After my little "diet" plan to slow-down my Diet Coke consumption and try to cut back on the sweets (I have a serious problem with baked goods) I've pinpointed my recent downhill spiral back to my birthday where I may or may not have eaten (keep in mind my Grandpas birthday is the day before mine) at least 8 mini cupcakes, 4 slices of cake, an entire package of fun size Snickers bars, a King size snickers bar, Diet Coke until I exploded, carrot cake and I'm sure much more I'm conveniently forgetting right now. And I was doing so good before this! I had my Diet Coke down to 2 a day, very minimal sweets and I wouldn't eat anything just out of boredom, I made the decision to eat it. I had lost 7 pounds too, well I'm pretty sure that's back plus 10. Again, I take it back to my birthday because obviously you can have one day, but that one day turned into two in celebration of my Grandpas birthday and even a few days before that in celebration of Pat being here and after that because I couldn't let all the treats go to waste. Well this is what it's turned too...

I really hope to get back to where I was before. It's sad though I have no motivation like before and I don't know why I lost it. Hopefully I find it soon before I get so big I have to be rolled out of the house and I no longer fit into my car...
PS I miss my Grandma soo much lately, I know she would comment saying something like KayCee you just got to do it, do you want to be 400 pounds and trying to marry Kyle Korver? And that Diet Coke is going to eat your stomach apart! You could stand to lose a little weight (I always laughed coming from a woman who weighed 90 pounds on a good day and was always so worried about gaining weight) Oh how I miss her.
Luckily those dream bars are only 100 calories;) they are my guilty pleasure... or two. Haha!
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