So out of curiosity I added the web page hit counter. I started it at 680 because that's how many profile views approximately blogger tells me I have. Well I just added it yesterday and I'm already to 700. So either I have a bunch of blogstalkers I'm not aware of or everyone checks my blog multiple times a day...not really sure. But we all know I'm a blogstalker/Facebook stalker so it's all good. Although if you read this and I don't know you do for example you stumbled onto it somehow I'd love to know who you are. If these hits keep going up I can put ads on the side and generate a little revenue from it all, I"ll refrain from that for now.
Anyway, I'm starting to feel better. After missing a ton of work last week I went back today. Probably the worst I felt was Saturday. It was Shelley's birthday and I was able to make it for lunch, but that was about it before I needed to come home and rest. It's weird I start to not be able to breathe-the feeling when you have pneumonia but I don't have a cough or any of pneumonia symptoms. Oh well all I care about is not feeling this way. I did hear back from the doctor on the x-ray and blood work which came back normal so that's good. I honestly don't know what blood tests he did. So just waiting on the other tests. I also was on the antibiotic this weekend and just finished this morning with it. They were ginormous horse pills that I gagged every time taking. I think that made me a lot better. I was still pretty tired when I got home from work, but much much better then how I felt this weekend. I also applied to a few more jobs. I've honestly completely lost track how many times I've sent out my resume. I know of at least three places just today that I can remember, really good ones too so we'll see. I also was able apply to a few while I was sick. Oooh and I finally got a letter it took like two and a half weeks this time, but I swear I'm not complaining :)
As I was driving home today I was thinking of some of the crazy things I've done in my life and what crazy goals I have. One, last year having purple hair (for those blogstalkers who don't know me it was only in three spots underneath that you could only see when I flipped it out) I'm not even sure why I did it. I just wanted a change I guess. It was funny because that's when I did the internship with a very conservative politician-oh well guess I was feeling crazy. Another crazy thing is the Guatemala trip. Pick anything from the zip-line to riding in the boat with 25 people in the middle of the bottomless lake. Jumping into the Snake River during a raft trip when I was 8 just to get all the scouts to jump in because a girl did it. This one was before the Guatemala zip-line, but doing the Park City/Snowbird zip-lines. They make you sit up and then they release the gate and you go down, it scared me pretty bad. Here are some crazy things I want to do. One buy a brand new car in cash-it's crazy cause wouldn't that be something crazy cool to do-I know it's far off but that's ok. Learn to fly a helicopter or airplane. I know bad for someone who was scared of the "baby-small plane" But I entered this contest to win a scholarship for flying lessons, wouldn't that be awesome to win. They also do this tv special on you, I'm pretty excited. Well I also decided I need to work on my list. I have a good start, but definitely could use some more crazy adventures.
I'm so glad you are feeling better. But if feeling better is the results of all this stuff you want to do, maybe you should stay Ill, sick, down, miserable,or whatever. Just kiddin!
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