Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little bit of nothing

Well, today I asked for work off so I could get a little bit of homework done. Surprise, surprise I got maybe an hours worth in. Even though I'm so close the the end I've had no ambition to just get everything out of the way. Truly if I just sat down I could get most everything out of the way but no I felt like watching a movie and going to the bookstore instead. At the bookstore I finally broke down and bought that Twilight book everyone has been obsessed over. I have a rule with myself that during the school year I can't read "fun" books. When I was younger I used to read so much my mom would have to hide my books so I'd even eat dinner. (you'd think that love would come to textbooks as well, but not so much). Anyway, it started getting popular beginning last school year so now I finally can do it. Of course I'll finish out all my finals and papers before I crack it open, I really shouldn't have even bought it until after that but not much I can do about it now. I also bought a book to help practice for the test to get into graduate school. Now, I'm not sure what I want to do after I graduate next spring, but I need to make some decisions pretty soon. I've wanted to do law school, but then I think I should get a master's in something else before that so really I'm up in the air at this moment. I also might work for a year or so, but then it's hard going back to school after that. I'll read over the book and see how I feel about it all. Also, I need to make some decisions pretty quick about what I"m doing this summer. Sooooo many choices and I truly have no idea what I should be doing. Generally I lean to something that I know I should be doing, but I feel everything that's available could be good for me. I wish I just had enough money to not worry about things and just be able to go to school. Haha in a perfect world right? Well, the more time that goes on the faster that decision will need to be made. It's interesting how it's almost like I"m being tested. I've written about it before where I used to super plan out my life and I've stopped doing that lately. I feel most of the things that have happened to me, like the good things, happen right at the end when I"m not expecting it, it's like my patience is being tested and that I'll have enough faith everything will work out. Anyway, I also went to the chiropractor today which was much needed but always makes me sore for two or three days after. I think about this all the time how other peoples backs feel. Now I don't want to go too far off on some tangent, but just like the pain I think I have is as bad as I think it is if that makes sense. Or if someone had my back for a day would they think it was horrible pain or I was just a baby about it. I don't voice my complaints too often with it, if someone asks I'll tell them and sometimes to my mom if I feel its been especially bad. I know a lot of it can be stress too, like something triggers it and the stress tightens it and keeps it in. I've tried to get into stretching and yoga but I'm not always the best at it. The doctor suggested today getting an exercise ball and he'd print me off things to do while on it. Anyway, I hope no one takes that as complaining but just a thought about how everyone handles things differently. Well besides that (whoa I almost just put nothing else exciting going on, but we all know my luck when I make that statement haha) I guess one update a friend from work said my little stalker note passer guy came in today. He went up to her and said where's the tall red head that sits down on the end. So, that means he doesn't know my name and I"m sooooo happy I wasn't there although worried he'll come tomorrow since he knew I had today off and should be there tomorrow. Its not that I"m afraid of him, I just don't know what to say if he says anything. We were joking and she should have told him yeah she got passed this really creepy note so they made her transfer to the Deseret First up in Sandy. Haha, but oh well maybe i'll start wearing that huge ring I have and tell him I eloped last weekend or something to some 6 foot 8 inch football player. Anyway, I need to get working on other stuff just giving you all an update.