Sunday, February 06, 2011

Random thoughts

I'm not really sure what to write honestly, kind of sad I know. I just felt like typing what came to mind and seeing where the post went. I'm going to the Jazz vs. Bulls game on Wednesday, we have row 10 tickets and I couldn't be more excited. I also applied for a mortgage loan on Friday. It's been an on/off thought for awhile now. I decided to just apply to see if I'd even qualify, we will see what pans out from it. I made Valentines/heart cookies this weekend. I wonder why my weight loss doesn't work out, then I look at the kitchen and see. My foot still isn't better, I really should have it looked at again but that's prevented me from running and seriously set me back with things. I've decided for the time being to give up on boys. Remember those toys as kids where it was a block with shapes cut out and you had little wood shapes where you were supposed to fit them in the holes cut out? Basically matching the shapes... Well I feel like I'm trying to fit the square shape into the circle cutout. It's just not working and not worth trying over and over when it's pointless. Because of a few instances I think I'm giving up. I know, I know as soon as I say that something will come along. And that's fine, I'm not saying I'm boycotting it, just not going to try forcing something that just isn't there. I really want a vacation. Yes, I did just go to Vegas/St. George, but it was a last minute and rushed thing. I want a true vacation, no I need a vacation. Well, I'll leave you this Sunday evening with those thoughts.


Dave Sohm said...

I hate running injuries. Foot pain has taken the momentum out of my exercise efforts on more than one occasion.