Saturday, June 27, 2009

What a weekend.

Well I've had yet another busy weekend!  Today was almost packed with too much, but it was fun and I was able to get most everything in.  I'll just do a little highlighting.  Last night was my Grandpa's birthday party dinner with everyone.  Sorry (especially Grandma) I had my camera with my but didn't take any pictures I know my resolution is turning out bad.  After that JJ and Jacob were going to Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house.  I decided why not I"ll come.  It was raining pretty hard that night and when we came out of the tent you watch the introduction video in there was the brightest prettiest rainbow I've ever seen.  Well now I"m really kicking myself the camera was in the car.  It was very pretty inside, surprisingly different then Draper even though they were built at the same time.  I'm not sure if I can call a favorite, but probably Draper just because it sits nestled into the mountain and I loved the Bride's room there (random I know)  When we came out the sun was setting and I got some neat shots of that although you can see the tents in some of them.  Today I got up at 6:15 to go to a breakfast at Harmon's for Taylorsville Dayzz, I know very early for a Saturday and I haven't been up at that time since I graduated.  We also had a ward party up the canyon and I was able to get some shots up there.  Then Pat took us out for my birthday dinner.  Everyone was going to see the fireworks, but I decided I was just too tired for that, so here I am blogging and sending out more resumes.  Definitely an adventurous weekend!  Here are some of the pictures I took. 

That's me and Sun.  I'm taller then her anyway, but I decided to wear one of the highest pairs of shoes I own that night so I was like a tower over here that's why I was leaning over to appear shorter.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Just a little break

I’m at work and actually accomplishing a lot, but decided I needed a little blogging break.  I got a haircut last night.  I was so sick of how long it was getting especially with the heat of the summer.  I got an A-line (shorter in the back it’s not very dramatic though, but it feels sooo much better off my neck)  It was funny a guy did it.  He made very sure I knew he was straight.  It was sorta weird at first, but he was a nice although very flirty guy.  He even told me about his girlfriend, which actually made me not feel so weird about it.  Anyway, I decided I like it and it was a much needed change.  I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days how I need to get out and use my camera more, especially for “fun” personal things.  It seems for so long I was just using it for business or other people, but I really want to go back to just using it for fun.  Along with that comes needing to have it with me.  So, I’ve made a goal to try to carry it around most places I go.  It’s so big and obviously gets a little annoying, but it could kinda be considered a purse and I could just stick my wallet in there, I’m not sure we’ll see what works out.  You never know when you’ll come across a picture moment or if I have free time and want to take a drive for some landscape shots.  Needless to say expect more pictures and hopefully I’ll continue to do it.  Well, I’ll keep this one short and get back to work oh I also just got news Tuesday may not be my last day.  He decided that’s not long enough notice for me to finish all the projects, so we’ll see what happens.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Becoming a mother...

What a crazy weekend!  I felt like it was just go-go-go the entire time.  Did I scare everyone with the title?  That was my goal, no I"m not pregnant or even close to being haha, but I became a mother for a little over an hour on Sunday.  I was getting ready for dinner when I looked outside and saw the Bishop's car.  I walked out to see what was going on to find a little 2 year old boy wandering around with another neighborhood boy say he followed him from the street over and he's just been going to everyone's houses.  I was like oh, interesting and tried to ask his name.  He wouldn't talk (maybe he couldn't I'm not sure) but he wouldn't go with the Bishop so we decided I'd walk with him and we'd try to see if he recognized one of the houses at all.  I still couldn't get a name or anything we stopped at a neighbor house in another ward to see if she knew.  Long story short, an hour later we called the cops after we had started knocking on doors and no one knew who he was.  Finally, someone pulls up that lives a few streets over saying they'd been looking for him for about 10 minutes.  I couldn't believe someone could lose their kid for over an hour and just notice 10 minutes before.  I didn't stay to find out what the police said, but it was an interesting experience.  It's eye opening any bad person driving through our neighborhood could have taken him.  It was cute though he'd only come to me, so I did feel like a mother for a little bit.  I also gave my talk that day.  It went as well as a talk can go.  I was last and spoke about 10 minutes.  I focused mainly on education and tied in Father's Day.  I guess this post is going backwards as far as how the weekend went.  Saturday I spent with my cousin Mallory here from Phoenix.  She spent the night and we got up (supposed to be early wasn't until around 9:00) to go to the Salt Lake Temple.  She had never been inside so it was a cool experience, I love how it is there and she did too.  We also saw a farmer's market which she insisted checking out.  I was nervous since it was Pioneer Park.  I told her not to tell her dad I took her there, haha.  It wasn't bad though since so many people were there.  She even made friends with a hippie in a sweet van selling tie-dye things.  We shopped a few other places, mainly Nordstrom Rack and came home to visit with our parental units.  I also developed huge blisters on my pinky toes from walking in heels everywhere and Jacob had to perform surgery to pop them, what a nice brother-in-law I have, no way could I have done it.   Last Wednesday Lidia came for her friend's wedding.  Since everyone else had work and my job is so flexible we hung out Thursday and Friday in the day.  Mainly went to some movies, got ready for the wedding, drove to the wedding forever far away and just rested.  I was sad last time I saw her was Friday night, I didn't realize it would be, but with how things worked it was.  I didn't get to say bye, but now that just leaves an excuse for her to come back or me to go visit her again!  Also, yesterday I got word more then likely next Tuesday is my last day of work.  I have an interview today cross your fingers, so we'll see what happens!

