Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Pics

Ok everyone get super excited I"m going to post some pics!!! I keep saying I"m going to so really they have nothing to do with anything I just wanted to put some recent ones up. The top one is a very recent one of me and my hair. The middle is of Chalice and her birthday cake and the other is just a random one of me.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another little update

Well hello everyone. I know it's been awhile, but it's been crazy. I hope you enjoy my new template with princesses. I couldn't find one I liked, I was going for a New Year's or even Utah one with the game this Friday, but couldn't find any so its the princesses for now. These past couple weeks have been good. Christmas was nice the usual hanging out family parties that sort of thing and I got a lot of nice gifts thank you everyone. I did get sick and had to go to the doctor on Christmas Eve which is a new one, but I'm glad he was there. All together this week I ended up with a double eye infection, this sore throat that last two weeks and lost my voice for a few days, and the stomach flu. I think I'm about 90% better and determined to keep pushing. I also sadly had to say bye to Lidia. It was hard, but I know even harder on her, so I'm looking at it as positive and I'm planning on trying to visit her during spring break in March, which I'm super excited about. I meant to do a Lidia tribute post but didn't get to it, maybe in the next few days, sorry Lidia. Let's see what else. I'm back at work today after not being here almost two weeks, I feel lazy but oh well it was Christmas. I have Thursday and Friday off with the New Year too! I'm preparing for the GRE I take next Thursday. Yes, I'm insanely scared, but oh well I'll just do the best I can at reviewing and all should go well. Oooh today I got back all my grades and I officially only need 15 more credits to graduate. I can't even begin to say how excited/happy I am. THink in like 4 months I"ll be a college graduate as long as I don't fail anything which you know is always a possibility. Man on Saturday since I hadn't been out of the house like all week I went to the mall to get some pants with the Christmas money I got and as I was shopping my phone sends me my email I got one from a professor about a class next semester. It's one I'm debating taking either that or another class to fulfill the requirement. Man after what she said already to have us do I think I want the other one. Plus its at 7:30 and I already have a 7:30 class the other three days a week. WHo knows, I just wish I could take easy classes and be done, but not quite. I also will start teaching primary again with this new year. Which reminds me I have to go visit all the little kids and take them this paper inviting them. I really need to remember to call the lady who teaches with me. I feel like today has been catch up day with my brain. Between that accident, being sick and just the mindset of Christmas I'm totally a space cadet. Anyway, just thought I'd give you a little update.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Crazy night

Last night I went to a Christmas party with my old work. I think I was technically Shelley's date haha but who knows. We went to Buca de Bepo up in Ft. Union. I"ve never been there and I must say it was amazing. It's served family style so they bring out all different types of dishes and you take a little of each. I thought it was a lot of fun and very very good food. Well, that's not the most interesting part of the night. I was driving home on 7200 South about 300 West stopped at a red light when some idiot slammed into the back of me. I think he must have been texting or just not paying attention. I felt like he was going 30 or so, but everyone keeps saying there would have been more damage if it was that fast. With how my head and neck hurts though I felt it was that fast but maybe since I was stopped it was less. When it happened I was terrified because it was late and really dark out. I started just crying and was about to call the cops but decided to call my dad. He, come to find out later, thought I hit someone and my airbags and everything deployed but really no it was someone who hit me. We kind of sat there then he I thought was leaving but really just trying to pull over. I finally went ahead and pulled into a hotel parking lot. It was dark and scary and I did not want to get out. I don't know why but the thought kept coming to me this guy would do something to me. I finally was like ok, I'll get out. I also was scared because I thought the back of my car would be totally smashed in, since it's a bug. I got out and was going to the back when he came up. I just told him my dad's coming and got back in the car. My dad finally got there we got his information, no cops because there's really no damage to my car just scraped some paint off. I'm not really hurt just sore and stiff on my neck with a headache. Well that's my story for the day. I swear something crazy always is happening especially around the holidays. It's snowing like crazy now and I didn't go into work today and glad I"m not out driving in this. Well, just had to tell you all my crazy adventure!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just another day

Ok, so again I'm writing on this instead of doing my homework. In my defense I did one of the papers very late last night and spent a few hours on revising it. This one that I"m supposed to be working on now due at 11pm tonight is because I did it wrong the first time and he offered a higher grade if I redid it. Yeah I was mad 15 page game I created off a movie apparently he wanted it more of a movie then a game he's all you let the player make too many choices I'm like uh duh that's what a game is all about anyway I'll stop complaining about it just do it and not worry about it anymore. After that my semester is officially done!!!! I was supposed to have my finance test tomorrow, but took it Monday instead and I can't tell you how happy I am I did that. It's so nice not having that in the back of my mind to have been working on. I stayed home sick today I woke up with a little sore throat since I'm producing Saturday's radio show by myself I decided I really can't get sick and usually if I rest and try to get better early on I can prevent anything too bad. I don't know where my curse comes from getting sick around Christmas. Three years I've had the stomach flu one year bronchitius and pneumonia go figure. Anyway, I'm hoping it's maybe just stress and my body forcing me to rest or if I am getting something I can prevent getting really sick. So I have a funny story just in the middle of typing this I went to grab a drink. I have this little space heater outside my door Sam sleeps by. Now she's very smart she'll run around creating friction on the carpet then lay down. Well this time she must have been tired she was completely stretched out and in a deep sleep. She was just stretching her paws out even more when I walked by. I bent down to pet her very gently and she just flew up almost hitting the heater. She didn't hear me coming I guess and I must have scared her pretty bad. Even though its sad I must admit it was pretty funny. Man there was another story I was going to tell, but I can't remember it now hmmm well enjoy the snow I'm going to get back to finishing this game paper thing and I need to put in at least an hour study time on the GRE.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Midweek Recap

Well I just wanted to give a play by play update of what I've been up to this week. It may be kind of boring, but I love going back and rereading posts from like 6 months before to see what was going on in my life at that time. Monday started out very nice. First day without classes yay!! Normally I have 7:30 class and let me tell you that gets rough. I still woke up because I was taking my finance test that day instead of waiting until Friday when it was scheduled. I had to pay 5 bucks but its worth it to me I can barely retain stuff in that class for an hour let alone waiting a week and a half since we had our review. I had a chiropractor appointment at 9:00. I had to scrape my car that morning too. I think we're now at that time where every morning we're going to have to but that's alright. I love going to my chiro. I go faithfully once a month and seriously don't know what I"d do without it. My neck can get pretty bad out of place as well as my lower back and the adjustments just help to regulate it. I also can get pretty bad headaches and even though I'm sore for awhile after I go, it's totally worth it. My neck was especially bad MOnday so he used this weird almost looks like a gigantic needle thing to pressure point my neck. I wouldn't say it hurts just kinda feels like a weird pressure. I also get the stem therapy where they put heat with it. Oooh this feels good. I also love that office. Even the other two doctors who I don't see know my name and general stuff about me. The nurses usually hook up the stem machine, but mine went off and one of the doctors was standing there so he unhooked me and was talking to me about what was going on. I know it's something small, but for him to have that many patients of his own I don't even go to him and yet he still knows me I think is pretty good. After that I came back home to finish my studying. Once I felt ready I headed to school and took the test. Now I know I didn't ace it, but I felt better about this test then any of the others, so we'll see how I did. I then went to work for a couple of hours. Oooh you'll be so proud. Since I don't drink milk (it makes me very sick) I decided I really need calcium, so I went to Walmart and bought a bottle of calcium pills. I forgot to take one this morning, but I took the two yesterday, they're huge but I'm determined to do it so I have good strong healthy bones! Tuesday I woke up at 7:00, I had scheduled myself to be to work at 9:00, but I thought I could go in around 8:30. I left my house and it was snowing like crazy cars were sliding all around and everything. Last year my bug hardly had any problems, its problems come when the snow is too high and since it sits so low can't plow through it. I almost turned back at the state street exit on I215 but decided to keep going. I got up to where you get off for the two Canyons and there was a truck one side of me spinning out and the plows came through on the other side leaving a wall of snow beside me and up ahead just looked ten times worse. I decided to just get off and turn around. I had already been driving well over a half hour and the radio said there was a bad accident at the exit I needed to get off for. I made it home after an hour ordeal emailed my work and they were fine with it. I didn't do too much except watch some tv, clean up the house, think about doing homework and almost made cookies haha. I know pretty exciting day. Today I got up to go to the temple before work. Lidia and I went to the Salt Lake Temple. I've only been there once and it was years ago, so that was really cool. It leaves you with such a peaceful and happy feeling all day. See I told you it was my Christmas resolution haha to go before then and I actually did it! Now I'm at work about to go to a Junior high to help with presentations on catapults. We'll see how that goes. Then I need to start working on some papers that are due tomorrow at 11pm. Then I will be officially done with school for this semester and only one more semester to go. Oh yeah and no word on people doing letters of recommendation. I'll worry about it after we get back from this school....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Life's moving right along

