Saturday, May 30, 2009

And I'm home!

Hey everyone, I made it back safe from the adventurous trip to Guatemala!  Yes, it is two days early, I got back late last night with Sam after getting sick there and coming home early.  It was honestly the craziest adventure of my life from zip-lining across mountain with real rattlesnacks (yeah crazy I know), to almost rolling a little three-wheeled taxi "tok-tok", to enjoying the beautiful land of Gautemala-honestly some of the prettiest places.  I promise many many pictures and a detailed post to come!

Friday, May 22, 2009

And I'm off!

Wow, Guatemala is finally here!  I leave tomorrow around 2:00 in the afternoon.  It's crazy there's been so much anticipation and planning for this trip, I booked it before I even went to Texas. I'm very excited, a little nervous but it should be a good adventure.  We have a lot of fun things planned, including diving, a trip to the temple and to see Antigua.  Here are some pictures I pulled off the web of their volcanoes, beaches and Antigua itself.  I'll have to compare these to the ones I take.  I'm planning on keeping a nice log of it, I won't have any electronics (I know how will I survive) but I'll do it the old fashioned way with pen and paper.  I'll do an extensive post when I return.  Well I"ll see you all in a week!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More random ramblings

I totally feel like I"m in school again.  I've been totally avoiding applying for this one job, for like two weeks.  I have to write two three-page essays, yeah you can understand my lack of excitement.  So I'm doing what I did during the school year when I avoided things that is blog, stalk others blogs, Facebook, check email 400 times and basically anything else that can help me avoid it.  I blocked out a good chunk of today to just get it done but keep finding things to avoid it.  I even let myself leave work earlier then I planned just for it.  I might as well make this a sort of meaningful post and tell you about the last day or two.  Last night I went to Chalice's last two regular softball games of the season.  This is her last season to play and she's now in the debate of playing Allstars or working.  She did really well, got two nice hits right between first and second just into the outfield both times.  I believe her team placed third, almost second but that's a sore story ask her for details.  I've also been working on my needlecraft a lot more lately with no school and I"m loving it.  I even pulled out the sewing machine today, not my most favorite thing I'd much prefer using a needle or crochet hook, but it was kinda fun, it didn't even break on me so I may be working on more projects this summer.  I have sooo many to do.  Today I finished the big movie project at work.  I was very happy.  I uploaded them onto our server and let the guy know to review them and let me know how they were or if things needed to be changed.  I was so happy to get it done before Guatemala.  I asked what other things needed to be done and got three more big projects.  One I have to design a transfer guide for future students using a program I"ve never used before, I started it and we'll see how it goes.  The other I have to email all these people to update information sheets we have, yeah no fun going through other people.  The person who gave the projects to me didn't give me everything I need either so I was very frustrated.  Also I have to update another thing for incoming students that hasn't been updated since 1997.  I definitely wish I had more of  an engineering background there are just some things where if I was a student in the field it would be easier.  Luckily I'm a pro with the internet.  I finally got so frustrated plus with this job application looming on my mind I left work only after a half day.  Again I"m loving the decide my own schedule but with taking a week off I feel like I should be putting more hours in.  I also checked and I'm off the U's student directory.  :(  Don't get me wrong it's a great thing and I"m sooo excited to be done, but it's sad in a way too.  It's what I've known for four years, oh well onto the next adventure in my life.  Anyway, this turned into more of a vent things but oh well it kept my brain from wandering on Facebook or other mindless things.

Monday, May 18, 2009

What's going on with KayCee lately...

