Holy crap! Today has been insane to say the least and I'm only halfway through it. So it started out with me being about 5 minutes behind Chalice all day long. So for example she got in the shower right before I was going to and since she always takes forever long showers it left me waiting. Then again with the blow dryer luckily she caught on to my slight irritation and even though we had to be somewhere at the same time, I had a half hour commute compared to her five and she let me go first. I somehow managed to throw together a lunch in mere seconds and ran out the door leaving my house exactly at 7:05 am. By some stroke of luck the windows weren't frosty and I was on my way. I will admit I did speed the entire way. For some odd reason it was insanely more crowded then usual, who knows why. I kept getting so mad because the radio would say it's such a good commute no problems I"m like what the heck yes they're is with twice as many people out today. The reason I was in such a hurry is it was the first day of class for this spring semester. My first class is with a professor I've taken several classes before with, I love him, but he's very strict with attendance. As I got to campus there's a turn where you have to merge with another lane. It's kind of random, but most times you keep driving and people will let you in. Well for some odd reason today some idiot decides to dead stop right in front of me. I was looking at the clock at the exact moment and somehow managed to look up to see this car totally stopped feet from me. I almost said my first really bad swear word haha. I have no idea how but I slammed on the breaks and was able to stop the car inches no not even inches a half inch before I rear ended the car in front of me. I was so lucky there was no ice and my antilock breaks decided not to kick in for a minute. My next reaction was crap if I had this then the car behind me surely will. So at 7:27 am 3 minutes to get to class I'm bracing to be in an accident on the first day of class. Who knows how but he managed to stop behind me too! We then are able to go the guy behind me I think thought it was my fault cause he didn't look to happy with me. I swear I'm like some kind of bumper car magnet or something. I race into the parking lot to not be able to find a spot. I decided I"m pretty much late now I"ll try one more lane and one happened to be opened on the front row. I ran into class skidded into my seat just as he was starting. Exactly 7:34 am. Now thing about that Leaving my house and being seated in class in 29 minutes avoiding an accident and getting front row parking that was pretty crazy. I finally let the fact I almost caused my first accident sink in and started to shake nervously. I made it through that class, Its newsbreak I had the same one last semester except this semester instead of reporting I'll be behind the scenes. I then with my new schedule couldn't decide how to work where to park my car and what to bring with me since I was already running late I decided to just drive over to the building I work. I quickly discovered this will not work. I"ll have to leave it in on of the two lots. THe problem is I start and end up at the same place on Monday and Wednesday. But I don't want to haul everything including my lunch with me all day. SO I'll work something out maybe dropping stuff off I'll need for the second half of my day at my office first then driving over or something, I"ll test out a few different ways. Work was ok, I did about ten minutes of work and worried about my schedule for the rest. There's a rule where you can't have more then 42 hours of communication credit you have to take it elsewhere, but some courses don't count towards that. I couldn't remember what those were and I thought I'd need to change my entire schedule around. So I came back to class in the other building which my old friend is teaching its rather funny actually a web design class, it should be really cool and I"ll show you what I create. It will hopefully put this blog to shame. He let us out way early so I stopped in at the advisors to see. Since I peer advised for a year myself and worked in the department for two years, I do know a lot of the stuff. I got paired with another peer advisor I knew from the start wouldn't be able to answer my question, no offense but I didn't even know it. She pretended to help me for about 10 minutes and finally let the real advisor help me. I am now ok with the credits I'm taking and will be fine to graduate with the courses I'm in. I"m so happy I honestly don't know which two classes I'd give up it'd have to be newsbreak or webdesign and I think I"ll like both of them really well. So that's it so far, now I sit waiting for my next class to start at 1:25. Hopefully it'll end super early too. I have to pick up contacts today, I called expecting to need an eye appointment but they said I"m good for two years and can just buy the contacts, that made me very happy and I also have a chiropractor appointment later. Wow this turned into an insanely long post, but I haven't talked to anyone since this morning and needed to get it all out!
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Haha, KayCee, that is my commute EVERYDAY... hahahaha. You get used to the shaking and near death experiences. I'm so happy you're busy and enjoying life and GRADUATING! Woop woop!
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