As I'm sitting here on a Sunday afternoon of course checking facebook and updating my blog I realized how crazy life is going to get in the next few months. Assuming I get into at least one of these schools, it's going to mean huge changes. Granted I'll still be in school which I've been doing since I was 5, but grad school I think will require a different mindset then I have been for the last 16 years of my life. And that's just the start of it. If I go to BYU more then likely that will mean a change of job and moving down there. The U I'd have to find a job ( I don't think I can have this one as a grad student) possibly being a TA or something. If I don't go to either place that means finding a real person's job or something full time which will be really hard with how the economy is going right now. I was so excited today I met with the bishop and got my paper signed to go to BYU, it was an interesting interview to say the least he just kind of signed it and went over their dresscode with me and asked if I read the honor code. I was like yeah haha. I also asked for a temple recommend. He thought I meant to get my endowments out so he was saying I"m not sure I"ll have to talk to the stake president I"m not sure how far out they let you before you get married unless of course you're going on a mission. I was like whoa wait all to do baptism's. That's when we realized our miscommunication. It had me worried thinking I was that bad he had to check with the stake president first. I'm really excited to finally have a current one. I know it's bad, but I just never think to go in to get it renewed. I just put it off and kind of forget about it. I hope to make a CHristmas (no not New Year's because I need to start before New Year's) to go to the temple more often. I'll start out slow, not say like three times a week or anything, but maybe twice a month and progress from there. I think it will help with making the decisions I'll be required to make in the next few months. All this change may begin to be overwhelming, but I know in the end it will all work out. Well wow this post took a totally different direction then I meant for it to take, sometimes I feel mine our little journal entries and possibly stuff I shouldn't write for everyone to see but oh well and other peoples blogs are so cute saying exciting stuff they do with pictures, but I just don't seem to have anything too exciting going on anyway yeah enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snowy Saturday

After spending the day reading a book from cover to cover I decided I like snowy days. Granted it wasn't much fun when we finished the radio show (I was out the door had both hours uploaded to the website by 10:04 thank you very much) and it was an insane blizzard, by the time I scraped one side of my car off the other side got completely covered again, but I realized I like snowy blizzard condition days. I remember last year it seemed anytime it snowed I had to go to work or school or some party I just couldn't miss, but today nothing. I grabbed my blanket, slippers ( a few too many diet cokes) and just enjoyed being lazy. Now this strictly goes against my rules of no "fun" reading until the semester is over but I figured since I"m taking the GRE right before school starts in January I won't have free time anyway. Yes, I do have a final test on Monday and have to finish two papers but eh who cares. After reading I've had a new ambition to start creative writing. I'm sure it's something that will just die out in a little while, but it doesn't hurt to start some of my own creations. I know I won't be the next J.K Rowling (first off I don't have to write it on napkins) or Stephenie Meyer, but I think it'd be fun and in a way therapeutic. Now nothing could have made this day more perfect but a diet coke from sonic and sugar cookie mmmm, but your days can only be so good.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ok, so today boredom has reached an all time new level. I think it’s because I’m so tired from studying night and day I just have no motivation for work. It is now 1:35 and I have to sit here until 5:00. I’ve been here since 12:00 and seriously it’s the longest hour and a half I’ve ever been through. I went to an elementary down in Orem yesterday (oh what joy) but now I’m just in the office supposed to be working on the movies for their website. It is so very exhausting staring at the computer listening to professors talk about the importance of engineering everyday ( I think I’d especially die if I was an engineering major) On top of this I have this GRE to study for (which I find any excuse during work to do) and work on my other finals for this semester. I’m listening to my music now too which will hopefully make the time go by faster but seriously maybe the clocks aren’t working correctly and its really past 5:00 and I should be going home….hmmm wishful thinking I think. Oh haha funny story so today was our best of Newsbreak show and yes I’m in it! I am also camera person I could tell you which camera but it wouldn’t make much sense anyway I come on at the end to help sing Utah Man. We had problems and when we did the first show we were way overtime so they cut some of it out of the script then we reshot it. We had the cheerleaders there who couldn’t stay so when we went through it again (half the class had to leave since they had finals and class time was over) and this time we went up at the end singing Utah man. Well, there were issues with this so we did it again. I think they were going to splice different parts of all of it together, so it should be interesting. I made sure to hide in the back, but I think you can still kinda see me. I’m the one in red haha (we all were). Anyway, then I went to finance class last one of the semester!!! I requested to take the exam early next Monday instead of having to wait a week and a half to take it on our assigned day of Friday. I have to pay 5 bucks which totally sucks but oh well better then dragging it out an entire week longer then necessary. After typing this huge thing I realized I really need to post more pics….I’ll try to be better I promise I know it’s probably boring reading my ramblings all the time and not getting any pics. Well, I should get back to my amazing movie making. Hopefully I don’t pass out from boredom.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Life's changes

So I'm writing this with a bitter sweet heart. One of my very best friends decided she needed to move back with her family in Texas. This saddens me greatly but I'm proud of her to make a decision that hard and if she feels its what she needs to do then I support her 100 percent. Plus I figure it will give me more excuses to travel. I also will be graduating with my bachelor's this spring. We all know the debates I've had about what to do after I do graduate. After some serious thinking I've made up my mind and actually went through with it today. I decided I'm applying for both the U's and BYU's programs and if I don't get into either I"ll start my career. Don't ask me what will happen if I get into both and if I have some amazing job opportunity come up I can't pass then I honestly would hold off my master's. So that's my official but still sort of unofficial depending what happens decision. I decided it's best to have many options open, even if they were very expensive to keep open I've already spent $180 on application fees so far, just so nothings totally out of reach and I"ll have options. I actually am excited about it. THe next hard task is asking for recommendation letters, but I"ll just suck it up and ask. Sorry I know this is totally jumbled all over the place but that's how my brain feels today. I had to drive down to Orem to help with an engineering presentation and I gave a presentation today at Chalice's school on interviewing. Plus spending that much just on application fees hurts my brain by itself haha. Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone an update, I'll stop before I hurt my brain even more.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I just have to say one thing in case I go insane. MATH IS OF THE DEVIL!!!! Especially in investment classes!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Random Ramblings

Well hello everyone. I know it's been awhile. I actually was in the middle of a post last week and had to stop for some reason and never went back to finish it. I was like doing a play by play of my entire day for that day, it was actually kind of funny. Anyway, I have a feeling this is more just a bleh post nothing huge and exciting. I decided I need to start a count not only to the end of this semester (only two more weeks of actual classes!) but a count until when I graduate. I really really really can't wait. Now the only question is do I go to grad school or get a real persons job??? Who knows not me for sure. I have a friend that's interviewing for an internship with KSL. Ok get this it's non-paid 20 hours a week, they said the interview lasts about an hour and get up to date on current events. I was like ummm I don't want to go through that. Plus after applying so late and not getting it this semester I dont really know if I want to try for next semester....or get one somewhere else...or just do classes...I dunno. I officially can be done with the radio show, all my work is turned in, but I"m not sure how to tell them that or when to be done. I"m not getting paid and like Saturday I got yelled at by some crazy lady. So many decisions and grad school I"m running really close to deadlines actually I'm not even sure I can with the GRE, which I"ve only barely studied for. I do have it in with the grad dept here at the U, but two things I dont know how many strings they could pull for one and two I"m not sure about getting my master's at the same place I got my undergrad. On the entire other side of things I may just want to start up my own videography business. With how the economy is right now and how expensive getting all my equipment would be, I'm really not sure. On a brighter note I decided I"m going to the Utah Bowl game. I"m sooo excited they announce it on Sunday. I would be happy at any of the three places to be honest, so we'll see, I definitely need a trip though. I also found out this morning Joed is getting married that would be a good excuse for a trip to Cali. Hmm well that was an insanely random post, but there ya go.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I'm going to use this post to vent. I hate waiting on people. So for this internship I have a final supervisor evaluation that was due last Friday, then extended deadline 8 am this morning. So, I'm not getting paid for this internship, the original letter I needed I emailed him for no response so I finally wrote it myself and made him sign up, again turning it in late. Luckily the midterm you just had to mark like 10 boxes for below, on or above average. This one, you just have to write out like one sentence answers, seriously like 5 minutes to do. Well, I"ve bugged him for two weeks about it. Saturday I reminded him he said call me Monday. So I did and he rejected my call this morning! I even text him no response. If I seriously don't get credit because of that I"m going to have a heart attack. I'm doing this for free and all you had to do was fill out one paper. Arghhhh! Also we were talking about interning for the session come January. He was saying how he was the one who got it from $200 to $2000 per intern working up there because it wasn't fair to those people who were having out of pocket expenses and couldn't even pay tuition with what they got. I almost screamed I'm like dude I"m not getting a dime and don't say it's cause there's not enough funding split the pay with the other person or give me some of yours (I know that's going to the extreme and I really didn't mind no pay especially since I was getting credit but when you won't even do one thing for me and you're talking about how you got other interns pay...doesn't add up. And I've had a lot of out of pocket expenses his office is far away as well as the radio station we broadcast from. Also, I've taken two days off work for the interim committees to conduct interviews without pay and using my own gas. I know I sound ridiculous but I just need to vent. I also never got paid back from the movie.....grhh and he was mean to me today go figure. And I have to do a story for Newsbreak this week and the guy I finally got a hold of someone. I'm doing a story on the renovations going on with Park building said for me to email him the questions. I'm like dude its for a tv show. Arghhh so I'm waiting back for his reply and I need the story done by Wednesday since we go on THanksgiving break and everything is shut down. And I'm trying to get in 20 hours worth of work in two days as well as go to class and shoot this story. And I took a finance test today I know I bombed :( Ahhh so life's frustrations that you can't do anything about...maybe I just need a diet coke and a good book to read.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random Post

