Wow, it's been a long time since I've done a real post with pictures and all. I'll try to sum everything up and I'm using the help of my phone camera, I generally take pics of interesting events in life, so I'll skip over the usual you know I'm still working, eating, sleeping and all that fun stuff. So we ended with you all knowing I met Kyle Korver and really life could have ended that night and I would have been happy. Well, I began the day with a nice trip to the very pretty Draper Temple, as I cut across seriously 5 weddings, I just now after the several times I've been there realized where the second entrance was and the wedding picture crashing was unnecessary although still fun. It was really pretty that day though. So, the meeting of Kyle Korver....well I remembered hearing vaguely if you donated a coat you got a voucher to go to an autograph signing with him after a game. I heard it on the news at 6:00, I called a friend who was just getting off work, he met me down at Gateway as I was buying the coats, we bought tickets and were in the door by 7:00. Even though the Jazz lost, it was still one of my most favorite nights. As we were waiting to meet him, they let us go out on the court and get a picture, I only had my phone so not the best picture. It was awesome being down on the court and looking up to the stands. They wouldn't let us take pictures with him, but he signed a picture. If I would have been smart I would have bought a jersey then he could have signed me :) It was definitely a highlight of life to this point.
One night a few weeks ago I was in a fraternity pageant. I completely blame Sam for it. She convinced me to sign up and oh it'll be so much fun. Well guess what she bailed because she was "getting her hair done" yeah I totally believe it too ;) Anyway, I decided I need to just go, be brave and see if I could have fun. We were supposed to dress up, I took a picture I was Miss Malibu Barbie, I'm sad I took it after taking all my jewelry off, my sash and you can barely see how awesomely 80's my hair and make-up was, I of course didn't place anything, but still had fun.
Well, onto more important things, sports! I had the opportunity to go to the much anticipated Utah/BYU rivalry game. My work sponsors the Duel, so we were into it all week. My friend Wendy invited me on Thursday, three days before I of course said yes. We even went to the tailgate party, Party in Provo. It was a long, extremely tiring day, but I had a blast.
These are my nails for the week getting into the spirit.
This is us Utah fans terrorizing the streets of Provo :) we were also welcoming the team.
Me and my friend Wendy at the tailgate party watching the TCU game and freezing our behinds off.

And finally game time! The stands got much more crowded, even though we lost it was still fun among all the Utah fans.
Well there you have it, my last few weeks wrapped into one. Thanksgiving was also in there, I meant to do a post, but I truly am blessed for all I have and thankful for everything especially after seeing all the things I do have. I also got sick (part of the reason my lack of blogging) a sinus infection and possibility I had swine flu the doctor said even though I didn't have the typical symptoms, but what I did have he said some people's bodies just take it differently so who knows. Anyway, I'm almost 1o0% better so that's good. Christmas decorations are up and I'm off to Cancun in a few days! I'll try to be better at the updates from now on :)
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