If the last two days of my life could be summarized by a picture this is what I would choose.

Bad two days.
Let me just begin with the cookies. I swear on my life I followed the recipe exactly, yet somehow they turned into pancakes and came out like this. I almost took a nap instead of making them, but decided I wanted a quick treat, I should have stuck with the nap. Next, so in my entire life I can probably count on my fingers how many times I've ever honked at someone. Well tonight was one of them. Seriously people if I'm in a lane and you're in a lane, that does not equal you having the right to just merge into my lane without a blinker or warning at all. I won't even get started with Applebees. I waited there for over a half hour, it was a party of 6 and every single party who came in before or after me was seated before we were. Some groups even had 4 or 5 people, seriously frustrating. Pretty much the rest of it deals with other things I probably shouldn't blog about (haha that makes it sound much worse then it actually is)
Also, I keep missing opportunities to talk with a certain someone. I feel I either keep missing chances or they don't get when I'm putting myself out there. I'm nearly positive they have no idea either, I think we're both pretty clueless. So much so, I haven't had enough of a chance to get to know them to see if I am even interested and see if all of this over analyzing would be for something or not...there are moments when a person doesn't really need a drink they're just trying to start up a conversation.
One thing though and even though it happened today, I still blame yesterdays stuff on it too. I didn't listen to the Spirit today. I was at Costco, in the rain, and was running to my car when I saw this old lady trying to put her groceries in her van. I usually always offer to help and I think I've been turned down every time (not sure why, I don't think I look THAT scary) Anyway, something told me to ask her if she needed help. Well because of the rain and the fact I'm always turned down I ignored it. It kept getting louder and louder, I finally got to my car and mentally said no she's fine and just drove off. I feel awful now. What if she really needed help? Or what if she didn't and it was just a test to see how well I'd follow promptings even if I was having a bad day? Regardless I failed miserably and I feel super bad because of it.
Well, at least I have Monday off to hopefully calm down and relax a little and get over the slump of bad happenings, whether my own doing or the stars just not aligning for me.
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