Ok, this is going to be a random post updating you of what's been going on in my life the last week or so whatever I can remember since the last time I gave an update. My car hit 88,888 miles the other day. I was exactly at 4700 South and 3600 West it was super exciting. I took lots of pictures of this exciting and monumental event, hopefully I'll be able to post them haha. I also have been going to the amazing Utah football games. Yes this included the crazy win over TCU two weeks ago Thursday. IT was the most intense game I've ever been to. I'm going to the Utah/BYU game Saturday and am super excited. My guess for the score is 24-21 Utah. So, when I'm right I can say I predicted it haha. This week I also produced Newsbreak. I did it a special sports edition rivalry week show. It was soo much work, but in the end was way fun and worth it (I think). In the end I was very happy with how it turned out even though that meant a lot of long nights and very early mornings, but in the end seeing it all come together was way cool. Today I went on a little field trip to Rocky Mountain Power. I had to drive a carpool van so that meant I got to tag along on the field trip. It was really interesting getting to see how it all works and the control room and everything. I even got to 4-wheel the state mini-van into a substation and look in there. Tomorrow I'm going to a prescreening of Twilight!! I"m super super super excited to see how it turns out. I loved the books so I"m afraid I wont' like the movies, but I"m going to have hope for right now. Plus I"ve never been to a prescreening so even that is cool. Hmmm my mind is a whirlwind I"m not sure what else, just wanted to give you all a small update!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

8 Tags Post

8 Tag
I saw this Tag on Sam's blog and I liked it so...

5. Deal or No Deal


1. Went to DFCU Ops center to do an interview
2. Went to school at 7:00 am
3. Spent most of the afternoon changing the Newsbreak set for my show next week
4. went to work
5. did some prep work for the radio show
6. ate a lunchable
7.ate authentic Chinese food with my new friend Sun
8. tried to get to sleep early (didn't work so well)

1. Red Lobster
2. my house
3. Outback
4. Spaghetti Factory
5. anywhere that serves Diet Coke
6. Noodles
7. anywhere that's free
8. anyplace with yummy sugar cookies

1. Christmas
2. getting in better shape
3. graduating this spring!!!!!
4. having this Newsbreak over
5. this semester being over
6. BYU/Utah game (yes I am going, yes I am tempted to sell my ticket for 500 bucks)
7. Utah going to the BCS Orange Bowl in Florida (yes I would go)
8. going to Disneyland again

1. a new Mac
2. Final Cut Studio on the Mac
3. a new camera
4. school to be over right now
5. a house I bought all by myself (I know probably extremely wishful thinking)
6. a $5,000 wardrobe shopping spree
7. a brand new car (yes brand new just so I can say I bought one)
8. new shoes/purses(I always love new shoes and purses)

I tag whoever wishes to do this!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Finally a happy post!

Well I decided after rereading some of my posts that lately that I seem to just be an unhappy person. I wanted to set everything straight with a happy post letting you know that I'm a happy person. It just seems lately whenever I"m having a hard day I try to take a break and that's when I go to writing in my blog. Well if I"m having a hard time at that moment that's generally what I write about. SO, I'll tell a happy story. Yesterday, my wonderful grandmother and I went to a very tasty lunch at the Red Lobster. It was my ward's lunch group there for that month and since I love the place and haven't been in over a year, I decided to rearrange my schedule, take the afternoon off, and take my grandma. We had a very nice time and ate some awesome shrimp. I then helped her finish up her Christmas shopping (she's like 99% done crazy huh) I then went back to her house where we looked at different catalogs for Christmas stuff. I must have got my shopping addiction from her (yes Grandma I blame you with the QVC thing haha) As I said before I love Christmas and I can't wait until the day after Thanksgiving when I'm going to spend the entire day decorating our house. Oooh I also today got an Amazon certificate for $100.00 I redeemed points on one of my credit cards and ordered a 16 G flash drive and awesome boots. Anyway, I have a lot to get done, but I wanted a positive happy post (especially to go along with my new Christmas template) so I hope you all have happy days too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nastiest Story Ever!

Ok, so I have a really sick story that happened today. I was in need of gas and just had to find somewhere that had it for $1.99. Yes! Can you believe that gas under two bucks!!!! I was super excited. Well, it has been a really busy week with not so much sleep and its all kind of wearing on me today. Anyway, I"m filling up my tank and decided to clean out some of the garbage I"ve let accumulate in my car (yeah I used to be insane about keeping my car spotless-not so much anymore) I had my keys in one hand and credit card in another. I was like I don't want to lose the card so I stuck it in my pockets. One hand had the garbage the other had the keys. Well next thing I know a swear word almost comes out of my mouth because I dropped the keys in the garbage!!! Yeah, nasty I know. Luckily it was still a little light outside and I reach down to grab them. Well being the lucky Volkswagen owner I am, the key top part had fallen off my key ring. So yeah, I had to go back digging through the garbage trying to find it. Of course it was a fourth of the way filled with garbage and ewww I don't even want to think of what I touched. Somehow the stupid little key went all the way to the bottom of it too. I finally found it after taking the lid off and sticking both arms down in there (yeah I"m scarred for life now) I then run into the gas station frantically looking for a sink. I then spot a bathroom on the other side of the room when the cashier was like oh here's a sink you can use. I"m like thank you! I just dropped my keys in the garbage. She's like oh I would have given you gloves, I"m like well thanks now you tell me. So after washing my hands and keys three full times, I left. I also dumped the hand sanitizer I had in my car on me too. So, that is my story and I"m officially traumatized. Most people know how crazy I get with germs and touching weird things. Well you should have been there tonight, it was one for the record books.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

7 Addictions Tag

Wow, my first tag I'm so excited! Here is a list of my 7 addictions.

1. Well, no secret to anyone who's been around me for more then a couple hours to know my biggest addiction is Diet Coke. I have one before 10 am pretty much every day and just love it. I do drink mostly out of the can but a good fountain one from Sonic of McDonalds can't be beat. If I earned a treat for the day, that usually is it.

2.My cell phone. I know sad, but true. It used to not be so much but since I have the iPhone now, I just can't live without it. Most of you probably know the story how I ruined my original one on a ride at Lagoon. Well I got the 3G one a week after because I couldn't go back to just a normal cell phone. I love texting, the internet, my email on it, and all the cool apps.

3.Pajamas. I have, who knows how many pairs. I have three stacks in my closet as well as an entire drawer in my dresser filled with different kinds. Sadly enough I wear a lot of the same pair since they're my favorite, but oh well.

4. Another addiction is dogs. I just love them I think because how happy they always are. NO matter what kind of day you're having or if everyone else is mad at you that day, they're always there to greet you and cheer you up. Obviously my dog wins with this, but even I noticed the other day I'm stopped at a stop light and there's this dog in front of my I"m waving and smiling at. I had to stop and think what an idiot I must look like the dog can't respond, but I swear they're like little happy people inside those bodies.

5. Shoes. Most people might think I always wear the same pairs, but I have like 75 of them. I do wear different ones for special occasions, if I know I"m not walking far, or only have them on for a few hours. After I hurt my foot twice, it's just not worth it wearing the awesome ones I have around all day, but I still love them.

6.Anything Disney. Yes, this is an addiction. The disney store sends me like 10 emails a day because I love shopping on their site. I can't even really describe it, I guess like their slogan it's just magical and makes you feel like a kid again.

7. Christmas time. That might sound odd, but it's coming up so it fits. If anyone sees my house once I get a hold of it, you'd understand why. I just love Christmas time and everything about it. Our house looks like the Northpole hit. If I could get away with it I'd leave the decorations up all year. My most favorite thing is Christmas villages. I've started my own thanks to my Grandmother, as well as added pieces as I go, I think they're just soooo cute.

