Monday, April 14, 2008

Life's Little Frustrations

I was having some minor frustrations today so I thought I'd get them off my chest here(in no particular order).  So today I was walking along and all the suddenly I hear a pop and my purse strap breaks on one side.  Of course it has to happen in the exact middle of the day so I have to carry it around looking like an idiot and don't know how a purse works.  I'm also one of those people who carries their life in a purse, so that doesn't help either.  Next cold sores.  So, last week I had one coming on so I quickly put Abreva on it.  Now I've been battling them my entire life and every sort of medicine I use no matter what doesn't work.  Finally Abreva came out and works but you have to catch it at the tingle of one coming on and it just lessens the time doesn't make it not come at all and probably the biggest problem it's like 15 bucks for a little tiny tube.  So anyway that came on and right as it went away I got seriously like five of them on my bottom lip.  Luckily I had been using the Abreva so none of them got to bad although one on the outside of my lip started to break out but I think the worst is over.  They're just so annoying because they look gross and they hurt/itch.  Another frustration comes while driving.  I hate when people either A. slam on their breaks on the freeway or B. wait until the last second to stop for a car and then have to slam on their brakes on the road and since I'm so little and can't see around them I always end up slamming on my breaks too.  Now, I love taking pictures of weird things while I"m driving.  Another thing today I was behind this huge truck with all this wood in the back and guess what was holding it in.  Some tiny little bungee cord on the bottom stack of wood.  If he had to slam on his brakes or something its going to come flying off and hit me in my little baby car.  After the accidents I've been in I've seriously thought of getting a bigger car but frankly I don't want to have a car payment for this last year I'm in school.  Side note of taking pictures I have some funny ones like a license plate that said sexyboy this kid in a BMW in February with the top down and sunglasses.  I didn't get a picture but I saw a cop car one time that said donated by your local Walmart, I've also found several funny pictures on the sides of cars.  Or those little stickers of stick people representing people in the family haha one time I found a van and it had to be polygamous or something.  There was one called Big Poppa and then all these wives in order then children.  I just think it's hilarious what you can find just driving normal everyday routes.  After getting into this I realize what a hater I sound like, but most of it is stuff that makes me laugh.  Oh I thought of another one when I try to connect to the wireless at school oooh or the library that's the worse and really I'm just trying to check email before class but it takes like an hour to load so I'm halfway through the lecture when it finally takes.  Anyway that is definitely enough rambling about pretty much nothing for the day.  I changed out my purse, put some abreva on my lip and have yet to die from people not securing their loads on the freeway haha.


Unknown said...

HA HA KayCee you spelled Brakes two ways.... more than once 2 times it was brakes and the other two it was breaks. Im sorry i just had to point that out to you. sorry bud but when you are talking about people slamming on their Brakes its not like you are taking a lunch break. :)