Monday, July 27, 2009

Halfway through summer...what??

I'm really slacking on the blogging lately, I guess that's what happens when you're having too much fun.  I promise this post will make up for it.  I'll try to think back two weeks ago, it may be out of order, but I'll do the best I can.  I FINALLY got that tiny piece of paper in the mail after working four long years and waiting the past couple months since graduation.  It's really not as cool as it could have been.  It's basically computer paper with the embossed University logo, but oh well it still means the same thing I suppose.

Last week for my primary kids I decided I wanted to get something for them.  After brainstorming all week, countless google searches and looking over the lesson I decided to make prayer bears for them.  I originally was going to get tiny little bears and tell them they were prayer bears, then I found these little guys on clearance and decided to be ambitious and make my own shirts along with glitter glue and all.  I think they actually turned out pretty cute.  One of my little girls even brought me cookies and a card with her Grandma to say thank you.  I about cried it was the cutest thing ever.  This week my co-teacher moved so I was stuck doing sharing time by myself.  Yeah, it was interesting to say the least.  I wanted my kids to help which I can't decide if I regret or not.  It was on keeping the Sabbath Day holy needless to say I'm glad it's over.
Last week I also went to a car show (sorry no pics) it was cool to see a lot of old and new cars.  And we went to see the floats on display at South Towne Expo.  Again no pics.  Joe is a huge BYU fan and well we all know where my loyalty is.  There was a BYU float and also one from his stake.  Each person got to vote for their favorite float and he even chose BYU over his stake.  I chose a completely different one because I knew if I voted for his stake he'd automatically vote BYU and I couldn't have any part of that ;)

On Thursday I went to the Kenny Chesney concert.  Can I tell you how amazing he is in concert?  He has such high energy it was soo much fun.  I wasn't a fan of Miranda Lamber who opened for him, but what can you do.  Lady Antebellum was also there, they were good too.  Here we are enjoying it, notice the hats?
Pioneer Day was also very crazy.  Joe came with us, it started watching Chalice's softball tournament in Orem, to going to Fairview for the parade, back to Orem, then back to Fairview for the derby.  I was exhausted and slept til 11:00 the next day (I never do that I can't stand to sleep in), but it was a lot of fun.  Here I am at a car show there in front of Bella's truck.
We were all separated watching the Derby, me and Joe were able to still sit together.  We're trying to do a self-portrait with my huge camera, it's hard to hold out and take a picture at the same time, that's why my face looks so weird.

Wow, lot's of updates on pictures.  Even just today I had a call to come interview for one of the many positions I applied for at the U.  It's not one of the best paying, but it'd be a job.  I also got an email from a principal who's school I used to help do outreach events for engineering at.  The guy I work with now gave my information to her because he thought I'd be interested in an outreach coordinator position.  It's a very part time position, but I thought maybe it could be a good opportunity, I"ll see where it goes.  I also had quite and embarassing experience walking into work today.  I was walking down this little hill that happened to be muddy.  I didn't realize this and totally slipped and fell down.  I had mud everywhere, it was bad.  I was able to clean a lot of it off, but I hurt my wrist again, the same one I keep hurting.  It's not broken or anything, but still is annoying.  Well, there's my last few crazy weeks I'll try to be better about posting so it's not some marathon thing.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another week

I just wanted to give a quick update before I forget.  I’ve been busy this week as usual.  I have no idea how I found time for things while I was in school.  Speaking of…drum roll please….big news I just got word today my degree has been OFFICIALLY awarded.  Meaning I passed all my classes and am officially a college graduate.  Wahoo!  I also ended up going to the doctor on Saturday (yes with a $30 co-pay instead of $20 because my doctor was closed) After minor speculation I could have swine flu and being just a tad freaked out I went in to find I had a sinus infection.  It was what I suspected all along.  So no worries, no pig flu here.  Good news was he couldn’t hear anything in my lungs, but gave me a refill on my inhaler in case it turns into bronchitis.  I feel better today like the pressure isn’t so bad, but you’d think after being on four days of heavy doses of antibiotics I’d be almost cured and I’m not, so I’m still a tad frustrated, but at least I know what it is and can be on the mend.  The most frustrating part is my voice sounds so gross and the coughing at night, but I know it just takes time.  No word yet on the two job interviews.  I know the MACU one had an interview today with another candidate so hopefully I’ll hear from them.  The other interview was a group one, the weirdest thing I’ve ever been to in my life and even if they offered me the position I don’t think I’d take it.  I’ve also been dancing this last week (surprisingly getting better) I went to the new water park in Draper Cowabunga Bay (I know smart idea when I’m sick right?) it was not as fun as it looks and in my opinion not worth the price, maybe if I was younger or it was cheaper, but yeah probably won’t go back.  I also started a new book and am dying to finish it, but haven’t had a chance.  I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a book review blog, would anyone be interested or should I just keep my reading to myself?  Well, that’s a whirlwind update.  I’ve been taking lots of pictures and I’ll post them whenever I remember to upload them to my computer.  Ooooh and another exciting news event I am going to the Kenny Chesney concert.  JJ and Jacob asked about going in for the 4 tickets for $99 and I was all for it.  I’m so excited and there’s three other groups coming so it should be good!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


