Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Cancun/Christmas/Month of December post

What a blog slacker am I.... So, let's attempt to fix that. Since I last wrote you, I went on the most amazing trip to Cancun, Mexico. It was 5 days 4 nights of wonderful relaxation as well as some crazy adventure. Sam and I embarked on this journey at a very early 7:10 flight out of SLC on Sunday Dec 6. Any international flight requires you have the bags checked at least an hour before the flight, so it was a very early 4:00 am start to the day. We arrived in Cancun to very humid weather, I was wearing my winter coat and a thick jacket, not the most comfortable trip to the hotel before we could change. Cancun is very Americanized, I almost felt like I was in America, except of course they only have the Coca lite, but no worries I survived :) oh and Sam getting questioned at every checkpoint we went through in the airports, not sure if they thought she was a terrorist or not. Our hotel was very nice, we were extremely impressed, it was the Grand Oasis Caribbean and we'd highly recommend it. It was a more quiet hotel, but you could walk to any of the Oasis sister properties which all were more "lively" and hang out there.

This is a picture of us parasailing, the little white dot is the boat and that's our feet dangling up in the air.

This is up in the air parasailing, the picture doesn't do it justice exactly how high up it was. I highly recommend trying it at least once in life, it's a different feeling then I expected. I even got a little motion sickness just because it makes you sway a little.

Right before parasailing we went for about an hour snorkeling in the second largest reef in the world. It scared me more then anything, but I'm glad I did it at least once, not sure I could do it again though :)
We also went swimming with dolphins, I have a picture on my facebook. It was an amazing and much needed vacation, mostly just letting my brain have a break. I want to go back so bad, I don't think I could handle it during spring break the party time, we figured early December was perfect. THat about sums up the Cancun trip, I know I"m forgetting big events, but I'll try to highlight the most important ones. Christmas this year, I got a huge surprise a new dog! Her name is Bella, I was told she was only 8 months, but after taking her to my vet she's actually between 2-5. She's a Cavalier King Charles and is very cute. She's like the dog on Lady and the Tramp, I"ll get a picture up soon enough. We also did the annual Christmas Eve sitting on Santa's lap. I seriously have a picture from every year of my childhood up until now. SO this is officially my 22nd picture (please don't mind the fact that sweater somehow makes me look pregnant)

It was a very nice Christmas, we did breakfast here hung out the rest of the day (mostly tried to keep Bella from attacking Sam) and finally went to my Grandma's brothers (my great uncle) house for a light dinner and talk with extended family. It was also nice I got off on 2:00 Christmas Eve and had the rest of the weekend off. I'm excited, this week we have the same schedule for New Year's. Well this is probably enough for now, I swear I'll be better, it's just hard to want to get on the computer at home when I have to stare at one all day at work.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Marathon post for month of November

Wow, it's been a long time since I've done a real post with pictures and all. I'll try to sum everything up and I'm using the help of my phone camera, I generally take pics of interesting events in life, so I'll skip over the usual you know I'm still working, eating, sleeping and all that fun stuff. So we ended with you all knowing I met Kyle Korver and really life could have ended that night and I would have been happy. Well, I began the day with a nice trip to the very pretty Draper Temple, as I cut across seriously 5 weddings, I just now after the several times I've been there realized where the second entrance was and the wedding picture crashing was unnecessary although still fun. It was really pretty that day though. So, the meeting of Kyle Korver....well I remembered hearing vaguely if you donated a coat you got a voucher to go to an autograph signing with him after a game. I heard it on the news at 6:00, I called a friend who was just getting off work, he met me down at Gateway as I was buying the coats, we bought tickets and were in the door by 7:00. Even though the Jazz lost, it was still one of my most favorite nights. As we were waiting to meet him, they let us go out on the court and get a picture, I only had my phone so not the best picture. It was awesome being down on the court and looking up to the stands. They wouldn't let us take pictures with him, but he signed a picture. If I would have been smart I would have bought a jersey then he could have signed me :) It was definitely a highlight of life to this point.
One night a few weeks ago I was in a fraternity pageant. I completely blame Sam for it. She convinced me to sign up and oh it'll be so much fun. Well guess what she bailed because she was "getting her hair done" yeah I totally believe it too ;) Anyway, I decided I need to just go, be brave and see if I could have fun. We were supposed to dress up, I took a picture I was Miss Malibu Barbie, I'm sad I took it after taking all my jewelry off, my sash and you can barely see how awesomely 80's my hair and make-up was, I of course didn't place anything, but still had fun.
Well, onto more important things, sports! I had the opportunity to go to the much anticipated Utah/BYU rivalry game. My work sponsors the Duel, so we were into it all week. My friend Wendy invited me on Thursday, three days before I of course said yes. We even went to the tailgate party, Party in Provo. It was a long, extremely tiring day, but I had a blast.

