Ok, here is the Graduation Day Post with lot's of pictures as promised some of them at first aren't the greatest, it's hard to see me, but at the end there are some good ones. Also when I uploaded them it did it kind of out of order. I tried to put them back into order, but wasn't working out so you'll get the story just a little backwards.
If you look you can see me very middle of the picture showing off my cover to my family taking the picture.
Haha ok like funniest story ever you walk over in front of these flags and have your picture taken. Well I accidentally stepped back onto the flag stand and it started tipping over on me. I seriously thought the entire stage was falling on me. I"m sure if she had taken this picture two seconds later my face would have been priceless.

Here I am hugging one of my most favorite professors I really will miss him. I worked with him a lot when I worked there and I only had one class with him, my very last semester, but he's a really nice guy.

Here I am hugging the Department Chair. She was sitting down by all the other Chair's and when I walked by she ran over and hugged me. It was funny after this and the professor everyone sitting around me was like what how do you know all these people because she mainly teaches graduate students. Since I worked in the Department she got to know me really well and know at engineering she comes over to work with another program right by my office and will always say hi.

Here I am getting my picture taken when the first give you the cover right after reading my name. I even knew this kid, he's the student body President. I did an interview with him on Newsbreak. He's a really nice guy whenever he sees me on campus he says hi and even remembers my name. He added me as a Facebook friend and now has like 1300, it makes my 100 look like nothing.

Here is when the Dean of the College is speaking.

For some reason it won't let me type above the picture of me JJ and Jacob, but that's all of us who graduated again the sun was a little rough.
Me and a good friend Edgar. He was in Newsbreak with me. He is amazing truly you'll see him anchoring the National evening news here pretty soon. He already has a job at NBC in New York this August.

Me and my parents. My dad kept making dumb hand signals behind us this was the only one without it, but we're all squinting.

So there you have it. One very long day. We had a little get together at my house later that night. I was glad my friends Sam and Shelley were able to come join in the celebrations as well as other family. I can't believe I"m finally done it feels like last year I just started, but I know good things are in the horizon and I"m excited to see where it takes me.
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