As I'm sitting here at this mess I call a room, I'm reflective what I've been through growing up in here. It's a bittersweet moment. I'm soo excited for this new adventure and truly feels its the next step I need to be taking, however, anytime there's change it's always hard. I spent much of yesterday getting the big stuff moved in. I bought a new couch, bed, bookcase and of course got my lovesac and tv there. They were nice enough to let us start moving in then instead of everything tomorrow. Now I'm left deciding what to take from my old room, my parents are nice enough to let me leave everything else here, mostly furniture that won't fit or little trinkets that I'm not sure I'll want right at first. I'm also deciding on what things to keep. Of course I"d love to keep every little thing that serves as a memory of something, but on the other hand it's not worth it. I also officially am not a primary teacher anymore. That one was the hardest to give up. I love the kids I teach, they really let me go with a bang today, I had seven! I've had this calling for the last two years and a couple months and I've just loved it. I love seeing the new sunbeams come at the beginning of the year and how they just cry, but after a couple weeks they're so excited and run to give you a hug. I also learned a few lessons from them:
1. I I really really wish I was still in school, not necessarily working on my undergrad still, but in grad school
I planned to go to law school up until about a year ago
I’d be a millionaire if I took stock in Diet Coke
I’ve always loved dogs instead of having toy barbies and dolls as a kid I had dogs
I play the guitar
I really only know how to play church hymns and Green Day on the guitar, random yes I know
I love anything Disney
My favorite color is purple
Of course my heart lies with Utah but I’m really not a BYU hater I only say stuff to start controversy J
I’m extremely afraid of heights
I’m even more afraid of snakes
I wouldn’t eat a cheeto for a million bucks
I don’t really like pre-packaged food items for example Little Debbie snacks, twinkies even really chips
Because of 13 I should be skinny but I have a weakness for fresh bakery items
I can’t sleep in a comforter or sheets only on top with blankets (I didn’t think this was weird until a little Park City adventure and apparently it is…)
I have to do my laundry at least once a week even if I have clean clothes
I generally have a weeks worth of outfits picked out in my head
When I was in school and crazy obsessive planner I used to write out my weekly outfits…so I promise I am getting better
I used to never be able to procrastinate when it came to homework…then college came
Sometimes I still feel like I just graduated high school and I truly can’t believe I have a higher education degree
I love Mormon novel authors
I love apple products
I love Victoria’s Secret
I’m always cold and generally have a coat or sweater with me just in case
I’m usually over-prepared, if you need something I probably have it buried in my purse somewhere
Sometimes I wish I was shorter and sometimes taller
I always get frustrated with my hair but apparently I should be grateful for it and “supposedly” compared to others its really easy to do
I love Rocket Dog and DC shoes
I have a tiny crush on Kyle Korver
I love all sports and watch them even more then my dad
I love sugar cookies with frosting
The way to my heart is through Diet Coke
I love Friends
I love purses and have a ton of them
I love shoes and have a ton of them sadly I don’t wear a lot of them, mostly because I hate being taller then everyone
I love jewelry
I don’t have my ears pierced….yet
My favorite temple is Draper
Sometimes I think I should have been raised during the 1950’s
I have two of the best dogs in the world
I secretly love the Bachelor and Biggest Loser, well maybe not so secretly
I still listen to Nsync and Backstreet Boys
I don’t mind going to movies by myself
I’m a pretty good stalker, blogs, Facebook…in person….
I’ve traveled to two foreign countries
I’ve now become addicted to traveling
I’m terrified to snorkel again after the stupid fish attacked me
I still can’t believe I went parasailing…it was sooo high up
I’m in a very happy place in life right now
I wonder what the next step in life will be
I go to the “old lady” quilt night at my ward…the next youngest one there is my mom
As I was rereading the last few posts I decided I need to do a little spell check. I just want you all to know I'm not that special in how I write, moving right along this post will probably have just as many but oh well if it's bothersome don't read ;) just kidding. Anyway, Monday is official move out day. Guess who hasn't started packing or anything, yup me. So, if any of you have recently moved and have boxes you're willing to donate I'll gladly take them. I'm not even sure what to blog about I just decided to since I haven't in a couple weeks, I don't even have a topic to discuss. I'll do the usual, a recap. So Valentine's day was celebrated in a better way this year (most of you know I really don't like the holiday and no not just because its "single awareness day") it happened to be when Chinese New Year fell and since we've "adopted" a Chinese girl into our family what perfect excuse to celebrate it. She volunteered to make us a super delicious, authentic meal from there. I'm sorry (especially to Grandma) I didn't get any pictures. I did make heart cookies for the occasion, you can see the mouth watering picture of those on my Facebook :) I've been reading more, I just finished one haven't started anything new I decided to get through moving first. I decided I'm a little sad about losing my sunbeam teacher calling (I'm pretty happy about the blood drive one, its ironic they give it to someone who can't donate themselves...) Sunday will be my last day teaching. I figure I have the rest of my life to be a sunbeam teacher and only now to go to a singles ward so might as well take that step, plus I'll have Chalice to give me updates on how they're doing. This week I also had a little almost ER scare. I had the most unbearable stomach pain of my life Sunday. I almost went to the ER thinking it was appendicitis. I decided to wait it out a bit and luckily it calmed down. I was able to get into my doctor Tuesday for tests and still waiting for results. The doctor for now has me taking some sort of OTC "good" kind of bacteria...its like acidiphulus or something. Has anyone heard of it? Its supposed to treat lactose-intollerance and IBS which he thinks is the problem, a flare up of that. I hope that's all it is and this stuff seems to be helping for the day I've been taking it although I still have a sharp pain not sure what that's from. Anyway, my car is still fun although at times I'm sad I don't have a manual transmission anymore, its one of those sports shift where it can be automatic or you put it in manual mode, but its just not the same. I also went to another Jazz game and will also be going to one in March for sorority which should be fun. Ok, I realized I'm just starting to babble now and figuring a title for this post will be hard...but its just a recap of the last couple weeks and a preview of what's coming....I'll post pics once we're moved in and settled.
(This is oddly going to sound exactly like Sam’s post but I was thinking almost the exact same thing to say, she just did it first) As of last night, I’m officially moving out. It’s this super cute condo in Sandy, so I’ll be really close to work. I’m excited for this new adventure in life, plus I feel it’s a really good deal for what we’re getting it for and it’s almost brand new. I’ll post pics once we move in, in March and get things settled. I’ve thought about this for quite awhile, just didn’t want to make it public until everything was for sure, these things can easily change. With where I’m at in life, I decided becoming independent was a good step for me in life. But we signed the lease documents last night. Now the big question is, do I take Bella and should I buy a new bedroom set??