These are my nails for the week getting into the spirit.

This is us Utah fans terrorizing the streets of Provo :) we were also welcoming the team.

Me and my friend Wendy at the tailgate party watching the TCU game and freezing our behinds off.

And finally game time! The stands got much more crowded, even though we lost it was still fun among all the Utah fans.
Well there you have it, my last few weeks wrapped into one. Thanksgiving was also in there, I meant to do a post, but I truly am blessed for all I have and thankful for everything especially after seeing all the things I do have. I also got sick (part of the reason my lack of blogging) a sinus infection and possibility I had swine flu the doctor said even though I didn't have the typical symptoms, but what I did have he said some people's bodies just take it differently so who knows. Anyway, I'm almost 1o0% better so that's good. Christmas decorations are up and I'm off to Cancun in a few days! I'll try to be better at the updates from now on :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A pathetic post

I really had fabulous plans of doing an entire update of the last couple weeks, including pictures, since well to say the least I've been slacking. Instead I decided something is better then nothing. So, just letting you all know I'm still alive, even with a sinus infection this week, it's just I've been too busy to update. Or by the time I get home I'm too tired from the day's activities or just from staring at a computer screen all day. So, I promise soon my post will come...maybe Thanksgiving since I get it off, until then this is what you get :)

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Me life is complete

I just wanted to do a quick update before I went to bed...and let you all know I could die right now and be happy. I had the privilege of meeting Kyle Korver tonight! No worries, I will do a full and complete post later explaining everything, but after such a rough week and even a little bit of a rough day (minus making a trip to Draper Temple :) seeing him in person definitely made up for it...I will have sweet dreams tonight....

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

One of those weeks....

This has just been a crazy week from you know where. And to top it off, I overslept my alarm not quite sure if it went off and I didn’t hear it or my phone died so I’m looking just fabulous today, I guess at least I wasn’t late. I woke up not feeling good at all, I slept like crazy and think I have a fever. I still came in and told them, he said I can go home if I want but 2 people are already gone and we’re a branch of 6….so I said I could stick it through today, I’d just hate if I was making everyone else sick. And really I just hope it’s all in my head and nothing is wrong…I think that’s wishful thinking. The only thing getting me through this is knowing I’m going to Cancun in 30 days! It will be 4 nights 5 days of complete relaxation, soaking my toes in the white sandy beaches, enjoying an all-inclusive four star resort and soaking up some sun while everyone back in Utah gets the snow…I can’t wait!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Festivities

I’m so excited it’s almost Halloween and I get to dress up two days in a row! Even if my costume isn’t very fancy, I’m excited to wear it. I started off the Halloween week festivities with fingernail painting. I did ghosts, witches hats, and pumpkins on mine, Sun’s, Chalices and Grandma’s nails all by hand! Last night for sorority we did an exchange with a fraternity and carved pumpkins. My partner and I decided to do our pumpkin as Pinocchio because it couldn’t stand up like a normal pumpkin and it had a long nose. I’ve attached the picture of it.