This picture was pre-surgery I know kinda sick, but look how huge it was!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So for like the last month I've had this feeling they're going to ask me to speak at Church.  I really thought it'd be around Father's Day too for some odd reason.  I've had all of the Bishopric talk to me at some point these past few Sunday's and never a word.  So I thought I'm off clean.  Well, not so fast.  I'm sitting here and my cell phone starts ringing number I don't recognize against my better judgment I answer it.  Well guess who it is, none other then the Bishop asking me to speak this Sunday.  I mean how does your Bishop get your cell phone number??? They're having all the high school graduates speak and one can't do it so they thought of me.  Well isn't that lucky I get to do an 8 minute talk about graduating, Father's Day or Conference and I'm among the high schoolers so I look like one of them.  To top it off the primary is singing to the Father's and I have to teach.  Oh the joys of being LDS...

PS funny thing he's all that will be easy for no it won't who is that easy one!  So anyone have a talk written out I can just use, please send it my way.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My life as of late

So out of curiosity I added the web page hit counter.  I started it at 680 because that's how many profile views approximately blogger tells me I have.  Well I just added it yesterday and I'm already to 700.  So either I have a bunch of blogstalkers I'm not aware of or everyone checks my blog multiple times a day...not really sure.  But we all know I'm a blogstalker/Facebook stalker so it's all good.  Although if you read this and I don't know you do for example you stumbled onto it somehow I'd love to know who you are.  If these hits keep going up I can put ads on the side and generate a little revenue from it all, I"ll refrain from that for now.  

Anyway, I'm starting to feel better.  After missing a ton of work last week I went back today.  Probably the worst I felt was Saturday.  It was Shelley's birthday and I was able to make it for lunch, but that was about it before I needed to come home and rest.  It's weird I start to not be able to breathe-the feeling when you have pneumonia but I don't have a cough or any of pneumonia symptoms.  Oh well all I care about is not feeling this way.  I did hear back from the doctor on the x-ray and blood work which came back normal so that's good.  I honestly don't know what blood tests he did.  So just waiting on the other tests.  I also was on the antibiotic this weekend and just finished this morning with it.  They were ginormous horse pills that I gagged every time taking.  I think that made me a lot better.  I was still pretty tired when I got home from work, but much much better then how I felt this weekend.  I also applied to a few more jobs.  I've honestly completely lost track how many times I've sent out my resume.  I know of at least three places just today that I can remember, really good ones too so we'll see.  I also was able apply to a few while I was sick.  Oooh and I finally got a letter it took like two and a half weeks this time, but I swear I'm not complaining :)  
As I was driving home today I was thinking of some of the crazy things I've done in my life and what crazy goals I have.  One, last year having purple hair (for those blogstalkers who don't know me it was only in three spots underneath that you could only see when I flipped it out) I'm not even sure why I did it.  I just wanted a change I guess.  It was funny because that's when I did the internship with a very conservative politician-oh well guess I was feeling crazy.  Another crazy thing is the Guatemala trip.  Pick anything from the zip-line to riding in the boat with 25 people in the middle of the bottomless lake.  Jumping into the Snake River during a raft trip when I was 8 just to get all the scouts to jump in because a girl did it.  This one was before the Guatemala zip-line, but doing the Park City/Snowbird zip-lines.  They make you sit up and then they release the gate and you go down, it scared me pretty bad.  Here are some crazy things I want to do.  One buy a brand new car in cash-it's crazy cause wouldn't that be something crazy cool to do-I know it's far off but that's ok.  Learn to fly a helicopter or airplane.  I know bad for someone who was scared of the "baby-small plane"  But I entered this contest to win a scholarship for flying lessons, wouldn't that be awesome to win.  They also do this tv special on you, I'm pretty excited.  Well I also decided I need to work on my list.  I have a good start, but definitely could use some more crazy adventures.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guatemala Pics 2

