I just wanted to give a quick update before I forget. I’ve been busy this week as usual. I have no idea how I found time for things while I was in school. Speaking of…drum roll please….big news I just got word today my degree has been OFFICIALLY awarded. Meaning I passed all my classes and am officially a college graduate. Wahoo! I also ended up going to the doctor on Saturday (yes with a $30 co-pay instead of $20 because my doctor was closed) After minor speculation I could have swine flu and being just a tad freaked out I went in to find I had a sinus infection. It was what I suspected all along. So no worries, no pig flu here. Good news was he couldn’t hear anything in my lungs, but gave me a refill on my inhaler in case it turns into bronchitis. I feel better today like the pressure isn’t so bad, but you’d think after being on four days of heavy doses of antibiotics I’d be almost cured and I’m not, so I’m still a tad frustrated, but at least I know what it is and can be on the mend. The most frustrating part is my voice sounds so gross and the coughing at night, but I know it just takes time. No word yet on the two job interviews. I know the MACU one had an interview today with another candidate so hopefully I’ll hear from them. The other interview was a group one, the weirdest thing I’ve ever been to in my life and even if they offered me the position I don’t think I’d take it. I’ve also been dancing this last week (surprisingly getting better) I went to the new water park in Draper Cowabunga Bay (I know smart idea when I’m sick right?) it was not as fun as it looks and in my opinion not worth the price, maybe if I was younger or it was cheaper, but yeah probably won’t go back. I also started a new book and am dying to finish it, but haven’t had a chance. I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a book review blog, would anyone be interested or should I just keep my reading to myself? Well, that’s a whirlwind update. I’ve been taking lots of pictures and I’ll post them whenever I remember to upload them to my computer. Ooooh and another exciting news event I am going to the Kenny Chesney concert. JJ and Jacob asked about going in for the 4 tickets for $99 and I was all for it. I’m so excited and there’s three other groups coming so it should be good!
Ooh ooh! I'll join a book review blog!! :)
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