Grandma's lovely nails

Mine, can you believe I did it left handed!

And Suns' she's never had her nails painted before.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yay the weekend!

Wow, work is sloooow today. Interesting since it’s a Friday. I’ll ramble about some of my latest outings. Last night I had my hair colored. I have a love/hate relationship at this point. I was so excited to get rid of the blonde highlights, now they’re gone I kind of miss them. I went darker with a hint of red, goes good with fall I suppose. On Wednesday I went to the Rho activity. We had our “Rhomeo” pageant where boys from some of the fraternities put on skits, did interviews, basically a watered down Miss America Pageant. It was funny, they each had to take a turn being Romeo and Juliet and acted it out. Wow, those are pretty much the only exciting things I can think of besides just work. I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I’m currently on a Jack Weyland kick. I read Charly, Sam, and Adam’s story. I guess you could consider it a series. I’m currently reading Ashley and Jen, I also read one by Michelle Ashman Bell, I really like her writing style too. I’ve been spending my Saturday’s watching college football, I’m only mildly obsessed J too bad we don’t get the channel the Utes are on. Last Sunday, I went to an awesome fireside with Elder Scott. He did a question/answer thing it was way cool. He talked a lot about dating and how he feels bad for us girls, I couldn’t agree with him more. Well, hopefully with Halloween this next weekend, I’ll have lots more to report, including attaching a picture of my costume, I still have yet to wear it. Wow, work actually started getting busy including a credit card loan. Well, I’ll keep it at this for now, yay for the weekend!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things about fall…

-Starbucks Pumpkin Frapacchino with cream no coffee (I was craving this in church so you know its addicting)
-Starbucks pumpkin loaf
-Starbucks hot chocolate when its pouring rain and the lobby is freezing at work
-having a Starbucks next door to work
-the crisp fall air
-not needing air conditioning or the heater at night or in the car
-wrapping myself up in a blanket during the rain with a good book
-FINALLY not being in school for once in my life so I can read for fun (although I still miss school)
-the start of all these amazing sports: college football, basketball, world series, NFL
-my new Lovesac (not really with specific to fall, but I just got it this fall)
-Diet Coke (who am I kidding, this applies year round but lately its tasted extra good)
-Halloween, I love all the decorations and everything, I’m even going to be a Dalmatian this year, I’ll post pics
-Halloween day at work the one day a year we don’t have to dress up
-the thought that Christmas (so even more decorating) is coming up
-having an excuse to wear orange finger nail polish
-pumpkin pie
-Columbus Day holiday (yeah I know lucky working in the banking industry, I'm loving the idea of paid holidays)

And probably many more, I just love the season changes and this time of year!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Nothing noteworthy...just an update

I haven't had any earth shattering events happen. I go to work each day, come home and repeat the process. Sometimes I mix sorority, other church callings, reading, craft night and doctor's appointments in there. In a way it's nice to have a semi-quiet life with no big happenings going on. And really if I think about it some big things have happened they're just over now, it's not completely worth getting into. I will have another thing thrown in the mix. My wrist after all that is still not getting better. It swells up noticeably almost everyday and just gives out all the time. I went to the doc, who re-xrayed it. No fracture again and now he wants to do physical therapy. In a way I wish it had just broken, like clean break that's it nothing else wrong, but no. I'm hoping going to this just a few times will make it better, stronger and no more worries. It's kind of pathetic what two stupid actions can get you. Oh one crazy piece of information Cameron hit his six month mark. I can't believe it's been that long, it's funny how some of it goes fast and other parts its slow. Well, hope you all enjoy the week I'm just looking forward to my three day weekend (I love Columbus Day)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