Ok, well that's it I now tag my Grandma, JJ and Chalice (who both need to start one)

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Well hello all. I hope this post is happier then the last. I actually have pictures this time too!!!! So Friday was Halloween. I didn't really have anywhere to go besides work and school so I just wasn't going to dress up. Then my friends asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house. I said sure and since they were all dressing up for work I decided to wear a costume too. I didn't put it on until after school, but it was still fun. I was Belle a couple years ago, so I pulled out my old costume and used it. Lidia didn't have one so I let her use my Snow White costume, so we're the two princesses.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A really really bad day

Well, I'm doing really well at these posts but I'm warning you now don't read this if you're in a good mood. This morning has been just awful. So, my story I get it in, even play it on our playback machine everything is just perfect on it. I'm really excited that I was able to make this huge package (I think the biggest we've ever done) and that I was feeling really good about how it turned out. So, first rehearsal, we're sitting there listening and mine comes up at the end well guess what it comes up but freezes then you hear the audio then it freezes again. So I start going crazy I'm sitting in the studio watching the show so I decide to go back to the control room to see what's going on, well the kid putting cueing up the packages accidentally played the version for the website he said no worries it will work just fine totally his fault. I'm like ok, I calm down and go back to the studio. In the process of all this I"m trying to study for this huge test I have coming up in my finance class that, well we all know how I feel about that class. Ok, so we start the show again (we're running near the end of class time so this is the real show) and my package starts, well the video plays just fine but the audio is all crazy. For some reason on the parts I did voice overs you can't hear me (just barely barely) and the parts where I did interviews or was shown in the shot you can. So I'm almost in tears while everyone is trying to say it's ok maybe they can edit it whatever. So class ends and I can't sit there adn worry about it so I go on to study for my finance test. Oh my heck I think this test is going to drop even my overall GPA. It was bad. I was sooo frustrated too because I feel like I study it, but anything math related just doesn't sink in. Well, I decide I cannot eat my 50 cent cup of noodles so I stopped at the Union for a sandwich which made my stomach hurt for some odd reason. Well I decided I needed to just try to make it a better day which I've been working on. Oddly enough I"m editing now stuff for work, but I have little motivation to do it since I had such issues with the editing for my class. Also, I let one of the guys who's working on promoting the college and he knows final cut and has been helping me out borrow the mini DV playback deck I have so he could load his footage on his computer. He returned it today and instead of me keeping it until Friday I took it down to the Communication Lab. Well the lab tech was in there working on the playback machine. Come to find out he's trying to figure out what happened to my package. I told him I checked audio it sounded just fine. He asked if I looked at the levels it had, I admitted I hadn't but he checked and they were for the most part level. He still after working on it couldn't figure out what happened and admitted it wasn't my fault as far as he could tell since he checked and it did seem to work for some reason it just didn't when they did the show. Sooooo, in the end even though it wasn't my fault my package was ruined and I"m the one looking like an idiot. The reason I cared so much is my professor sent this nasty email on Monday which totally almost made the entire class cry (it was bad I almost should post it) just saying how we need to step up and everything. I'm like I'm trying as hard as I possibly can and checked everything I could. So all in all it was a really sucky day, but the Jazz and World Series is on tonight so I'm trying to think positive. I feel a little better knowing at this point there wasn't anything I could do about it. Oh and also just warning you all please dont watch it tomorrow, I'm already embarassed enough.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well hello again! I feel I"m doing pretty good on my updates they're about to once a week now. So I have Tuesday's "off" I use quotation marks because they are anything but off and doing nothing. I actually can't remember the last time I stayed home all day, I"m not sure if there is a day. Last week I had to be on campus shooting/editing stuff for my story that will air this Thursday night 10:00 channel 9 (thought I'd throw that in there). It's on ballot issues many people may not be aware of. I didn't even come close to finishing it and had to go up on Saturday after the radio show and after I shot stuff for my engineering job for the video I"m doing for them. I was then editing in the library until around 6:00 I believe. I then had to be on campus yesterday at 7:00 am (yes am) and finish up editing. It was a long package, but I feel really good about it. THere are a few spots where I didn't have video to go with what I needed to say to connect stuff, but I used some old shots I had and hopefully it'll be ok. And today Tuesday I'm going to lunch with a friend who just got off his mission, then I may go back up to campus to help with the production of this week's show. My teacher sent out two pretty mean emails about people not having their stuff in and us not having enough stories, so I thought I'd try to help. I have a test in my oh so favorite finance class though so I need to do some studying for that. Oh yeah, and the continuation of last night's crazy rained out game, that was sorta funny though that they actually delayed it. I bet Tampa is like we can move it to our field haha. Anyway, that's been about my life lately running from place to place not quite sure if I'm getting everything done I"m supposed to, but trying hard to. Chalice even commented I"m out of it lately I spilled a diet coke, forgot to remind her about some event (I"m like my families calendar ask any of them including you JJ) I guess I"m just losing my touch :( Oh I went to a grad school fair yesterday. Oddly enough the only schools I talked to were from BYU. I'm still not decided what I want to do yet. It's so expensive taking the tests then applying, when I still haven't yet decided if that's totally what I want to do, but I'm not sure I could come back to school after being off a year or two. Maybe I'll just win the lottery or hit it lucky at the blackjack table in Vegas and not have to worry about anything. Well, I know that one was all over the place, but thought I'd give an update!

Friday, October 24, 2008

You know you have sweet packing skills when...

Yes, the following pictures our of my little bug with a full size mountain bike in it. No, I was not the mastermind behind it all. So it all started today when I was insanely bored at work and couldn't stand watching another clip of boring engineering (yes they are boring to all the engineers who read this :)) professors. I had been emailing my sister JJ throughout the day and had even gone to her office in the next building over to visit her. Well, she emailed asking if I wanted to go to lunch. Of course I said yes, I want out. We decided to leave like half hour later (which is a good thing this guy had been trying to find me all week to set up a hard drive on my iMac for the video editing program I use) Anyway, that's beside the point. So the problem started when she had her bike but I needed my car to load some camera equipment I had to go pick up at another building on campus. We decided I'd go down to the building (I had to take care of some other things down there too) while she went to get the car so we could load the equipment into it right by the building. I wasn't there for this crazy loading job, you'll have to get her story of it, it was funny when she told it. But she had to load it in three different times trying all sorts of angles. She had to put the entire backseat down and push the passenger chair all the way up. The trunk wouldn't even close either. So now you all can say you saw a full size mountain bike in a bug. I seriously thought she wanted to drive like that too, I still had to put my equipment in there, but luckily we didn't she rode down to where we ate and I drove. Well, that's the story for the day, I'll see what other crazy things can fit in there. Maybe I should look into a bigger car...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life in School

As usual and how it always seems I'm sitting in finance class not paying attention. I've only been in here for two minutes, that's what's bad. Be proud of me though I paid attention the entire time on Monday, well most of the time I sent a few emails too. So today in Newsbreak we did a segment outside where they showed how to tailgate. Lucky me I got to be camera operator out there. I had a headset on with the director telling me what to do, but it was still kinda rough on our rehearsal, but the live one went good. It will be on Thursday channel 9 at 10:00 so you can watch and even though I won't be on there anything shown outside is what I was shooting. I will be on the next week doing a story on issues that are on the ballot people may not be aware of. I thought it was 1:45 package, but I just checked the sheet today and she gave me 2:30. That's a huge chunk of time and I'm not sure how well it's going to go. I worked on it all day yesterday from shooting student interviews, interviewing the director of politics here and started to edit it. I think I"m going to go to the zoo get some footage, the Capitol and Tracy Aviary. So needless to say it's a lot more then I was expecting to take on. I wasn't even going to do anything but my teacher was like KayCee have you done a package yet I know you did the interview and wrote another story but you should do a package. So, that's how that got started. Man I feel like this is all confusing cause I hear the professor talking in the background and it's weird to type at the same time. ANyway, the radio show is going just fabulous too. I was up at the Capitol last week doing interviews and working on it daily with editing and other things. Last week was fall break which was nice not going to class, but it feels like the work just piled up. We're now halfway through the semester. Only a semester and a half to go until I graduate! I can hardly believe it somedays. ANd no I still haven't decided what I want to do after haha. Well I better stop writing I feel its all jumbled and makes little sense anyway, but thought I'd give a small update.

