Monday, June 02, 2008

Gotta love Mondays

Wow! I can't believe how lucky you guys are. I"m actually going back to my old style and updating this twice in one week, who knows its the beginning of the week so maybe they'll be more. Well, I'll just begin by saying this day seems like it could be an entire week wrapped up into one. I thought last week was one of the worst weeks of work I"ve been through since we converted systems. Well, I think this week will be a close tie. So, I get in this morning and our system is down. Well, even though I'm not supposed to say this to member's but I doubt any of our members will be reading this our system crashed. We don't have answers why it happened, but it never came back up all day. First, its a Monday, second beginning of the month, third we just seemed to have a million people want to come in. Most were nice about it, although that was when we were saying we'll get them in later today when the system comes back up. Needless to say with the hand balancing I did, I was off about 165 bucks. We'll see if that's really the case when I run them tomorrow. Then the even better part I got a call saying I have to come in a half hour early, hopefully its back up, to run all the transactions from the day instead of trying to do it in between helping members. I'm not too excited about that, but it definitely is better then trying to get them run throughout the day. Man I had no idea taking this job what it would entail. But, I've been determined to keep a positive attitude and really it has helped me grow. I learn how to think quick on my feet and talk myself out of sticky situations. Another scary thing, my manager found out I know how to make excel sheets. I truly don't think its hard at all and still don't quite remember how he did (I think he asked us all to send him something I put mine on an excel sheet then he made everyone else use it he liked it so much) anyway so he pulled me aside today and asked if I could make one up for him. It was basically a balancing worksheet for when we were offline. One had never been created after we converted systems and higher management was on his managers case so that put him on my managers case to get one out asap. He showed me an idea he had and I tweaked it. It's funny when I took the excel class and also learning how to use word how I do I never thought itd be for anyone but me. HOnestly, I've used what I know for things not really relating to me more then anything. I'm happy to help though and make things run smoother. I got it done and I must say it was pretty spiffy haha fun word. Anyway, I then went to the grocery store for shampoo and things for lunches for the next couple weeks. Word of advice don't go there when you're stressed. I bought a lot of unnecessary junk oh well though. I came home and actually completed the assignments to be able to take the midterm Thursday for the online BYU class. I know just have to study for it ( I am proud of myself because usually I say I"ll do homework but I never do especially this class) I then went for a mini bike ride until I discovered my tire was almost flat. I tried with some help to pump it up but really it just made it worse. Then I've just been chilling out I tried reading my new book but didn't get very far. I'm debating posting this in here, but I think I will. I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do when i graduate. I'm finally leaning on something that the more I think about the happier and more excited I get. I almost want to leave it at that for the suspense. But its something I've just been doing research on, figuring budgets and exactly what I'd need to do to get started, but I'd like to start up my own videography/ video production company. Obviously it would be small ( just me) and I think I'd do mostly weddings or like reunions/ family parties. I've had millions of ideas swirling about it and lots and lots of thought go into it. I know how extremely difficult it is to start up a business and be successful. I know for awhile I'd have to keep another job, but I figure if I start planning for it now I'd have a good foot in by the time I'm done next spring. I know most of my time will be taken, but its something I'm really excited about the more I think about it. I'll even throw this out there. My idea for the name is Treasure Memories. I also was thinking about doing KayCee Productions to keep it more broad, but I still think Treasured Memories would fit almost anything. So, I'll keep you posted on what happens. I'm not wanting a huge deal made about this quite yet, but I welcome any comments on here letting me know what you all think!