Saturday, June 06, 2009

Guess what???

I GOT A JOB!!!  An actual grown-up one with a SALARY not hourly too!  It was one of the weirdest experiences ever, but I am so so so happy.  It all started on Friday (just yesterday) I was looking on KUTV website at their jobs.  Normally I'm not the biggest fan of their job board it's a lot of the work-at-home scams and staffing services, but I thought what the heck it can't hurt.  So I find one for Jason's Deli all it says is marketing, full time, salaried, Freelancer, If you're shy don't apply.  I"m like what the heck I might as well do it right, so I click on this little form and submit only my resume, thinking at first it probably didn't even send and yeah right I won't even get a call on it.  Well later that night (keep in mind Friday at like 7:00) I get a call asking if I could interview.  She asked when I was available she said she was going out of town Monday and was wondering if I could the next day, Saturday.  I said sure didn't think I had anything going on.  After I get off the phone I realize I have no idea what this will entail marketing could be anything from standing outside in an animal suit to running the corporate website, but I decided I'll go with an open mind and still dress up just in case.  I show up and we start talking for like an hour.  She even got me lunch, she asked if I had it yet, that was awkward I just decided say no maybe it's a test to see if I"ll actually not be afraid to eat in front of her.  So the job is basically gathering more corporate accounts for catering meetings things like that.  They have some leads, but its going out to businesses talking with them and just networking.  The craziest thing she said she had just 60 applicants that day (I"m not sure if that was for every job or just mine) but she loved my resume and basically I felt as I walked in there I already had it she was just telling me about it making sure it'd work out.  I was shocked, I've been for the number of times I"ve sent out my resume, I've probably gotten 10% an interview on.  This one was like over a weekend when you're especially not expecting it to happen.  She goes out of town next week, but will call me and set up when exactly to start probably the week after.  I also get free lunch depending what store I'm working around, parking at Gateway and only have to be in the office one day a week the rest is traveling to their Layton, Orem, Gateway and Murray stores.  It also pays a base plus commission, if you really want to know I"ll tell you I just don't feel like posting it online haha.  Anyway, it's a huge blessing and such a relief to finally have something real, steady and stable and I won't be stuck in an office all day doing secretary work for what I make now.  Time for the celebration to begin, I think I"ll need a new wardrobe with this, maybe new perfume, for sure some new shoes.  Maybe that new Camero isn't as far off as I thought ;)


Marie Allen said...

So happy for you and so happy for your new employer who gets to have you! You go shopping girl!