I'm going to use this post to vent. I hate waiting on people. So for this internship I have a final supervisor evaluation that was due last Friday, then extended deadline 8 am this morning. So, I'm not getting paid for this internship, the original letter I needed I emailed him for no response so I finally wrote it myself and made him sign up, again turning it in late. Luckily the midterm you just had to mark like 10 boxes for below, on or above average. This one, you just have to write out like one sentence answers, seriously like 5 minutes to do. Well, I"ve bugged him for two weeks about it. Saturday I reminded him he said call me Monday. So I did and he rejected my call this morning! I even text him no response. If I seriously don't get credit because of that I"m going to have a heart attack. I'm doing this for free and all you had to do was fill out one paper. Arghhhh! Also we were talking about interning for the session come January. He was saying how he was the one who got it from $200 to $2000 per intern working up there because it wasn't fair to those people who were having out of pocket expenses and couldn't even pay tuition with what they got. I almost screamed I'm like dude I"m not getting a dime and don't say it's cause there's not enough funding split the pay with the other person or give me some of yours (I know that's going to the extreme and I really didn't mind no pay especially since I was getting credit but when you won't even do one thing for me and you're talking about how you got other interns pay...doesn't add up. And I've had a lot of out of pocket expenses his office is far away as well as the radio station we broadcast from. Also, I've taken two days off work for the interim committees to conduct interviews without pay and using my own gas. I know I sound ridiculous but I just need to vent. I also never got paid back from the movie.....grhh and he was mean to me today go figure. And I have to do a story for Newsbreak this week and the guy I finally got a hold of someone. I'm doing a story on the renovations going on with Park building said for me to email him the questions. I'm like dude its for a tv show. Arghhh so I'm waiting back for his reply and I need the story done by Wednesday since we go on THanksgiving break and everything is shut down. And I'm trying to get in 20 hours worth of work in two days as well as go to class and shoot this story. And I took a finance test today I know I bombed :( Ahhh so life's frustrations that you can't do anything about...maybe I just need a diet coke and a good book to read.
Ok, this is going to be a random post updating you of what's been going on in my life the last week or so whatever I can remember since the last time I gave an update. My car hit 88,888 miles the other day. I was exactly at 4700 South and 3600 West it was super exciting. I took lots of pictures of this exciting and monumental event, hopefully I'll be able to post them haha. I also have been going to the amazing Utah football games. Yes this included the crazy win over TCU two weeks ago Thursday. IT was the most intense game I've ever been to. I'm going to the Utah/BYU game Saturday and am super excited. My guess for the score is 24-21 Utah. So, when I'm right I can say I predicted it haha. This week I also produced Newsbreak. I did it a special sports edition rivalry week show. It was soo much work, but in the end was way fun and worth it (I think). In the end I was very happy with how it turned out even though that meant a lot of long nights and very early mornings, but in the end seeing it all come together was way cool. Today I went on a little field trip to Rocky Mountain Power. I had to drive a carpool van so that meant I got to tag along on the field trip. It was really interesting getting to see how it all works and the control room and everything. I even got to 4-wheel the state mini-van into a substation and look in there. Tomorrow I'm going to a prescreening of Twilight!! I"m super super super excited to see how it turns out. I loved the books so I"m afraid I wont' like the movies, but I"m going to have hope for right now. Plus I"ve never been to a prescreening so even that is cool. Hmmm my mind is a whirlwind I"m not sure what else, just wanted to give you all a small update!
8 Tag
I saw this Tag on Sam's blog and I liked it so...
5. Deal or No Deal
1. Went to DFCU Ops center to do an interview
2. Went to school at 7:00 am
3. Spent most of the afternoon changing the Newsbreak set for my show next week
4. went to work
5. did some prep work for the radio show
6. ate a lunchable
7.ate authentic Chinese food with my new friend Sun
8. tried to get to sleep early (didn't work so well)
1. Red Lobster
2. my house
3. Outback
4. Spaghetti Factory
5. anywhere that serves Diet Coke
6. Noodles
7. anywhere that's free
8. anyplace with yummy sugar cookies
1. Christmas
2. getting in better shape
3. graduating this spring!!!!!
4. having this Newsbreak over
5. this semester being over
6. BYU/Utah game (yes I am going, yes I am tempted to sell my ticket for 500 bucks)
7. Utah going to the BCS Orange Bowl in Florida (yes I would go)
8. going to Disneyland again
1. a new Mac
2. Final Cut Studio on the Mac
3. a new camera
4. school to be over right now
5. a house I bought all by myself (I know probably extremely wishful thinking)
6. a $5,000 wardrobe shopping spree
7. a brand new car (yes brand new just so I can say I bought one)
8. new shoes/purses(I always love new shoes and purses)
I tag whoever wishes to do this!