Monday, October 13, 2008


So I just typed out this really nice long message to find I wasn't signed in. I had been working with the blog we have for our show and was signed into that account not realizing I didn't sign back in here. Needless to say I lost everything. So maybe if I get over being mad I"ll type it over, until then this is what you get.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Short and Sweet

I'm back! It hasn't been too long since I wrote, but still long enough. I'm in full swing of things and some days it's just about keeping my head above water. I"m winding down a DFCU, which I'll terribly miss, but it will be very very nice to have that extra time. We also filmed our first Newsbreak show today! You can watch it tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:00 pm on channel 9. I did the piece writing, getting footage and editing on voter registration. You can also see my phone with my shirt sorta on the piece about technology. This next week I"ll be on the show doing a live interview with a student body president. Believe me I"m extremely nervous about it. Hopefully with a week to prepare it'll go smoothly. My life lately is just school and work which is boring stuff so I hate blogging about it. I'm currently eating some nerds waiting for postcards to get in to work so I can start mailing them out. I'm also waiting to work on my big project until they buy the edit software needed for me to do anything. I have this great footage of interviews I've been conducting just waiting to get put together in a package, we'll see hopefully soon. I just took a test today in finance. Not my favorite thing, hopefully I at least pass right? I feel braindead I'm sure something of great importance has happened, but I can't think of it. I guess this ones short and sweet.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

School, work and homework

If this post randomly ends in the middle of a sentence, you'll know why. I am so tired I feel like that's what I could do. I've had quite a load the last few weeks and it feels to just keep piling on. One of the biggest time commitments is the Newsbreak class I'm in. I honestly can't remember if I've blogged about it yet, but its the student produced news program at the U. Our first show is next week I believe it airs on channel 9 sometime on Thursday (we tape on Wednesday) but you can also watch a live feed, I"ll post the site once I find the info. This week I'm doing a story on student voting and getting registered to vote. I went out today and got footage of a booth outside the Union, but it was bad light and I"m not sure how well it turned out. I"m also trying to write the script and just having a horrible time. I can't seem to get it right. I have the most amazing teacher who's worked for the major networks definitely knows his stuff, he's taught us, but I no matter how many times I change it just can't get it right. I also bought the express version of finalcut for my macbook, but can't seem to get it to work. I know how to use Final Cut Studio so I'm not sure if maybe that's just the problem. Anyway, I feel like I"m wasting a bunch of time even though I am trying. I think it will be a late night tomorrow in the edit lab using the studio program since I know it. I also am shooting tomorrow some interviews for my new job. When I took this position, I didn't nor they realize how far I could take this. I've been compiling video and going to edit it to post on our website for high school students and teachers. It will be a good resource for them to know exactly what we do. They normally just use a small camera and get I"ll call it "surveillance" video. Since I've came and know a little about videography, they're kind of letting me run with ideas and compile things for their website. I'm really excited about getting involved in it. It's been a very creative process and they let me control everything I want about it. Tomorrow I"ll be conducting my first interviews of professors who were at the Saturday event for high school teachers who didnt' have time for an interview. I"m kind of nervous, I already interviewed the teachers, but professors are just different. I"ve prepared my list of questions though and hopefully everything will go smoothly. I'm also still working just on Tuesdays to help transition everything for awhile at DFCU. It's been hard not having that day to shoot or edit stuff, but its also nice having a little extra money coming in. Plus I know I'd miss it terribly, I already do. I also just got word today that I"m officially a senior. My credit from BYU finally transferred and now I need to go to an advising session and get approved for graduation! I seriously can't believe I'm almost done. I've had a lot of awesome opportunities and have no idea where life will take me. I've already started thinking of ways I"m going to need to prepare. There's a tech fair as well as career fair coming up in October, so I'll hopefully hit those up and see what kind of info I can get. My other classes are just as insane. I have a quiz next Monday and huge assignment in another class due Monday as well. You can definitely tell the semester is in full swing. Even though I"m crazy busy and very sleep deprived, I"ve loved everything I've been doing. Even the radio show, which is still as popular as ever (haha I really don't know) It's a ton of work, but again I've had a lot of cool opportunities and it comes with some nice perks as well. Wow, I can't believe I've already typed this much. It almost feels like I"ve wrote an essay (I must just be in the mood I wrote two today) Well, I think I"m going to try to sneak to bed a little early its 10:00 now. I just realized how much that title sums up my life lately. Anyway, happy reading.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Good Times

Wow, this week has blown by, seriously I can't hardly believe it. I've been crazy busy, but having fun while I'm at it. So, I might as well put the coolest news up first. I officially have purplish redish hair now. Now wait before you all freak out, its just three kind of chunks, underneath my dark hair. It actually turned out a lot cooler then I was even expecting. It's fun and different, yet its not like I died my hair pink and I'm going to lose respect from people I deal with, well hopefully not, most of them are old anyway and I'm counting on them being crazy and can't see it haha jk. Also, on a sad note today was my last "official" day at DFCU. Yes, that's right can you believe how fast that went?? I'll still be on, on a trial basis depending on my level of sanity, for Tuesday's like six hours a day to help transition new people into the branch. I also have been working with College of Engineering. Tomorrow I'm actually doing a shoot for them and editing a package to post for their website on a workshop thing they're doing for local high school teachers, I"m kind of exciting, finally something that's totally my own work although nervous to work all the equipment totally on my own. They're basically letting me do what I want with it, so I'm excited how it will turn out. I"ll be sure to post the link once I get it done (don't expect it for a good two weeks) I also started full swing into the TVJ production course at school. We produce the campus newstation. Be ready we stream live on the web not this Wednesday but next I think you can find the link from then click on lefthand side newsbreak. If you look at some of the old podcasts, that's what we'll be doing. It also will be shown on channel 9, at a later time in the week. Believe me these things take up most of a normal persons time, but then I have the radio show and my other classes. The radio show has been a lot of work but rewarding as well. I spent Wednesday afternoon at the Capitol trying to get interviews from different legislators also working on pulling different audio clips for future shows. Our next show is bright and early tomorrow morning at 8 am (well thats not so much bright and early to me anymore sometimes it feels 8am is halfway through my day) Hmm what else, oh good news I finally did some laundry after two weeks of pulling things from the back of my closet-----extremely scary thing to do. Well, I just wanted to give a quick update I still have some last minute things to put together for tomorrows show and get to bed at a decent time to wake up at 6 on a Saturday (just the thought hurts me) Well happy reading!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Well hello again to everyone. I'm here Monday morning waiting for my finance class to start. See, all my other classes I actually like and will pay attention to, but when it comes to this one, man nothing puts me to sleep faster. It also involves a lot of math, which when I did my last gen ed requirement three years ago I thought I was done with math, but no I need some crazy bachelor requirement so here I am. I just randomly went to my blog I have absolutely no idea what I"m going to write about, so it could be really short or maybe really long if I decide on some crazy rant to go on. So Saturday we did the second radio show. It went a lot more smoothly then the week before, but still some minor issues. Its crazy and I want to pull my hair out sometimes and takes all of my free time, but I really do love it. I really would love to see it go further and get bigger, but being only the second week we can't be sure. It is getting a lot of attention for mainstream media which is a good sign. Oooh last week I went shopping. I was gone from my house for exactly an hour and got an entire new winter wardrobe from one store. I got a lot of really nice things that I can mix and match which I was excited for. Hmm my class should have started now, but its not....there's a lot of random kids in here. I also always wonder all the kids who have laptops who actually is taking notes and who is just playing on them. oooh here's the professor, I think I might as well stop listening to her now haha. Crap we're getting an assignment back, not a good sign haha jk it was easy...hopefully. It's a game and we picked 5 stocks and we monitor them throughout the semester and our assignment we have to do all these calculations for it. You would think working with a bank I"d sort of care, but really I don't Oh I'm planning on getting my hair done this week if I can find a few hours. I'm going to go dark again and I really want to get some purple highlights in the bottom of it, subtle but still there. Well this has probably been the most random post and it seriously was what just popped into my head...all over the place. Maybe I can get something a little better soon.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Crazy Times

