What a blog slacker am I.... So, let's attempt to fix that. Since I last wrote you, I went on the most amazing trip to Cancun, Mexico. It was 5 days 4 nights of wonderful relaxation as well as some crazy adventure. Sam and I embarked on this journey at a very early 7:10 flight out of SLC on Sunday Dec 6. Any international flight requires you have the bags checked at least an hour before the flight, so it was a very early 4:00 am start to the day. We arrived in Cancun to very humid weather, I was wearing my winter coat and a thick jacket, not the most comfortable trip to the hotel before we could change. Cancun is very Americanized, I almost felt like I was in America, except of course they only have the Coca lite, but no worries I survived :) oh and Sam getting questioned at every checkpoint we went through in the airports, not sure if they thought she was a terrorist or not. Our hotel was very nice, we were extremely impressed, it was the Grand Oasis Caribbean and we'd highly recommend it. It was a more quiet hotel, but you could walk to any of the Oasis sister properties which all were more "lively" and hang out there.
This is a picture of us parasailing, the little white dot is the boat and that's our feet dangling up in the air.

This is up in the air parasailing, the picture doesn't do it justice exactly how high up it was. I highly recommend trying it at least once in life, it's a different feeling then I expected. I even got a little motion sickness just because it makes you sway a little.

Right before parasailing we went for about an hour snorkeling in the second largest reef in the world. It scared me more then anything, but I'm glad I did it at least once, not sure I could do it again though :)

We also went swimming with dolphins, I have a picture on my facebook. It was an amazing and much needed vacation, mostly just letting my brain have a break. I want to go back so bad, I don't think I could handle it during spring break the party time, we figured early December was perfect. THat about sums up the Cancun trip, I know I"m forgetting big events, but I'll try to highlight the most important ones. Christmas this year, I got a huge surprise a new dog! Her name is Bella, I was told she was only 8 months, but after taking her to my vet she's actually between 2-5. She's a Cavalier King Charles and is very cute. She's like the dog on Lady and the Tramp, I"ll get a picture up soon enough. We also did the annual Christmas Eve sitting on Santa's lap. I seriously have a picture from every year of my childhood up until now. SO this is officially my 22nd picture (please don't mind the fact that sweater somehow makes me look pregnant)

It was a very nice Christmas, we did breakfast here hung out the rest of the day (mostly tried to keep Bella from attacking Sam) and finally went to my Grandma's brothers (my great uncle) house for a light dinner and talk with extended family. It was also nice I got off on 2:00 Christmas Eve and had the rest of the weekend off. I'm excited, this week we have the same schedule for New Year's. Well this is probably enough for now, I swear I'll be better, it's just hard to want to get on the computer at home when I have to stare at one all day at work.
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