Well I decided after rereading some of my posts that lately that I seem to just be an unhappy person. I wanted to set everything straight with a happy post letting you know that I'm a happy person. It just seems lately whenever I"m having a hard day I try to take a break and that's when I go to writing in my blog. Well if I"m having a hard time at that moment that's generally what I write about. SO, I'll tell a happy story. Yesterday, my wonderful grandmother and I went to a very tasty lunch at the Red Lobster. It was my ward's lunch group there for that month and since I love the place and haven't been in over a year, I decided to rearrange my schedule, take the afternoon off, and take my grandma. We had a very nice time and ate some awesome shrimp. I then helped her finish up her Christmas shopping (she's like 99% done crazy huh) I then went back to her house where we looked at different catalogs for Christmas stuff. I must have got my shopping addiction from her (yes Grandma I blame you with the QVC thing haha) As I said before I love Christmas and I can't wait until the day after Thanksgiving when I'm going to spend the entire day decorating our house. Oooh I also today got an Amazon certificate for $100.00 I redeemed points on one of my credit cards and ordered a 16 G flash drive and awesome boots. Anyway, I have a lot to get done, but I wanted a positive happy post (especially to go along with my new Christmas template) so I hope you all have happy days too!
Ok, so I have a really sick story that happened today. I was in need of gas and just had to find somewhere that had it for $1.99. Yes! Can you believe that gas under two bucks!!!! I was super excited. Well, it has been a really busy week with not so much sleep and its all kind of wearing on me today. Anyway, I"m filling up my tank and decided to clean out some of the garbage I"ve let accumulate in my car (yeah I used to be insane about keeping my car spotless-not so much anymore) I had my keys in one hand and credit card in another. I was like I don't want to lose the card so I stuck it in my pockets. One hand had the garbage the other had the keys. Well next thing I know a swear word almost comes out of my mouth because I dropped the keys in the garbage!!! Yeah, nasty I know. Luckily it was still a little light outside and I reach down to grab them. Well being the lucky Volkswagen owner I am, the key top part had fallen off my key ring. So yeah, I had to go back digging through the garbage trying to find it. Of course it was a fourth of the way filled with garbage and ewww I don't even want to think of what I touched. Somehow the stupid little key went all the way to the bottom of it too. I finally found it after taking the lid off and sticking both arms down in there (yeah I"m scarred for life now) I then run into the gas station frantically looking for a sink. I then spot a bathroom on the other side of the room when the cashier was like oh here's a sink you can use. I"m like thank you! I just dropped my keys in the garbage. She's like oh I would have given you gloves, I"m like well thanks now you tell me. So after washing my hands and keys three full times, I left. I also dumped the hand sanitizer I had in my car on me too. So, that is my story and I"m officially traumatized. Most people know how crazy I get with germs and touching weird things. Well you should have been there tonight, it was one for the record books.
Wow, my first tag I'm so excited! Here is a list of my 7 addictions.
1. Well, no secret to anyone who's been around me for more then a couple hours to know my biggest addiction is Diet Coke. I have one before 10 am pretty much every day and just love it. I do drink mostly out of the can but a good fountain one from Sonic of McDonalds can't be beat. If I earned a treat for the day, that usually is it.
2.My cell phone. I know sad, but true. It used to not be so much but since I have the iPhone now, I just can't live without it. Most of you probably know the story how I ruined my original one on a ride at Lagoon. Well I got the 3G one a week after because I couldn't go back to just a normal cell phone. I love texting, the internet, my email on it, and all the cool apps.
3.Pajamas. I have, who knows how many pairs. I have three stacks in my closet as well as an entire drawer in my dresser filled with different kinds. Sadly enough I wear a lot of the same pair since they're my favorite, but oh well.
4. Another addiction is dogs. I just love them I think because how happy they always are. NO matter what kind of day you're having or if everyone else is mad at you that day, they're always there to greet you and cheer you up. Obviously my dog wins with this, but even I noticed the other day I'm stopped at a stop light and there's this dog in front of my I"m waving and smiling at. I had to stop and think what an idiot I must look like the dog can't respond, but I swear they're like little happy people inside those bodies.
5. Shoes. Most people might think I always wear the same pairs, but I have like 75 of them. I do wear different ones for special occasions, if I know I"m not walking far, or only have them on for a few hours. After I hurt my foot twice, it's just not worth it wearing the awesome ones I have around all day, but I still love them.
6.Anything Disney. Yes, this is an addiction. The disney store sends me like 10 emails a day because I love shopping on their site. I can't even really describe it, I guess like their slogan it's just magical and makes you feel like a kid again.
7. Christmas time. That might sound odd, but it's coming up so it fits. If anyone sees my house once I get a hold of it, you'd understand why. I just love Christmas time and everything about it. Our house looks like the Northpole hit. If I could get away with it I'd leave the decorations up all year. My most favorite thing is Christmas villages. I've started my own thanks to my Grandmother, as well as added pieces as I go, I think they're just soooo cute.
Ok, well that's it I now tag my Grandma, JJ and Chalice (who both need to start one)
Well hello all. I hope this post is happier then the last. I actually have pictures this time too!!!! So Friday was Halloween. I didn't really have anywhere to go besides work and school so I just wasn't going to dress up. Then my friends asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house. I said sure and since they were all dressing up for work I decided to wear a costume too. I didn't put it on until after school, but it was still fun. I was Belle a couple years ago, so I pulled out my old costume and used it. Lidia didn't have one so I let her use my Snow White costume, so we're the two princesses.