Wow, what a difference a few weeks can make. My life has totally changed since the last time I did a post. I started school back up since then, which has probably been the cause for most of the change. It is finally my senior year! I hope, if things work out how they're supposed to I'll be done Spring '09. I can't wait, even though I do love school. I also, just last week actually, gave my two weeks after 16 months at DFCU. I'm really really really sad to be leaving. I'll terribly miss everyone I work with and even some (key word there some) of the members that come in. After seeing some almost everyday you develop a friendship with them. My last official day there is September 19, but I offered to come in on Tuesdays until they hire someone new, because one of the other tellers, Lidia, is quiting soon too and I just want to help transition everything. With the end of one job comes the beginning of another. I actually applied for this one because I thought I"d be getting an internship with KSL and knew I'd need something flexible, well that didn't happen (they give me a scholarship but won't let me work for them for free, go figure) It also is my sister JJ's old job at school. I'll be working with the Dean's office in engineering. I"m really excited actually It'll be really flexible with my schedule, less hours and more money. I'll be doing a variety of different things, one I"m most excited about is on Thursdays ( since I don't have any classes on that day) going to different schools around the valley promoting the college. I've done this a little before when I was on Taylorsville Youth Council and had a ton of fun. Along with a new school year came the opportunity for a new internship. It's working on a new radio show with state legislators giving them a voice. I help one of the state senators, along with another intern. We just had a first show Saturday, it was insanely crazy, but a huge hit a lot bigger response then any of us thought. We're just on an AM station, but with how the first show went they're hoping after 6 months to move it onto a bigger one. It's been way cool to see firsthand and help a production get started. We run the sound board, gather story ideas, basically produce the show. It's a lot of pressure, huge time commitment, and highly stressful but I"m loving everything about it. It's so neat having ideas, helping form them and seeing it take off and actually become something. Wow, I've already typed a ton and there's still so much more. On Friday me and my dad competed in a cooking contest at the state fair. Any of you know my dad, you know how he's traveled a lot of places and won a lot of things for his cooking. Well, this competition only had 7 teams and guess what we didn't even place. It was a grab bag, we didn't have any idea what food would be there and if someone else took something you wanted, then too bad. It went fairly well, I won't go into all the details, except for one minor thing. We accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the glaze of our orange rolls. They were extremely nasty to say the least and needless to say we didn't win anything. Oh well you learn. We did go to a hypnotist show after which was hilarious. Anyway, all in all its been a crazy last couple of weeks. One with very little sleep and a lot of driving around the valley haha.

Monday, August 18, 2008

And we meet again

As usual it's been awhile, sorry I remember it but usually when I do I have something else I need to get done first but by the time I get to it I"m too tired. Tonight I decided I'll at least get something in. To be honest I don't know what all I've updated you on and I'm a little braindead tonight and didn't feel like going back through the old posts to find out. So a brief summary here goes. First, and biggest thing is school starts a week from today. I applied with KSL for an internship you know figuring since they gave me money they'd let me work there for free, well I was mistaken, I found out today I didn't get it I"m bummed but I suppose it's not where my life is supposed to head at this moment. I knew if I got that I couldn't stay working where I am, I told my manager about it and he was very supportive. Today we actually had a meeting about my schedule since I"ll be there and it sounds at least on paper like it will work out really well for everyone. I'm extremely nervous for this semester for some reason. I think part of me can't believe next year this time I won't be doing this and that scares me a little. As for the business I've done some research, but in no position to start anything up. I'll keep working on it but probably plan on at least until I'm done with school to do anything. I also found an internship opportunity with Deseret Book although I"m betting it was already filled. I just applied last night, but I am hopeful and probably could keep my job too. It's as a publishing editor, something a little different route then what I"ve studied with new media. Anyway I look at things I think I'm sitting in a good position and I"m really excited how things are turning out even if not exactly how I planned. Ok, that takes care of school. I can't remember if I told you about what I now refer to "the bruise" on my neck. I've had it for a good two months now. Well two weeks ago I finally went to the doctor he's not sure what it is, did some blood work everything was ok told me to keep checking it, if it was still there he'd send me to a skin doctor. Since I've been bruising other places and this one gets darker I think I"m going to have to go that route who knows what the heck it is although my old skin doctor told me when I came to his office oh you're the girl with weird skin haha but that was on my back and I do have what I call my angel kiss the crazy white mark on my shoulder blade. And yes I would just go to him but he randomly last year sent us a letter saying he closed up his practice I think he or his wife got really sick. So, I don't think it's anything but I"ll keep you posted if I find anything out. OOOh I've been reading the Twilight series. I was way behind everyone else but finally started reading Breaking Dawn, the last book to it and I love it. I have tomorrow off and I"m planning on finishing it up. Seems like I'm forgetting some huge event...hmmm I changed my hair again but we all know that's not big news. Its sort of same short cut but really dark brown. I was super close to getting some purple highlights underneath but wasn't sure how work would take it haha who knows maybe I"ll go back... it's just underneath no one could see them. Let's see what else I feel I've just been having fun lately. I'll just do whatever I want if I feel like sitting home reading I do, if I want to go out I do, I've just been living life not really worrying about who I'm pleasing just living day to day as best as I can. Well I just hit midnight and I really probably should have done this a night I wasn't so braindead but at least it gives you all an update, I"ll try to reread through other posts and pick up pieces I missed out on.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Ok, this is probably going to go down as my favorite post yet. So, I got home today with no one here except me and Sam so of course I decided to torment her. Now, when just one person is home she will stalk you everywhere, which most of the time I don't mind. Anyway, I decided to be mean and take some pics of her.......oh man these kill me....notice how I carefully positioned her the same as the other dog. Oh and you get to see my new sheets :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Over a month....already

Ok, wow time goes quick. I can't believe it's already been over a month. I'm going to have to make this post fairly quick and just give you all a small update into my life at this current time and what happened since last writing. I finally turned 21! Which included a trip to Wendover, yes I did lose, haha but still had fun. Wow, so much stuff where else to begin, one small side note my stalker finally closed his account so yay no more worries about him. I ruined my phone on a water ride at Lagoon. And anyone who's had the iPhone knows what I mean when you say you can't go without it so yes I stood in line for 2 hours to get the new 3G one, but I love it. At this very moment after I finish this post I'm going to be applying for an internship with KSL. It's due Friday, but I'm really excited and think this is really the direction I need to be heading. I hope to get on more and give you all updates into if I get it and how it goes. I'm gearing up for school to start as well, which well is bittersweet because it's my last year. Hmmm what else is big....oh this weekend I took four days off and totally redecorated my room. It was nice to just relax and not ever have a specific place to be. I went to IKEA got a new mirror and bed coverings for a very good price. I also reorganized and switched things around a little bit. If I think about it I'll take some pics and post them up. I must say I still see things almost daily on the road to which I get pictures for. Last week it was this truck who's toolbox in the bed had tons of little stuffed animals poking out like with their arms waving. It was sort of creepy and I wondered what happened when it rained. That definitely was one of the weirder ones. I also spent $200 on getting a coolant problem in my car fixed but it works now and should be just fine. Well, I need to get working on my internship application....I honestly haven't been this excited about something in a long time. Hope to be on here a little sooner....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sooooo Bored

I'm sitting here at work 9:34 on a Tuesday morning wondering how in the heck its not already time to leave. I've maybe helped 5 members this morning a drastic change to yesterday when I helped 5 members within the first five minutes. We were soooo busy yesterday morning and today it is going so slowly because no one is coming in. I dont know what I prefer to be honest at least when its busy the time goes by fast, but when its not I can write in this although I'm not really supposed to but I dont feel like doing anything else I'm supposed to. Which brings me to the next topic of possibly switching jobs. I know I could make a lot more money somewhere else and be something I want to do for the rest of my life because tellering sure as heck isn't. Wow, we just got a little busy spurt there haha. Anyway, just something in the back of my mind. So, yesterday I spent 5 hours at the softball fields watching Chalice play 3 games. It was really hot, but cooled down about halfway through. She is now out of her tournament, but will probably play in another one in the next few weeks. Saturday I went horseback riding up in Park City. It was one of the most fun things I've done in awhile. I went with a tourguide person who took us out for about two hours just through the mountains we even went through a river and stuff. It was a blast but I'm still really sore from it. Speaking of Park City I can now tell you all about the previous week in me being up there. I'll go in order I remember doing things. The Friday I was there we went on the alpine slide, coaster and zipline. The slide I've been on before but not since a long time ago. I've recently been on Snowbirds but that doesn't even compare. It was a lot of fun minus having to ride up the chairlift. One, because I hate them because I'm scared of heights two because thats when I hurt my ankle getting off it. Next the coaster. I recommend this to everyone. You sit down in this little car and get strapped in. It takes you up the track then you get to the track where its similar to the slide in that you push down the sides to control your speed but the beauty of it is that theres no way you can fall out like you could on the slide. It was sooo much fun I just wish there was another rider in it so they could press down because when you go around some of the turns its hard to hold it all the way down. Finally the zipline oh my heck. Now I'm terrified of heights but it was so much fun. It was turning dark out so the view was really cool. Again I've been on Snowbirds but its not near as fun as this was. The scariest part is you have to put your feet up against this wall and itfeels like it could open but you have to do it to get strapped in. Then they open the wall and you go down. I would so that and the coaster are must dos when going to Park City. The rest of the week was spent shopping at the outlets I got three pairs of pants, two shirts, a pair of capris and a new pair of shoes. We also ate at a lot of good places Main Street Pizza and somethign I think called Baja in Park City ski resort itself by the slide and coaster. We also hung out at the hot tub, nope didn't find any hot guys there. It was nice though there were two hottubs and a pool part was indoor part outdoor and it was heated. So yeah thats basically it, my vacation for the summer while still working everday. Well, I better get back to the working life. A really cute member just came in and I saw he has a dog which makes him even better haha.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Really need a change of luck

