Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm home!

Well hello everyone I am finally home after a very early and long flight this morning. I made it safe and everything is good except being insanely tired, having a ton of homework and of course laundry/unpacking. I plan on doing a full out post in the next few days when I have more time, but I had more observations of coming home. Also I just read something about me that upset me really bad and I knew typing this would get my mind off it. If you want to know email me or call, I really don't feel comfortable typing it on here.
So here goes some from my last night there others on plane here. Oh and sorry the last post had so many typos I was doing it while talking to my family haha.
-diet coke on an airplane for some reason tastes really good
-it sucks if the person you're sitting next to on the plane has gas
-a lot of clouds create an extremely "textured" ride
Houston Hobby airport is extremely efficient and only takes ten minutes to get to your gate
-Lidia's brother will try and scare you about Guatemala
-I LOVE my iPod
-blueberry breakfast bars are kind of nasty
-it's almost impossible to sleep on an airplane although not totally if you're tired enough
-some people are very ignorant
-it sucks sitting next to someone who is sick on a plane and across the aisle a single mom with a little baby and toddler.

Well that one was short I promise I very exciting post is soon coming!


Le Fabuleux destin d'Alex said...

Oh kaycee where are all your thousends of other notes??? LOL hey I want to know what happend I am dying to know! Really but I have been to sick to do anything about it :( please tell me!