So today I got a call from the doctor.  Every test they had me do this second time around came back ok.  So that is good news no thyroid problems, but on the other hand so frustrating because I don’t know what’s wrong.  They said give it another week or two if things still aren’t better come back for imaging tests, not sure what that means all I can assume is it will equal expensive.  I just don’t understand why I’m still having problems over a month later.  Sorry to go on but this is my venting place and my frustration level with it is very high.  I just don’t understand they’re the doctors they should know what’s wrong.  Or one of these million tests should come back with the answer.  I’m also sick of paying that lovely $20 co-pay.  It doesn’t help that I have had a cold all week either.  It went from sore throat, to chest cold, to nose/head/sinus cold.  I actually think I have a sinus infection with the symptoms, but don’t want to give another $20 to get an antibiotic.  I’ve been taking over the counter stuff that seems to help.  And let me tell you one trick I’ve been using my face moisturizer under my nose.  It feels sooo good putting it on after blowing my nose a million times.  I’ve never had a cold this bad where my nose won’t stop running.  Therefore the reasoning thinking its sinus infection, along with a few other details I’ll spare you from.  Anyway, I just hope I get better really really soon.  People always say you don’t appreciate your health until it’s gone.  That is so true and even now I’m still in good health compared to others and I should be grateful my problems are so small, but sometimes it’s nice to just vent about them.  

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Summer fun

Wow, I actually let this go over a week.  Doesn't sound like me does it?  As usual a ton has been going on.  I'll try to highlight this past week.  I had a very enjoyable 22 birthday.  I know I'm getting up there in years.  Sunday we had family over for cake and ice cream.  I have the privilege of having my birthday the day after my Grandpa's so Chalice ordered us a very lovely cake.

My work brought in this one and we all sat around my office eating it.  JJ was dropping by a card right when they pulled it out and also shared in the festivities.  

I also had a very delicious lunch with Sam from Five Guy's mmmm it was yummy.  I went to see My Sister's Keeper that night.  I had read the book, it's very sad and the movie was completely different in the end, so I'm still not sure how I felt about it, but it was nice to be able to see it.  I also got some very nice gifts and all in all it was a great birthday.

I also this week had my first date with someone since Cameron.  Chalice's boyfriend Blake works with him, his name is Joe, and set us up.  We went country dancing, he's insanely good and me well not so great.  He was still very nice to teach me and we had a lot of fun.  We also hung out all day on the Fourth.  I was mainly just planning to go to the parade and a bar-b-que with some of his family and friends, but it turned into an entire day.  We hung out with a few of his friends, talking, playing card games and buying fireworks.  We also watched the big firework display later that night and lit some of our own.
He had volunteered to help block off the street and had me come.  We met in the police building there and I was the only girl.  Luckily, since I didn't know the town at all (it was in Magna) he asked for us to be together.  We got to wear sweet orange vests I felt like I was on safety patrol in elementary school all over again.

I started getting sick later that night and woke up this morning with no voice.  Go figure I got my first summer cold.  I was sad I was supposed to teach the lesson today, but Chalice ended up doing it.  I also went to the doctor on Friday because I'm still not better from what I had before.  I'm again having more tests.  My neck bruise is coming back and he says it could possibly be a thyroid problem or still more tests for different parasites.   I should hear back later this week.

I also had a phone interview for a job I really really hope I get.  It's only part-time, but is like my dream job.  The phone interview went really well and I have an in-person one this week.  It's doing internal communications like making videos and publications from higher management to the rest of employees for Mountain America.  I'm nervous it only being part-time, but they said definitely potential for more.  I also have a group interview for two hours this week.  Not quite sure what that will entail, but we'll see.

Wow, that was quite the update hope everyone had a good holiday.