Well, I'll start out with the good news for the day, then tell you all about the rest of it. I got a call back from the doctor, the x-ray turned out just fine so probably just did something to a ligament or muscle or something my chiro says since I stand on it all the time probably 2 to 3 weeks full recovery. Alright so here was the start to my day. Now I haven't been at my branch since Monday since the workshop I went to yesterday was at our operations center. So, I pull in this morning to find two guys standing by the employee door and no one else around. I got a little concerned wondering what they'd try to do. I decided to call my manager and the service manager who also happened to be the person who normally opens with me. Well, I can't get a hold of either of them. I finally decided to talk to them to see what they wanted. Come to find out they are internal auditors (so they work for us and were sent from our operations center) I still did not want to let them in even after seeing the DFCU badges because you just never know. I kept trying and finally got a hold of the service manager who i happened to wake up. I guess she had a lot of overtime and the manager asked if she'd come in at 9:30. Well, come to find out he forgot to have anyone come in early although someone was scheduled for 8:30 who called to let me know they were on their way. I again apologized and said no offense but I dont feel comfortable letting you in unless I had management approval. They understood and said actually they go to some branches where people let them in without even getting their ID or anything. Finally at 8:29 the manager pulls up and I introduced the gentleman as auditors from the ops center. His face was pretty priceless I must say. I asked if he wanted to clear the branch or I should and he said he would. Anyway, they ended up staying most of the morning. They were really nice, but it still scared the crap out of me. I seriously don't have luck with auditors. The manager even told them the story of the auditor from NCUA asked me all the questions but no one else. All in all I think I did what I was supposed to obviously erring on the side of being extremely cautious probably more then necessary he said I probably could have let them in after IDing them. Anyway, I'm glad its over but just thought I'd let all of you have a good afternoon laugh.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It was a day

Well I promised more about Park City, which I hope to get to, but I'll first start out with how this week has been going. So, today I had to go to a New Employee Workshop for my job. No, I did not get a new job and yes I have been there for over a year. For some reason or another I just slipped through the cracks, but they've now realized I never went and made me go. So, I was sitting in there with people who mostly had been there about a month one or two a few months and others where it was their third day. Let me tell you it was greatly exciting. To top it off we had an all staff meeting. Normally its broadcast to the branches but my manager told me to just go there since I had to be at the training at 9:30. Of course it has to be the one time the 8:00 meeting gets over in a half hour. So, I went and got some breakfast at good ol McDonalds (you know I love starting my day off right be jumping into 1000 calories) and sat to read my New Moon book for awhile. So that was today. I've pretty much done nothing all afternoon, I did take a nap I didn't really need and watched pointless tv shows so yeah I know you love reading about my fabulous life. Moving right along, well I should say back along. Yesterday, I had the day off (wahoo) I have to work Saturday so that's why. It really didn't feel like a day off in that I spent it at a car mechanic, photography studio, doctors office and two hospitals...let me explain each. So last week I realized my headline on my bug went out, drivers side (yes that is significant) So my dad was going to try to fix it but the car didn't come with a manual so I got online. Pretty much every website suggested to just take it into the mechanic if its on the drivers side if the passengers side it gave directions for what to do. I called the dealership since pretty much no one else looks at vw and they said the same thing people try to fix it but end up breaking things that cost hundreds of dollars. The biggest problem is the battery sides like right there by it they said they have to take apart the entire front part of the car. At this point I just wanted it fixed so I took it in. I swear over the phone I was quoted $45. I took it in at 9:00 in the morning with an appointment they took it back as soon as I got there and had it for a good 45 minutes. For some reason it ended up totaling $63 I dont know since they washed it if that was an extra 20 haha or what but needless to say I'm just glad its taken care of. So, I get home to find Chalice needs to get her senior picture taken at Lifetouch studio. I remember when I had to go get mine I had a tough time finding it and let's just say I"m a tad bit better reading directions then she is. So I agreed but we were only there for about 15 minutes so it wasn't a big deal. Next stop was the doctor. The reason I went is because Friday night I had been riding the Alpine slide in Park City (more on that later) but you have to ride the ski lift to get up there. I did not realize you are supposed to wait for the yellow feet to get up. I put my feet down and tried to stand up while it was still too close to the ground. It hurt when I did it but I just tried to shake it off. I was wearing shoes with a little heel on Monday and I stepped kinda weird in them and think I did something more to it. I've had the sharpest pain at the top of my ankle ( i dunno how to explain the exact position) anyway it just started hurting worse and worse the more I walked on it. It also started forming a small bruise. This is where I decided to go in to get it checked out. The doctor suggested x-rays along with rest, elevation, ice and maxing out my dosage of ibuprofen ( something I can't quite do for fear I'll pass out haha) Of course his small office doesn't offer x-rays so I went to Jordan Valley hospital to find out my insurance isn't accepted there. I then went to Alta View where I was in and out. I still have yet to hear the results (I"m a little upset about it I tried calling but keep getting the runaround) so we'll see. I have it wrapped (most of the time not right now in my bed) just to help support it, nothing big and again the only concern I've had is because its been hurting worse the more I walk on it. Wow, this one is quite long. Monday I can't remember anything too significant oh wait yes I got my hair done again I'll have to post a picture of it soon. Sunday was pretty quiet and Saturday I worked and also went to Kyle's birthday party. Hmm I'm getting kinda tired of typing I might again have to save Park City for another post....yeah that sounds like a fabulous idea.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Interesting start to the weekend

So here goes. This past week I've been in Park City, Utah. I know all of you are extremely jealous. Well don't think I'm all that lucky I've still had to commute in everyday to go to work. Can I tell you even though I've had to work how nice it's been to be up there. Even though I'm spending like triple on food then I ever normally would in a week and my little credit card is about to permanently deny so I won't spend any more money on it. Sorry just to warn you all I type like a sentence then get interrupted so if it's confusing that's why. I also started it yesterday and still working on it so we'll see how far I get. Anyway, I have to tell you all the story that happened this morning. So you all know how I was trying to sale my car? Yeah, well I had put a sign up in it, but I still have yet to take it down even though I decided not to sale it. Anyway, this morning I was leaving the Canyons resort to come to my fabulous job. Now keep in mind its like 7:45 and I had gotten maybe 4 hours of sleep the night before. So, I get this text saying are you selling you car. I say yes and explain what it is how much and stuff. Well, they send another one saying was that you driving. I was like well yes where did you see me. They said at the Canyons intersection. I was like yes that was me I was heading into work in Salt Lake. Well then I was like why are they wondering if I was driving it at that moment in time so I asked if they were interested. Well, thats when it all began. He said no not so much the car, but I am you I was in the green Honda. After laughing for a good five minutes because I've never heard of someone hitting on someone else from a sign to sell their car I said I truly don't remember you I wasn't paying attention. So anyway, today we've been texting back and forth, he sent me a picture but he's on a bike kinda far away so I don't know how he really looks. His name is Andrew and he's in construction management so that's why he's in Park City, but he lives in Salt Lake. So yeah, I dunno what to do really or think for that matter. At least it provides for a good story, I haven't had one in awhile. Anyway, I better get back to actually working. I'm going back up tonight and probably ride the alpine coaster and slide-I'm extremely nervous but it should be fun. We've also been hanging out in the hottub a lot at night, so probably that's about it. Anyway, I'll try to get on soon and give a more detail description of the trip.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Gotta love Mondays

