Sunday, November 09, 2008

7 Addictions Tag

Wow, my first tag I'm so excited! Here is a list of my 7 addictions.

1. Well, no secret to anyone who's been around me for more then a couple hours to know my biggest addiction is Diet Coke. I have one before 10 am pretty much every day and just love it. I do drink mostly out of the can but a good fountain one from Sonic of McDonalds can't be beat. If I earned a treat for the day, that usually is it.

2.My cell phone. I know sad, but true. It used to not be so much but since I have the iPhone now, I just can't live without it. Most of you probably know the story how I ruined my original one on a ride at Lagoon. Well I got the 3G one a week after because I couldn't go back to just a normal cell phone. I love texting, the internet, my email on it, and all the cool apps.

3.Pajamas. I have, who knows how many pairs. I have three stacks in my closet as well as an entire drawer in my dresser filled with different kinds. Sadly enough I wear a lot of the same pair since they're my favorite, but oh well.

4. Another addiction is dogs. I just love them I think because how happy they always are. NO matter what kind of day you're having or if everyone else is mad at you that day, they're always there to greet you and cheer you up. Obviously my dog wins with this, but even I noticed the other day I'm stopped at a stop light and there's this dog in front of my I"m waving and smiling at. I had to stop and think what an idiot I must look like the dog can't respond, but I swear they're like little happy people inside those bodies.

5. Shoes. Most people might think I always wear the same pairs, but I have like 75 of them. I do wear different ones for special occasions, if I know I"m not walking far, or only have them on for a few hours. After I hurt my foot twice, it's just not worth it wearing the awesome ones I have around all day, but I still love them.

6.Anything Disney. Yes, this is an addiction. The disney store sends me like 10 emails a day because I love shopping on their site. I can't even really describe it, I guess like their slogan it's just magical and makes you feel like a kid again.

7. Christmas time. That might sound odd, but it's coming up so it fits. If anyone sees my house once I get a hold of it, you'd understand why. I just love Christmas time and everything about it. Our house looks like the Northpole hit. If I could get away with it I'd leave the decorations up all year. My most favorite thing is Christmas villages. I've started my own thanks to my Grandmother, as well as added pieces as I go, I think they're just soooo cute.

Ok, well that's it I now tag my Grandma, JJ and Chalice (who both need to start one)


Anonymous said...

Yay! I have been checking your blog for days waiting for you to update!!! We need to play again!

JorJa Mattson said...

You will have to wait a while for me to start blogging. but maybe sonner than later