Sorry, I did this kind of backwards.  Start with the post on the trip then all these pictures will make more sense (they're in no particular order)

Me enjoying the hammock at the first cottage.
One of the many pretty views of the volcano and lake-seriously prettiest place on earth.
Lidia coming down the zip-line
Me after surviving the first of eight of the zip-lines.

The three of us after getting all our gear on.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guatemala Pics

Here is the three of us in a Tok-tok
The very famous Antigua
Me and Sam on the scary baby plane
Me and Sam on one of the boats.

Me buying the bread in a basket.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guatemala Trip

Here it is, the much anticipated post!  THe first two days are written out after that I just did bullet points of highlights.  These are exactly transcribed from my journal-I knew it'd be too hard remembering everything after when I got home.  Enjoy!

Day 1 May 23, 2009

And the adventure begins!  Me and Sam met at the airport at noon for our 2:10 flight departure.  Yeah, it was super early, but we heard we had to make sure our bags were checked two hours before.  Anyway, we get on the plane and it’s tiny!  Like seriously seated 50-60 people.  It was called a Continental Express.  It had two seats on one side and only one on the other.  Sam couldn’t even take her carry-on they had to gate check it.  It was a pretty good flight, they had a change in route plans and made us wait about 15 minutes which wouldn’t be so bad except we were already cutting it close with the connecting flight.  We had turbulance going into Houston.  Sam’s all hey look out the window as soon as I did I see the wing go bouncing yeah I decided not the biggest fan of little baby planes I’ll definitely keep that in mind next flight I book.  We landed 15 minutes late to realize we’re in terminal B and need to get to E.  We quickly realized how insanely huge the airport is.  When I flew to Houston last time I just flew into Hobby airport which is still big, but in no way compares to this one.  We head towards Terminal E signs including up an escalator to realize we have to take this monorail shuttle thing.  Yeah it just may be the coolest part of this trip.  We get to our stop and realize they’re already boarding our flight.  We still had to go down an escalator down a really long hallway turn the corner and our gate was halfway down that.  Throw in being on a hot stuffy baby plane and Texas humidity yeah we were out of breath and very tired.  Luckily this was the part we found Lidia!  It was like out of a movie we came running (well fast walking) and hugged her.  We then had to get our passports checked and stand in line to board the plane.  It was much bigger this time three seats on each side.  They handed us two papers to fill out (up to this point it was the really only indication I was on an international trip I guess besides the passport)  It was in Spanish first with English translation underneath.  This is also how all communication with the flight crew has been.  Originally they said there was a dime size indentation in the aircraft and a specialist had to come clear us for flight and would be at least 20 minutes.  Wel 5 minutes later they said it was ok and we taxid out not long after.  I’m currently writing this portion while the movie Marley and Me is playing.  Yeah not a good idea for me to watch.  I’d bawl my eyes out.  They even gave us free headphones and we got a meal.  It was a salad and an enchilada surprisingly pretty decent.  We also got served drinks twice.  I greatly appreciated since we didn’t have time to get anything in Texas.  The plane landed and as we walked out of the gate they gave us a survey to fill out about the flu.  We couldn’t get past a certain checkpoint without filling it out.  We then went through to get our stamp and gave the other paper on the airplane saying we weren’t bringing anything into the country although they didn’t double check or go through our bags  When we went outside we quickly found her family.  Her step-grandfather, uncle, and cousin were all very nice to come pick us up.  Her cousin is in a very popular band here as the drummer and we got to ride in his BMW-it was pretty sweet.  It took about 20 minutes to get to her grandparents house.  Oh I forgot to mention its very humid.  They say it’s not normally this bad, but just cause it rained that day.  We pulled up to the house.  It’s dark out so we had a hard time seeing things anyway.  The houses here are very different from the U.S. and even what I expected knowing coming into this. It just like a cement wall then opened it to the front door.  The house has very cool tile everything else is like cement.  We get to stay in the guest room a double bed where me and Sam are staying then they brought in a twin for Lidia.  We also have a small bathroom with just a toilet and isnk in the room.  We were very tired and grateful to see a bed we all climbed in.  I tossed and turned most of the night, their two parrots were making noise and dogs were barking.