No more bitterness, not quite sweet, but at least the bitter is gone

I feel bad I've left this blog all week long with that bitter post. I promise I got over it, actually by Monday I was feeling a lot better about things (the chiro always helps things). I've been busy busy busy yet again. I don't know how I have time for a full-time job, but I somehow manage to squeeze it in, with little time to do laundry and other necessary things to live or just use my lunch hour to get things in. This week for sorority we did an exchange with a fraternity. We played a game, I can't even remember the name of it. The basic point you were tied to someone and had to go all the way to the Smiths on 8th and 9th and there was two cars of people looking for you. Well, since I had a huge purse, wasn't really in the mood to run that far and I was with a guy feeling the same way, we ran (hiding behind cars) across the parking lot and just drove there. I know we cheated, but not like there was a big prize at the end. After we were running we were getting to know each other. He guessed me right at 22 and guess how old he was? Yup, a little 18 year old. I think younger then my little sister. I was like dude I'm old haha. He was still a nice kid and talking to him sure beat trying to run around in the dark. On Friday was the much anticipated Engineering Iditarod at the U. It was the thing I was working at my old job for so long trying to get prizes for. I did end up with my coveted autographed picture. My Grandparents were both able to come, including my Grandpa who was part of our team and even sported our uniform. My Grandma was afraid I wouldn't win the picture so she made me a poster just in case with all his pictures on it. I must say I like it very much.

(Here's one she took of our team and sled I
haven't uploaded the pictures I took yet)
Saturday early morning was the last practice for our primary program. I honestly can say I love my calling. Especially teaching the young kids, they do/say the funniest stuff. That night me and my mom went back to the church to watch the relief society broadcast and have a dinner. It was very tasty. We both go so tired when we got home and were in bed way before 10. We decided they must have put sleeping pills in our food. Not like I did too much during the day, I cleaned a bit, but mostly sat and watched college sports after a short trip to the grocery store. Today was the program, I was worried how my kids would do in front of an audience. I only had one girl who didn't want to get up, I stood up with her and ended up saying her part which didn't really surprise me. Everything else was fine, except I don't know who's brilliant idea it was to put the three year old on the chair that controls the audio and makes the pulpit go up and down. Even I wanted to press the buttons and to a kid it was the hardest thing not to touch it. I probably told them 10 times during it to not touch, then they'd yell I wasn't I just wanted to look at it. Well that's about it. I feel like I"m forgetting some large event of the week and I sure feel busier then this post makes it seem. I hope this week continues going well. I closed my first loan by myself last week (its actually only the second closing I've ever done) my manager looked over it after and said nothing was wrong and the guy I did it for was extremely nice (much better then the first one) and even said I was very good at what I do, which made me feel better. I feel like I'm settling in better. I had a busy day Friday and paperwork to look forward to tomorrow, but being busy at least makes it go by faster. Well here's to a good Monday (it has to go fairly ok, I got all my laundry done tonight :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This weekend I was bitter.  Bad, I know.  I think the fact I knew I was bitter is probably a good sign, in that it isn't permanent.  I'm pretty sure I know the reasons behind this, none of which I'm about to disclose on this.  I do however feel bad for the people who had to put up with me and those who I met for the first time and now probably think this is my permanent state.  I actually can't remember being this mean in quite awhile.  It wasn't anyones fault but my own, I just felt like being mean.  It was so bad I walked into church and told Chalice flat out I'm not in the mood to fake smile or have conversations with anyone.  Maybe that's one good reason I'm a primary teacher you HAVE to put on a smile and your patience definitely gets tested.  We've been practicing for our program, which I can barely sit through we've practiced so much now, let alone 3 year olds they start to lie down in their chairs and I just let them do it, at least they aren't yelling and running around.  I decided tomorrow after work and a much needed chiropractor appointment (another bitter story in itself I asked to leave early for the wrong day so hopefully they're understanding) I'm going to get my hair cut and other needed things I've been putting off to hopefully make me feel better.  Well, I'm working on my bitterness (I know its probably just a thing that needed to run its course and I am looking forward to this week)  Sorority has been fun, we have a barnyard dance coming up and exchanges with this cute fraternity who brought us a rose and wrote a poem (I know how cute is that??)  Wow, I"m starting to get all over the place and don't feel like fixing my wording and transitions so I'll just end now, have a fantabulous Monday!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A little update

