Friday, April 04, 2008

An awesomely fabulous picture

I was looking through all my pictures just barely-again avoiding the paper-and found this one.  Joed took it for me for a press release on the scholarship.  I had to give it to them in color, but he converted it to black and white for me.  I've had mixed feelings on it.  Sometimes I really like it other times I don't and I can't explain why.  I see this picture as like a different part of me that I let the world see.  I believe we all have different sides and some you're willing to show to certain people others you aren't.  I believe this is how I present myself to everyone as a whole and why sometimes I like it sometimes I don't.  It's not that I"m putting a front up, but that I'm not showing my whole self.  I'm not sure maybe I'm just off in left field with this one, but just a thought I had.