Day 2 Sunday May 24, 2009

            We woke up about 6:30 AM I felt I was about half asleep all night.  We wished Lidia Happy Birthday gave her her presents realized it was too early and slept until 9:00.  I actually felt like I slept this time.  We got up and had a breakfast of plantain, like bananas fried, tomales nothing like Mexican kind.  A sort of Mormon coffee it was ok.  Her step-grandfather took us to a sort of mall thing.  I was able to buy bread and a cookie in a basket is what you shopped with.  We also had the most amazing churro with cream and got her a birthday cake.  I also got my diet coke from McDonalds about 23 of their dollars for two of them which is about 3 of our dollars.  We stopped at the grocery store bought them out of bottled water and here its called Coca-Cola Light.  We bought a calling card for the cell phone we’re borrowing from these little markets people run out of their houses on the side of the street.  We’re staying in a gated community has an armed guard at the gate.  We ordered chicken from a place called Pollo Campero-just like KFC more of a baked not fried taste and none of the sides.  We rested for a bit then had cake.  Her great-uncle was there we enjoyed trying to teach each other our languages and headed to bed.

After this I realized the writing everything out was too long, so I just made bullet points

Day 3 Monday May 25, 2009

-woke up at 6:30 we were out door at 8:30 for Lake Atitlan

-stopped for very good breakfast eggs, beans mush, bread, black tortillas

Got lost lots construction sign for Lake road gone went 40 kilometers too far

Road very scary I call it death road Sam kept pointing out crosses on side of road where people died

No street laws at all pass people on corners and pass cops even speeding

We took boat ride to get to hotel cottage thing

Prettiest place I’ve ever seen-pictures won’t do it justice

Very humbling, I knew to expect bad conditions especially in these little villages had no idea how bad

We able to have fettucine dinner here and carrot cucumber salad very good

We made our own hot tub in the bath here

I was even able to hop on interenet real fast to send email

We’ll do shopping in village tomorrow I’m so tired after the like 5 hour car ride on windy roads

Sam lit a fire in the room or let’s say attempted

We had little boy show us to hotel it was uphill and very long walk wish we would have taken a little cab called a tok-tok

I fell asleep very early over everyone else

Day 4 Tuesday May 26, 2009

Woke up around 8:30 got ready

Went to restaurant in hotel for an amazing breakfast.  I had French toast with fresh strawberry jam and fruit French toast were just little breads best French toast ever had-tried Lidia’s omellete and biscuit soooo good

Went into village to shop took a tok-tok for it

Bought guitar-little wooden one, beautiful painting, giraffe that’s wooden like a puzzle with hidden compartment and a postcard I sent home

Checked out of cottage hotel discovered a lizard on wall of room-took a tok-tok to beach and again did boat ride to next place we were staying

Had scariest boat ride ver we had to stop at a little town first took a taxi to other end of village to get on another boat

It had to keep stopping at random docks kept putting more and more people on in total 24 people I honestly thought we were going to sink or tip to one side (its only supposed to fit 12)

Finally arrived at La Iguana Perdid out Santa Cruz hotel nice room three beds in it private bath- no shops or atm like other village only dinner at hotel during certain time.

They didn’t have diet coke either had to go to another tiny store for candy too

Been getting eaten alive by mosquitoes

Dinner was weird served family style carrot soup and pizza Lidia said nothing like authentic food

They told us we couldn’t do any of the things the website suggested you needed to plan in advance

I didn’t’ sleep well it was freezing everything was damp and I really had to use the bathroom didn’t want to get up plus saw lights through window all night

Day 5 Wednesday May 27, 2009

Craziest day ever!

