months. Last time I was talking about my New York trip, let's just say it was amazing. Times Square, amazing! Yankee Stadium, insane! Food, crazy good! I also had the opportunity to go to Phoenix again and most recently Indiana, random I know both trips to see family and they were fun :) Next in line is hopefully a beach somewhere and possibly Chicago or Boston.
Work is good, I'm with a new company underwriting loans now. I keep busy which is good. Also, been working with HDSA to make Utah an affiliate, a lot of work especially after just completing the walk but it's good to stay busy.
Still not married or dating anyone seriously, they always say it happens when you no longer look. I think I stopped looking about 3 years ago, with random spurts here and there so I just keep doing my own thing, no sense living in the future.
Still love the Jazz, went to the home opener on Halloween, it was a lot of fun.
Well, I lost motivation to type and look at the computer screen, until next time.
I always have wonderful plans of keeping up on posts, but when you pretty much do the same thing day in and day out week to week it gets hard to come up with clever posts. I'll just let you all know what I've been up to lately. I had the opportunity to go to a few Jazz games and another one this Friday. I will never complain about that :) I have a trip to New York planned in June. Yes, I am a Red Sox fan and yes I am going to two Yankees games, but it's Yankee Stadium, I HAVE to see it.
It started with a very boring Friday night, started with grocery shopping and I'm sure included some NBA games and One Tree Hill, I purposely stayed up late so I would sleep in a little because I knew I had no plans for Saturday. On Saturday morning I got a message from my cousin (if you read this, again THANK YOU SO MUCH) asking if I wanted some stand-by passes that were soon going to expire. It's funny I was originally going to go down to Arizona this weekend, but backed out after I found out about going to New York. After going back and forth about what weekend I should come, I thought well what if I came this weekend. After looking at flights, it looked like I could get on one around 5:00 that night, so that's what I did. I quickly did some laundry, took Mr. Baxter to my parents and was on my way. It was such a fun quick get away. I've always wanted to do a spontaneous trip like that and thought it was perfect for the little slump I was in. It was great to see family, eat amazing oranges and constantly smell the orange blossoms and on Monday Mallory and I got pedicures and went to lunch at an outdoor patio place in short sleeves and flip-flops. We even had a bonfire on Saturday and went for a walk around the lake Sunday. It sure made it hard coming home to snow and 20 degree weather. It was such a fun weekend, I'm now feeling refreshed and got a little bit of sun which never hurts. Thank you everyone who made it possible!
It's been awhile, but I blame never wanting to get on my laptop. If I could blog on my phone I'd do it all the time. Well, lot's has happened the past few months. I purchased my first condo which I love. I'm planning to do a video walk through and I'll post it. It's a little scary now being an adult with a mortgage, but I'm really excited about it. I also went on another trip this time to Hawaii. My friend Lidia got married on the beach there, again one day I'll post pictures. Speaking of marriages, Chalice and Blake finally got married too. I was also able to go through the temple and be there for it, which was a good experience. Recently I've adopted a dog, his name is Baxter and he's a bichon frise (I think that's how it's spelled). Besides that I think everything else is the same.

What a day! I feel typing this out will help me feel better so here goes and I'm not going to edit it this will be my spit everything out post. So, the amazing vacation with the cruise, day in Disneyworld and layover in New York is coming up on Saturday. Everything is scheduled and ready to go as far as when I'll pack, get laundry done, all of that. Well, today Marne emails saying we probably won't make our flight from SLC to JFK. Did I mention we decided to fly standby...keeping in mind we need to make the cruise by Sunday? Well, it's a risk we took because it was so cheap. AFter probably 127 emails back and forth anywhere from calling in sick tomorrow and driving to Long Beach to catch a flight, to just driving to Vegas. Well, we decided on the flight from Vegas to JFK then Orlando. After more discussion, we decided to not chance driving the 6 hours and just fly down there. Well, that's been officially booked so now our trip will entail flying to Vegas, then New York, then Orlando, cruising to the Bahamas staying in Orlando for two days and going to Disneyworld flying back to New York and spending the day there and finally back home..all in a week. HOpefully the only stress will be what came today and the rest will be peaceful and relaxing although it is fun now having quite an adventure.