So I decided to do another boring typical "what's going on with KayCee lately" post after my own Grandmother didn't realize I was still working at my old job.  I guess even though I talk to her multiple times a week I still rely on this blog for all the normal updates and I haven't been doing a lot of my typical day to day things lately more just big events.  So here goes, I'll try to remember everything so I may need to work from what's going on now backwards.  Yes, I do still have a job thankfully.  My old work is letting me stay on for a month or two until I find something different or they run out of money or things for me to do.  Its been very nice I get to work whatever schedule I want and don't have to tell them beforehand just show up or not show up.  I'm still not sure how many hours I can work during the week in the semester it was maxed at 20, so who knows.  This sort of freedom has been nice but I'm sure I'll regret it one day.  I'm getting used to pretty much doing whatever I want with no school a very laid back work schedule.  Too bad I don't have any awesome adventures, but I try to stay busy.  My Guatemala trip is Saturday!  I can't believe it so much anticipation and it's finally here.  I'll be gone from May 23-31 I know you'll all miss me terribly :)  I will admit I am a little nervous but trust Lidia since she's a native.  I'm also excited for my first international experience at traveling and am sure I"ll have many adventures.  We're already planning some exciting things including diving!  Yeah not quite sure if I'll make that but we'll see.  I've been taking care of things before I leave and getting everything all straightened out.  It's funny how much there is to do for one little week vacation, just to come back to the real world after it's all over.  I'm also in the debate of buying a little point and shoot camera.  I have my big one but don't want to take it.  I could borrow one, buy a used one or buy a new one I just can't decide.  This weekend was sort of adventurous on Friday me and my mom went to see Angel's and Demon's it was quite good and held your interest right until the end.  Sadly enough I still have yet to read the books, I own them both but with school never had the chance too, its near the top of my list of reads.  I also managed to get a minor case of road rage that night after a guy cut me off twice and after I honked which I can honestly say I've only ever done like four times since I was able to drive, he flipped me off.  I was very upset to say the least I even tried to convince my mom to flip him off, she didn't go for it though.  It's been soo weird without school.  I've had school breaks before but there's always a new semester to look forward to and things to prepare with that.  Now, I see many possibilities in the future and its crazy choosing which path.  I've been applying for more jobs.  I've had a few interviews and many say my application passed initial review and others deny me out right. So we'll see.  It's good in some ways I've been able to get a  lot done with my other job, they're very flexible, plus with going to Guatemala it would be hard if I had gotten a job to ask for a week off.  Anyway, that's me as of late, not too exciting but its my life :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A good laugh

Well guess what I got today?  The graduation picture proofs.  YOu know the one where the stage falls on me.  Well I thought I'd brighten everyones day and post the link here (I hope it works). 

I tried with all my knowledge to save the image and put it on here but they're pretty good at blocking it.  I seriously was laughing for a good five minutes so enjoy a good laugh for the day at my expense.
*Update JJ (or probably Jacob) was able to get the pic for me so you don't have to go to the website.  Man why am I doing this to myself, good memories to tell my kids I guess.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Graduation Day

Ok, here is the Graduation Day Post with lot's of pictures as promised some of them at first aren't the greatest, it's hard to see me, but at the end there are some good ones.  Also when I uploaded them it did it kind of out of order.  I tried to put them back into order, but wasn't working out so you'll get the story just a little backwards.

If you look you can see me very middle of the picture showing off my cover to my family taking the picture.
Haha ok like funniest story ever you walk over in front of these flags and have your picture taken.  Well I accidentally stepped back onto the flag stand and it started tipping over on me.  I seriously thought the entire stage was falling on me.  I"m sure if she had taken this picture two seconds later my face would have been priceless.
Here I am hugging one of my most favorite professors I really will miss him.  I worked with him a lot when I worked there and I only had one class with him, my very last semester, but he's a really nice guy.
Here I am hugging the Department Chair.  She was sitting down by all the other Chair's and when I walked by she ran over and hugged me.  It was funny after this and the professor everyone sitting around me was like what how do you know all these people because she mainly teaches graduate students.  Since I worked in the Department she got to know me really well and know at engineering she comes over to work with another program right by my office and will always say hi.
Here I am getting my picture taken when the first give you the cover right after reading my name.  I even knew this kid, he's the student body President.  I did an interview with him on Newsbreak.  He's a really nice guy whenever he sees me on campus he says hi and even remembers my name.  He added me as a Facebook friend and now has like 1300, it makes my 100 look like nothing.
This is a shot of the entire Huntsman Center and how it looked.
Here is when the Dean of the College is speaking.
For some reason it won't let me type above the picture of me JJ and Jacob, but that's all of us who graduated again the sun was a little rough.
Me JJ and Chalice yeah not fair how Chalice looks perfect and I'm squinting to death.
Me Sun and JJ.
Me and a good friend Edgar.  He was in Newsbreak with me.  He is amazing truly you'll see him anchoring the National evening news here pretty soon.  He already has a job at NBC in New York this August.
Me and Sun I was glad she was able to come.
Me and my parents.  My dad kept making dumb hand signals behind us this was the only one without it, but we're all squinting.
Here is me right after my college graduation the sun was very very bright.

So there you have it.  One very long day.  We had a little get together at my house later that night.  I was glad my friends Sam and Shelley were able to come join in the celebrations as well as other family.  I can't believe I"m finally done it feels like last year I just started, but I know good things are in the horizon and I"m excited to see where it takes me.