Wow! I can't believe how lucky you guys are. I"m actually going back to my old style and updating this twice in one week, who knows its the beginning of the week so maybe they'll be more. Well, I'll just begin by saying this day seems like it could be an entire week wrapped up into one. I thought last week was one of the worst weeks of work I"ve been through since we converted systems. Well, I think this week will be a close tie. So, I get in this morning and our system is down. Well, even though I'm not supposed to say this to member's but I doubt any of our members will be reading this our system crashed. We don't have answers why it happened, but it never came back up all day. First, its a Monday, second beginning of the month, third we just seemed to have a million people want to come in. Most were nice about it, although that was when we were saying we'll get them in later today when the system comes back up. Needless to say with the hand balancing I did, I was off about 165 bucks. We'll see if that's really the case when I run them tomorrow. Then the even better part I got a call saying I have to come in a half hour early, hopefully its back up, to run all the transactions from the day instead of trying to do it in between helping members. I'm not too excited about that, but it definitely is better then trying to get them run throughout the day. Man I had no idea taking this job what it would entail. But, I've been determined to keep a positive attitude and really it has helped me grow. I learn how to think quick on my feet and talk myself out of sticky situations. Another scary thing, my manager found out I know how to make excel sheets. I truly don't think its hard at all and still don't quite remember how he did (I think he asked us all to send him something I put mine on an excel sheet then he made everyone else use it he liked it so much) anyway so he pulled me aside today and asked if I could make one up for him. It was basically a balancing worksheet for when we were offline. One had never been created after we converted systems and higher management was on his managers case so that put him on my managers case to get one out asap. He showed me an idea he had and I tweaked it. It's funny when I took the excel class and also learning how to use word how I do I never thought itd be for anyone but me. HOnestly, I've used what I know for things not really relating to me more then anything. I'm happy to help though and make things run smoother. I got it done and I must say it was pretty spiffy haha fun word. Anyway, I then went to the grocery store for shampoo and things for lunches for the next couple weeks. Word of advice don't go there when you're stressed. I bought a lot of unnecessary junk oh well though. I came home and actually completed the assignments to be able to take the midterm Thursday for the online BYU class. I know just have to study for it ( I am proud of myself because usually I say I"ll do homework but I never do especially this class) I then went for a mini bike ride until I discovered my tire was almost flat. I tried with some help to pump it up but really it just made it worse. Then I've just been chilling out I tried reading my new book but didn't get very far. I'm debating posting this in here, but I think I will. I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do when i graduate. I'm finally leaning on something that the more I think about the happier and more excited I get. I almost want to leave it at that for the suspense. But its something I've just been doing research on, figuring budgets and exactly what I'd need to do to get started, but I'd like to start up my own videography/ video production company. Obviously it would be small ( just me) and I think I'd do mostly weddings or like reunions/ family parties. I've had millions of ideas swirling about it and lots and lots of thought go into it. I know how extremely difficult it is to start up a business and be successful. I know for awhile I'd have to keep another job, but I figure if I start planning for it now I'd have a good foot in by the time I'm done next spring. I know most of my time will be taken, but its something I'm really excited about the more I think about it. I'll even throw this out there. My idea for the name is Treasure Memories. I also was thinking about doing KayCee Productions to keep it more broad, but I still think Treasured Memories would fit almost anything. So, I'll keep you posted on what happens. I'm not wanting a huge deal made about this quite yet, but I welcome any comments on here letting me know what you all think!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Another week

Wow, I can't hardly believe another week has passed. I'll start where I left off. I did end up going to the drive in to see Maid of Honor. Since I've already seen it I fell asleep about halfway through it. It was still fun being at a drive in and being able to be outside but not freezing I went home after that it was around 1:30 if i recall, but luckily I had the next day off. I actually was able to sleep in pretty late Monday, considering its something I hardly ever do. It felt really good, especially because it was raining and I love that feeling when you can just be inside during the rain. I hate admitting what I did all day, but sadly I just watched tv. I had the opportunity to go out, but I haven't had a chance to just chill out and do nothing in quite awhile (and for how the rest of the week went I'm glad that's all I did). I had to work the rest of the week including Saturday and I knew that and dreaded having to wake up early everyday, but at least it gets me going. I went tanning once on Thursday. They didn't have the bed open I normally like so I had to go into another one, which I didn't really like, but at least I went so I don't turn back to total whiteness. Work was hard because of the holiday, the end of the month, and one of the tellers had the week off for vacation. We also were supposed to have an auditor show up at any minute of the week. She ended up coming on Thursday and for some lucky reason only chose me to ask questions too. One of them was something I had never been trained on and I felt I did horrible, but looking back on it and what my manager said I think I did pretty good. ANother dumb thing I had a desktop picture of Kyle KOrver up and she said are you really supposed to be downloading pictures from the internet ( it creates a security issue if someone hacked into our system) I really had just copy and pasted it, but obviously couldn't say that to her. With the question she asked me and how ridiculous it was I think she was just trying to trip me up so I wouldn't lock my computer or lock my cash in my drawers, but we'd had the drilled into us so I made sure I did. That same day I seriously had ever member that I don't like helping the most come in. By the time I got done I was ready to scream. Looking back on it though I think I did really good and it helped build me up and made me realize I can handle stressful situations better then I could maybe a year ago, it helped to train me for things that might come ahead. Also this week I went to Chalice's last softball game of the season, but I just got news hot off the press she made her all-star team, so she's definitely not done playing for the year nor are we done watching. I also started a new book called Twilight this week. I just finished it today. I absolutely loved it and even went to buy the second and third and reserve the fourth yesterday in the series. It was one of those books I stayed up half the night reading and just couldn't put down. I'm so excited to start the second one, but I promised myself I had to work on my online class and get at least another chapter done today. Speaking of which I finally am going to take the midterm for that on Thursday. I can't wait to get it out of the way finally, although that will be awhile until that happens. I almost forgot about my car. I went to get its emissions and inspections done and pay the taxes for the year on it on Tuesday. I"ll make a really long story short, but it didn't pass emissions because a cable wasn't connecting in my car to their system or something like that and they couldn't get it to read. I took it to the mechanic my grandparents go to and they let me borrow their spare car and he said nothing was wrong with it. So I take it back and come to find out their machine was broken the whole time. So it was a lot of wasting time getting my car in, but after two days it finally passed and all taxes paid. Well, Im trying to think what other extremely significant events came to play over the week.....nothing I can think of except I can't believe it's already June. In 30 more days I'll be a total legal adult ( kind of scary thought isn't it) haha anyway best be on to my homework now.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Can't think of a clever title....

So here goes. A whirlwind tour of the last two weeks of my life. I was very kindly informed by my grandmother this evening that I really should update my blog more often so I apologize to all my faithful readers (who knows maybe she's the only one left after this long) that it has taken me awhile to write. To be completely honest I have had more time now that I'm out of school, although I'm working a few more hours a week then I used to, but I feel I"m on the computer all day I just don't feel like coming home to get onto it. I'll check what I absolutely have to at work, but lately when I get home I do anything besides be on the computer. Now, when I was in school I updated it more often because i had to be on the computer and writing on here gave me break from everything else I was doing. Now I don't have to, but I promise to try to be better. Well I'll start off with what I remember happened, it will probably start things today and work backwords. I actually just got through reading a book I really enjoyed earlier today. I have a very strict rule that during a semester I can't start any "fun" books. If I do that's all I'll do and I won't read the books I need to. I also have the problem when I start one I can't stop for example I was up half the night last night reading into it, but I got through it in two days. I have a huge stack I've been saving all school year and I can't wait to get into more. I'm pretty sure I wrote about the experience of meeting the author it's called Modest Proposal and it's the first book in a series by a woman named Michele Ashman Bell. She hasn't written well maybe she has but hasn't released the rest of it and to be honest I'm very much looking forward to it. It gave me a lot of inspiration, that I didn't think I'd get from it, I thought oh it'll just be a cute fun read, but I really liked it. I hope to pick up more of her different books sometime soon. Last night I went to the Cheesecake Factory and had the most amazing flavor key lime cheesecake mmmmmmm it was amazing I can almost still taste it. I also went to the Aquarium in Sandy. It was pretty cool except I seriously almost died from touching the sting ray. I know I seriously wouldn't have died because they take it out, but I was about to pet one of them and this other one came up the side of the pool and freaked me out so bad that I couldn't put my hand back in. Anyway, that was an interesting experience. Friday I worked the day from you know where. I won't even get into everything but I had a lady go crazy on me because she thought I lost her license, another called me incompetent just to name a few of the things. I went out to dinner with parents after driving around for an hour we decided on the Lonestar steakhouse, it was good but I was just exhausted from the entire day. Hmmm wow I have a not so good memory.....OOoooh I forgot Saturday I went to Pine Needles in Gardner Village I got an email saying they were having a sidewalk sale. I got some great patterns and the cutest baby set all 10% off and some things were marked from like $8 down to $1 so I was very excited and can't wait to start working on them. I think I've seemed to plan way too much into my summer already, but I'm very excited for it all. I hope to go on some trips and I have a few concerts coming up I"ll tell you all about when I go to them. I've also been watching a lot of movies lately. I went to Maid of Honor and Ironman. I liked both of them very much. I've also in the last week watched Juno, August Rush, National Treasure 2 and A lot Like Love. I would recommend all of them for different reasons obviously. Well, since I keep getting inquiries into my dating life no serious prospects yet although I keep getting suggestions for blind date setups. I've been on so many of these in the past and had such crazy experiences I said no finally to them. Now however, I'll be more open and say what the heck bring it on. Haha anyway, tonight I'm going to a drive in movie, I haven't been to one in a year or two since we always used to go down in Fairview. Well Mt Pleasant but same idea. I truly can't remember a week ago what big significant events happened. If I remember I'll do another post, but this should give you all a minor update, nothing earthshattering but still I like to have fun.