I've had quite the adventurous week.  It was nice to have Monday off with the holiday (although I think it spoiled me a little too much)  I was at the branch this week and getting into the swing of things a little more, it's weird there are some changes from when I was there so I always feel like I have to double check myself and probably sound like I don't know anything in the process.  I also joined a sorority with Sam (I can't remember if I already blogged about it or not).  No worries it's an LDS one at the U we're in the Rho chapter and seems like we'll have a lot of fun.  We meet on Wednesday nights and have our induction banquet this week.  Last week we also did exchanges on Thursday night with this fraternity.  We thought it'd be a small group going to like Cold Stone, no there was like 50 guys at a house.  They were all really sweet and made sure the girls got ice cream first.  It was something extremely out of my comfort zone, but quite a fun adventure.  While we were waiting to go on the exchange another fraternity asked a few of us to sit in on a courtship question/answer panel.  It was interesting/kind of funny to hear what guys were thinking, again something out of my comfort zone (I blame Sam on doing that one).  On Saturday after a work barbque I went to Taylor's birthday party, she just turned 7 I can't believe how old she is.   It was getting dark and I started taking pictures (Aspen was the only one who'd pose for me) it was so funny though my flash is so bright and I have to hold out the shutter so long to get anything to show up.  She would hold open her eyes thinking that would help.  Here's a few of her and Taylor.

Besides that I've been getting a lot of reading in, in a way it's nice to have an hour lunch.  I also decided no more excuses and I need to start back at the gym again.  I used that I was too sick from what I had before, then my wrist was hurt, well no matter what is going on I just need to go.  I can see how quickly all that work before will just be undone.  And for whatever reason lately I've had a huge appetite, which makes it worse.  Hopefully, I can jump back in and have no excuses.  Well I can't believe how fast the weekend went, I keep thinking how badly I already need a vacation, that can't be good!

Friday, September 04, 2009

An eventful week

I haven't been this excited for a weekend in a long time.  Not because I have exciting weekend plans, but just that the week is over.  I was in training all week for my new job as a loan officer.  It was actually really good.  It was a lot of information to take in and I first I thought there was no way, but now I'm feeling much more comfortable with it all.  I go to the branch next week which I'm sure will be a completely new experience.  On another note, this being the main reason this week was so eventful was the branch I used to work at was involved in an armed robbery on Wednesday.  It was interesting, I didn't realize how hard I took it until that night.  I wasn't even there, but watching the security video from the news is what did it.  Many of my closest friends were involved and just watching it was intense.  I've told them I can't imagine how they feel right now.  My friend Sammi did a post (her blog is linked to mine) and I really liked what she said.  After hearing some of their stories, and even though it was a horrible situation, there were a lot of little blessings in it and things could have gone much worse then they did.  I'm hoping I can snap out of it, I've had a very hard time sleeping, the nighttime scares me, and when I drive at night I put my pepper spray in my lap because I'm worried something will happen while I'm stopped at a red light.  I think some of why I feel this way comes from I used to work there and it hits really close to home, knowing a lot of my very closest friends were involved and knowing I'm not starting at a credit union again, what if it happens to me?  I just really hope they catch the guy and lock him up forever.  And since I don't want to end this post on that note, I decided this weekend to use my built up energy for something productive.  I dejunked my room.  Most of you who know me and have been in my room know I have a lot of things.  And most things I keep that have any memory to me at all.  Well, this weekend I decided I needed to let go of those less important things.  One example I loved the 101 Dalmatians as a kid.  Well my dad bought me a box of tissues with a picture of them on the side (yeah I know random huh?) I used to tissues up probably a year ago, but I still kept the box.  So that's one example of things that just needed to be thrown away.  Well three huge black garbage bags, one white one and several items to be put downstairs later I feel much better.  I'll post a pic of during the craziness and one after.