Went to breakfast at hotel we all ordered fruit, yogurt granola crepes it was sooo awful tasted like rotten milk from two years ago

None of us ate, we checked out as soon as we could and caught the boat to Panachel

Boat ride not so crowded this time

So tired carrying our stuff there was a little restaurant we stopped at

Had a diet coke and the best fries at 10:00 in the morning

Lidia called her uncle he was just leaving it was a 2 and a half hour drive so we had time to kill

We knew of a butterfly sanctuary so she asked the waiter he told her where it was and said they have a zipline there

Took a tok-tok to the place

It cost Q175 for the zipline about $20-25

OH MY HECK craziest thing I’ve ever done Park City’s so called zipline is nothing compared to this

We hiked clear up this mountain over the tropical forest through a waterfall you could hear rattlesnakes during it I freaked out and freaked out at Sam for continuously pointing it out

Before they put all the gear on us the harnesses a dinky little helmet that I’m like this won’t do any good although I later realized it protected my head from the trees

They let us practice on a little cable

They hooked you up then let your body weight carry you-you have to stop yourself with a gloved hand

The hike was exhausting with the humidity and altitude change we had to keep stopping

There were bridges we crossed they said only held 7 people there were 5 of us and it looked to me like it could only hold one

It was very dinky and high up

The view was amazing it was over the trees you looked over and could see the Lake and volcanoes

There was 8 lines you’d have to hike a little to the next one it was soo pretty

It hurt my hands with the breaking but they said I did really good

Sam the first one lost her grip and the guy had to catch her so she didn’t hit the rock

We got done and walked the butterfly sanctuary

Took another tok-tok to meet her uncle at the dock

On way home we stopped few more places bought a jade necklace and wood horse

I got pretty carsick on way home luckily I was able to fall asleep

Stopped at a beautiful Swiss restaurant for sandwiches and pictures

I saw a firefly! Coolest thing ever like little lightbulbs

Came home took long time finally fell asleep

Day 6 Thursday May 28, 2009

Woke in the morning anticipating a trip to Antigua

Lidia said there was a minor earthquake in the middle of the night she almost woke us for to stand in the doorway

I didn’t feel it, later we found it was in Honduras like 7.4 magnitude in the ocean

After I showered I did not feel good

Went to the bathroom felt like everything I”ve been eating this trip came out

Decided postpone trip Lidia went to her grandpa’s grave and to visit a friend me and Sam literally slept and read all day

Don Carlos (Lidia’s stepgrandfather) took us to a fruit stand to get something when I got back felt like I was going to pass out Sam was nice to air me off while I layed on the couch

Toilet became our friend rest of day

            Well that’s all from my journal I’ll do a quick wrap-up of the rest.  Still felt sick into the night and Friday.  Me and Sam decided to get a flight back home.  It was full on Saturday so we got one Friday afternoon.  We still really wanted to see Antigua so we went early that morning.  It was really cool.  My favorite was seeing a Jade museum and learning all about it.  I didn’t feel very good at all, but I still enjoyed seeing it.  As usual long plane rides and trip home.  My first time through customs in the US they just asked questions didn’t go through our stuff.

            All in all it was a crazy adventure!  It was a ton of fun and definitely memories I’ll keep for the rest of my life.            

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today=No fun

Warning, not the most pleasant post.  So, after returning from the trip I still haven't gotten any better.  I've also had new symptoms come up over the past few days including a sharp pain in my back even into my stomach on the left side.  I've also just been completely exhausted sleeping even 10 hours a night.  I've just been attributing this to what I had before but finally after that sharp pain decided to go to the doctor.  Well, all I can say was it was not any fun.  Luckily, they got me in same day but I had to get my blood drawn the guy left a huge bruise on my arm.  I also had to give a urine sample, oddly enough in my 21 almost 22 years I've never had to do it.  Well, it wasn't the most pleasant experience and I'll just leave it at that.  I also had to get an x-ray to see what the pain may be.  And he wants me to get a *ahem* stool sample.  Yeah totally NOT excited for that one.  He thinks its possibly a urinary tract infection and parasite, but is waiting for all the tests to know for sure.  Well just thought you'd all want to know about that fun adventure haha.  I've felt like I"ve been in a slump lately not only because of this but the job search, not really having anything big since graduating and everything so hopefully I"ll start fixing things slowly.  They'll figure out what's wrong and I can get on the right antibiotics, I'll get a job for real and everything will get better.  Another thing usually I get letters from Cameron every two weeks with how the mail works and by the time I write him and it's been two weeks by tomorrow, so hopefully I"ll get one tomorrow that always cheers me up. :)

Monday, June 08, 2009

Guess what again?

So I get a message today from the lady who interviewed me saying she talked with the business partners and they decided at this time they didn't want to hire anyone.  Then if I have any questions call her back.  I'm totally bummed.  I thought this would be a really good opportunity.  Luckily I hadn't told my current job just yet, man this sucks.  I was so excited now it's back to the job hunt.  Well had to get that off my chest, back to work I go.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Guess what???