Monday, May 04, 2009

It's Official

It's official and FINALLY here!  I'm graduating on Friday!!!!!  Yeah, I'm just a little exclamation point happy today I think.  I turned in my last final today and unless something crazy happens with my grades, I'll be a college graduate as of Friday.  I definitely can't believe it's here.  Looking back four years ago I never thought this day would come.  I have no homework staring me in the face, or a new semester to look forward to, or classes to sign up for.  It's all done.  Now the real world starts, who knows where that will go.  I went on a job interview today.  I won't get into too much, I'll wait until I get official word on everything else all I'd be blogging about was interviews.  I'm posting the picture I sent out in my announcements, this is definitely a day I'll want to remember for a long time-the day of freedom.  I'll keep you all up to date on fully document Friday's events.  Not only am I graduating but my sister JJ is getting her Master's in engineering and my brother in law his Bachelor's in engineering. (Yeah I already feel bad for myself that I have to sit through all these ceremonies :)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

My new loves

I decided to show a little more gratitude and do a post of all my favorite things lately.

1. Sonic prints this survey information on the bottom of their receipts, you call in a number answer questions for 2 minutes and get a validation code for a FREE 44 oz drink, yeah enough said (BTW thanks JJ and Jacob for the tip)

2.  OOh my this next one, so I have a lot of perfume not really a secret.  Well, I haven't bought any new kinds in quite awhile.  Last time I was at Victoria's Secret since I'm a VIP Angel Card there (yeah another one of my loves) they gave me a sample of their new perfume.  I'm not normally a fan of their beauty products except Pink, but I tried it.  Oh my I love one of the smells called Satin I've already used my little sample and that is my next "treat" item for sure!

3.  KSL classifieds.  I've sold stuff on there that I don't need/use anymore as well as bought things and its mostly locals which is nice.

4. Along with that Ebay and Amazon for books.  I know I know I should just go to the library, but I like a lot of the LDS authors you can't find at the library and are too expensive at Deseret Book or new authors where it'd take three years to get through the library wait list.  I can get books for usually a third of the price this way.

5.  Getting letters from a certain missionary.  I now love getting the mail and usually stalk the mailman everyday.

6.  Walmart Photo Center online.  I can upload pictures online and send them to their hour photo.  I love it because I don't have to go over there then wait an hour to have them printed, plus they're super cheap.

7.  I love that I only have one exam left to go!  I finished my website I had some feedback on my resume and spruced that up a bit.  I also updated the pictures on my portfolio section.  You can check out the final version here   click on Portfolio to see it.  If you click on A&WMA that's the site me and my partner created (mostly him) and its for an actual business which is pretty cool.

8.  I recently discovered the joy of youtube.  You'd think since I"m in the field I'm in I'd have an account there years ago to upload my work, well I just got one last week and have one video up.  It's one I"m making for the College to go on this presentation they take to different schools.  I did the editing like putting the music to it, making slides and piecing the clips and another girl helped find the clips, it was funny she said the other day when we finished do you tell your parents all that you learned in college.  I'm like what?  She said how your tuition money is put to good use.  I'm like what do you mean.  She's all its so cool you actually like make movies I wish I could do that I'd tell everyone.  I was like well they stopped caring like three years ago haha.  Anyway, so now I'll tell you all I can make movies and here is one of them (to my family remember that murder one I made haha I should upload it)

9.  I love my new hair.  I did a lot more blonde highlights and cut about an inch off (same style more just trim)  I really loved it so much because I got a girl that did hair in California at a salon.  Well her husband had to move here and Utah has more requirements then California to get a license.  Since she hadn't been working two years yet they made her transfer to the school here for 400 more hours.  She only has like 2 more weeks left, she already was working in a California salon and I got the price of a hair school, yeah pretty sweet.

10.  K, don't make fun of my but I really love the new song by Miley Cyrus called Climb.  I'm not normally a fan of hers, but yes I did go see the movie one afternoon by myself I really wanted to see something and I wanted something I knew wouldn't have gross stuff in it.  Well the song has a really good message talking about life is always going to be an uphill battle there's always going to be hills to climb, so enjoy the view and live life in the moment.  Don't always keep thinking oh I just need to make it to this or that.  I think I did that a lot wtih school and now look where that got me.  I kept thinking oh wait until I graduate,  well now its almost scary at that point because it's like where do I go from here.  They'll always be mountains to go up and its not as fun just thinking the point is to get to the top we should be enjoying it the entire journey.  

11.  Lysol spray in a mini travel size can.  I'm normally a pretty big germ freak.  Well, this swine flu doesn't really help, but when I was in the store the other day I went to pick up some hand sanitizer because I always carry it anyway and I was running low.  Well they were completely out.  I finally went through the check out stands you know how sometimes they have that stuff there.  I finally found some so I bought these wipes, two different kind of spray sanitizers and this little bottle of lysol.  It'll be nice for the plane and I already used it at work on everything and on the table when I went to eat haha yeah I'll probably still end up getting this thing I always manage to get sick no matter how careful I am.  

Well those are all I can think of for now.  I"ll get back to that essay...then that will be one more love-being done with school!