...Yeah exactly what I thought. Until we drove down underneath (the old way you used to have to go before the bridge)

It was pretty cool to see, although I wish you could realize what you were on while you were on it, I bet some people drive over it and don't even realize. Like I said that was the extent of my pictures. Later that day we went to a big marketplace were I got some pretty awesome silver shoes. We saw the M&M Factory and Coke store where I snagged a pair of Diet Coke earrings. Me and my dad decided to try something crazy. We almost went on a helicopter ride over the Hoover Dam, but instead opted for a ride on the New York New York Roller Coaster. Let's just say I wasn't the biggest fan...

Can you see that? It goes taller then some of the buildings, makes a loop and several corkscrews. After this adventure I was done for the day and spent the rest of the night in the hotel room (awesome, I know, I'm in Vegas on a Saturday night and choose to be in the hotel, to my defense we were out until 3:00 the night before). We got up early the next day to make it back to St George with literally a minute to spare for the farewell. It was a nice warm getaway, even though it was just go, go go.
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