And epic it was. It all started when I was running slightly late for an appointment on Sunday. Well that and I saw someone I knew that I was trying to avoid. I had my temple recommend interview with the Stake President. I got there and saw a group of guys talking, like 10 of them. I knew someone in the group and we all know I hate the small talk so I was hoping to avoid saying hi to them. I had the brilliant idea to run up the stairs, acting like I was in a hurry to avoid it. As I got to the second stair, I completed face-planted it. My scriptures went flying, purse and temple recommend. It was a good 15 seconds until I realized what happened and was able to get up. By this time a few of them came over to help me. I heard one say oh how sad, she's going for her recommend interview. I just grabbed my things and ran inside. To top it off when I got inside I lost it and started crying. I did hurt, but it was more the emotions of everything. I tried to find a bathroom, but of course got to the Stake President's office first. I think the secretary was like what in the world is wrong. I told him what happened and I was able to go to the bathroom to get myself together. All is well that ends well I suppose. I was able to do the interview and had a few battle scars. Of course I documented everything.
I just painted my toes the day before, maybe it was for the best it probably chipped off before the nail. Sadly my middle toe and ankle probably hurt the most from all of this and obviously you can't see that in pictures.

The top of my left leg. Of course I feel on the second stair so this scraped the top of it. It was the most painful thing to have my skirt on this over church.

My right leg, only I could fall so I hurt every limb on my body.

My leg and arm also have bruises, I think because my skin is darker you can't see as well, but let me tell you it still hurts.

I should bubblewrap myself I think...
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