Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The month of February

As I was rereading the last few posts I decided I need to do a little spell check. I just want you all to know I'm not that special in how I write, moving right along this post will probably have just as many but oh well if it's bothersome don't read ;) just kidding. Anyway, Monday is official move out day. Guess who hasn't started packing or anything, yup me. So, if any of you have recently moved and have boxes you're willing to donate I'll gladly take them. I'm not even sure what to blog about I just decided to since I haven't in a couple weeks, I don't even have a topic to discuss. I'll do the usual, a recap. So Valentine's day was celebrated in a better way this year (most of you know I really don't like the holiday and no not just because its "single awareness day") it happened to be when Chinese New Year fell and since we've "adopted" a Chinese girl into our family what perfect excuse to celebrate it. She volunteered to make us a super delicious, authentic meal from there. I'm sorry (especially to Grandma) I didn't get any pictures. I did make heart cookies for the occasion, you can see the mouth watering picture of those on my Facebook :) I've been reading more, I just finished one haven't started anything new I decided to get through moving first. I decided I'm a little sad about losing my sunbeam teacher calling (I'm pretty happy about the blood drive one, its ironic they give it to someone who can't donate themselves...) Sunday will be my last day teaching. I figure I have the rest of my life to be a sunbeam teacher and only now to go to a singles ward so might as well take that step, plus I'll have Chalice to give me updates on how they're doing. This week I also had a little almost ER scare. I had the most unbearable stomach pain of my life Sunday. I almost went to the ER thinking it was appendicitis. I decided to wait it out a bit and luckily it calmed down. I was able to get into my doctor Tuesday for tests and still waiting for results. The doctor for now has me taking some sort of OTC "good" kind of bacteria...its like acidiphulus or something. Has anyone heard of it? Its supposed to treat lactose-intollerance and IBS which he thinks is the problem, a flare up of that. I hope that's all it is and this stuff seems to be helping for the day I've been taking it although I still have a sharp pain not sure what that's from. Anyway, my car is still fun although at times I'm sad I don't have a manual transmission anymore, its one of those sports shift where it can be automatic or you put it in manual mode, but its just not the same. I also went to another Jazz game and will also be going to one in March for sorority which should be fun. Ok, I realized I'm just starting to babble now and figuring a title for this post will be hard...but its just a recap of the last couple weeks and a preview of what's coming....I'll post pics once we're moved in and settled.