Friday, September 04, 2009

An eventful week

I haven't been this excited for a weekend in a long time.  Not because I have exciting weekend plans, but just that the week is over.  I was in training all week for my new job as a loan officer.  It was actually really good.  It was a lot of information to take in and I first I thought there was no way, but now I'm feeling much more comfortable with it all.  I go to the branch next week which I'm sure will be a completely new experience.  On another note, this being the main reason this week was so eventful was the branch I used to work at was involved in an armed robbery on Wednesday.  It was interesting, I didn't realize how hard I took it until that night.  I wasn't even there, but watching the security video from the news is what did it.  Many of my closest friends were involved and just watching it was intense.  I've told them I can't imagine how they feel right now.  My friend Sammi did a post (her blog is linked to mine) and I really liked what she said.  After hearing some of their stories, and even though it was a horrible situation, there were a lot of little blessings in it and things could have gone much worse then they did.  I'm hoping I can snap out of it, I've had a very hard time sleeping, the nighttime scares me, and when I drive at night I put my pepper spray in my lap because I'm worried something will happen while I'm stopped at a red light.  I think some of why I feel this way comes from I used to work there and it hits really close to home, knowing a lot of my very closest friends were involved and knowing I'm not starting at a credit union again, what if it happens to me?  I just really hope they catch the guy and lock him up forever.  And since I don't want to end this post on that note, I decided this weekend to use my built up energy for something productive.  I dejunked my room.  Most of you who know me and have been in my room know I have a lot of things.  And most things I keep that have any memory to me at all.  Well, this weekend I decided I needed to let go of those less important things.  One example I loved the 101 Dalmatians as a kid.  Well my dad bought me a box of tissues with a picture of them on the side (yeah I know random huh?) I used to tissues up probably a year ago, but I still kept the box.  So that's one example of things that just needed to be thrown away.  Well three huge black garbage bags, one white one and several items to be put downstairs later I feel much better.  I'll post a pic of during the craziness and one after.


And after! 


Unknown said...

thats from 2 different angles of your room, it still looks bad from that 1st angle :)