I GOT A JOB!!!  An actual grown-up one with a SALARY not hourly too!  It was one of the weirdest experiences ever, but I am so so so happy.  It all started on Friday (just yesterday) I was looking on KUTV website at their jobs.  Normally I'm not the biggest fan of their job board it's a lot of the work-at-home scams and staffing services, but I thought what the heck it can't hurt.  So I find one for Jason's Deli all it says is marketing, full time, salaried, Freelancer, If you're shy don't apply.  I"m like what the heck I might as well do it right, so I click on this little form and submit only my resume, thinking at first it probably didn't even send and yeah right I won't even get a call on it.  Well later that night (keep in mind Friday at like 7:00) I get a call asking if I could interview.  She asked when I was available she said she was going out of town Monday and was wondering if I could the next day, Saturday.  I said sure didn't think I had anything going on.  After I get off the phone I realize I have no idea what this will entail marketing could be anything from standing outside in an animal suit to running the corporate website, but I decided I'll go with an open mind and still dress up just in case.  I show up and we start talking for like an hour.  She even got me lunch, she asked if I had it yet, that was awkward I just decided say no maybe it's a test to see if I"ll actually not be afraid to eat in front of her.  So the job is basically gathering more corporate accounts for catering meetings things like that.  They have some leads, but its going out to businesses talking with them and just networking.  The craziest thing she said she had just 60 applicants that day (I"m not sure if that was for every job or just mine) but she loved my resume and basically I felt as I walked in there I already had it she was just telling me about it making sure it'd work out.  I was shocked, I've been for the number of times I"ve sent out my resume, I've probably gotten 10% an interview on.  This one was like over a weekend when you're especially not expecting it to happen.  She goes out of town next week, but will call me and set up when exactly to start probably the week after.  I also get free lunch depending what store I'm working around, parking at Gateway and only have to be in the office one day a week the rest is traveling to their Layton, Orem, Gateway and Murray stores.  It also pays a base plus commission, if you really want to know I"ll tell you I just don't feel like posting it online haha.  Anyway, it's a huge blessing and such a relief to finally have something real, steady and stable and I won't be stuck in an office all day doing secretary work for what I make now.  Time for the celebration to begin, I think I"ll need a new wardrobe with this, maybe new perfume, for sure some new shoes.  Maybe that new Camero isn't as far off as I thought ;)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Good Life

It’s been interesting trying to get back to “normal” not vacation life.  Funny, I was only gone a week and that was all I needed for my brain to completely want to shut down.  I wanted to blog on some very good things that happened this week.  First, yesterday driving to work you know I’m a little out of it, there was more traffic then normal and I plain just didn’t want to be going, I look over and see this Range Rover with an exceptionally good looking guy in there.  Well, I’m like hmm that just made my morning a little better.  I look closer and realize I think it’s Kyle Korver!  At that point I about drove off the road I was so excited.  Now who knows if it really was, but I’d like to think so it made my day a little brighter.  I’m also getting way to used to this work however much and whenever you want thing…this whole week each day I’ve worked only about three hours…haha I know.  In my defense I’m still a little sick even though I could handle it, its just more comfortable to be home.  I checked my official grades from the semester and even though I didn’t make the 4.0 I did get on the Dean’s List!  I haven’t been placed on it for a few semesters, so I was proud my last one I was able to go out with a bang.  I went to the chiropractor this morning, all I can say is amazing.  The insurance keeps calling me from that accident I think I’m finally going to be released from it and no more dealing with it all!  It’s been almost 6 months, it’s about time.  When I got back I had a good 2 hour meeting with my boss on the videos.  Everyone had a chance to look at them and give critiques.  I was happy they thought especially with given no direction I did really good and gave me some pointers on fixing them.  It was really helpful to get the feedback and even though I have ideas of what to do, I feel at a creative stuck-point I think my brain wishes I was working from the beach or something.  I had a good talk with someone last night and even though my family says it (more cause they have to) I’m really really happy where I am in my life and am such a better person for the choices I made with things last year.  This person who hasn’t seen me in over a year said it’s like I’m glowing I look so happy and I realized I am a much happier person then I was two years ago.  I’ve been able to accomplish a lot of things, that I may not have if I hadn’t made those choices.  Ooh sort of a good and bad thing, this getting sick didn’t prove to be so so bad, I lost five pounds from it when I initially got home from the trip, even though it’s been rough it’s a nice crash diet plan.  Well just some ramblings I wanted to get out, I promise Guatemala post is still coming.