And after! 

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm in love

So my weekend overall was rather uneventful. To be honest I was pretty lazy, but I got a lot of things together and am ready to start this new job on Monday. Everyone keeps asking if I'm nervous and I'm not tomorrow (well just a tad) because it's just training, that's like going to school. I'll be nervous when I go to the branch, that's where it's the real deal, but I know as long as I listen in training I'll be fine. Now some may wonder what the title is talking about. One big event over the weekend I bought a memory foam cover for my bed. After only one night sleep I'm completely in love. And I watched a few Friend's episodes, did some crocheting and even took a nap in there I love it so much. It's amazing the transformation from a fairly hard bed to luxury it made. The best part was I had a 20 percent off coupon and saved 20 bucks. I've gotta say best 80 bucks I've ever spent and now can't wait to go to sleep each night. Hopefully I continue to feel this way. Especially that last accident I had even though it wasn't that bad it still tweaked my back pretty good and I just can't seem to get over it. I hope by now having a super soft bed the healing I have been doing won't go to waste by an uncomfortable bed. Well I decided I need to spruce this blog up a bit, so look for more pictures and I'll try to remember exciting/interesting stories, but right now life is pretty much middle of the road nothing crazy good or bad. Oh and PS no new nail polish this week...yet

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I got a job!

I finally got a job yesterday!  I found out yesterday and start next Monday.  It's with the credit union I was with before, just at a different branch as a loan officer. I'm very excited to have something full time with benefits, a stable company and something I'm fairly comfortable with but still is new.  I'm very sad to leave my job.  It's been the perfect summer job (so perfect Chalice is now doing it).  They were so nice to let me stay during the summer and I had a lot of good opportunities to work on special projects that are good for my resume.  One thing I won't miss about the U is the insane traffic.  Today it took nearly 45 minutes to get home, I think there's a lot more students up there who seem to want to go at the same time as me.  Well I'll keep this short ooh and this week I got purple nail polish!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cars...are they worth it?

Sad day this week my car rolled over 100,000 miles.  I got it at 69,000 three years ago, so I am doing pretty good.  I consider myself a pretty good car taker care person (yeah totally just made up that phrase) but with this monumental roll-over I knew there was some bucks to get it up to date on the maintenance.  I just so lucked out the insurance company finally contacted me from the other driver of the accident I was in December.  Since it was just some damage on the back, it wasn't worth it to go through my insurance first and really it wasn't too bad looking.  Well, I received the claim money this week (really not much but it works) and decided since its older anyway I'm not going to fix it well at least not anytime soon.  So I took it to get it aligned (something it desperately needed)  More money then I would have liked and two hours later, they gave me a list of things I should have replaced on my car.  It was legitimate stuff that I knew if I didn't get fixed would cost more in the long run.  I've taken it to a little mechanic who is fast and usually cheaper then the dealer.  I called him Thursday morning, he got me in and out same day, two hundred cheaper then the dealer and did a little more then the dealer was going to do.  I was happy although I spent about 800 on it this week, but at least I feel comfortable with it, safe and more then likely saved myself some money before the things actually caused problems.  Of other news this week I tried Smash Burgers.  The hamburger was amazing, the smash fries a little weird I admit.  They had like seasoning that was a little too crazy for me so if you go maybe try without that and just get regular.  I think I'm still a bigger fan of Five Guys.  Although In N Out is supposed to be coming, I've never been but hear it's amazing.  Well hope everyone starts their week off good, I'm still waiting on that interview and been crossing fingers all weekend....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blue nail polish?

I feel lately like I do the same post each week, but that’s sort of how my life is lately just about the same thing sometimes at different times or a few different people, but basically the same thing.  I had another good weekend Friday I had an interview (still crossing my fingers on) then later that night went with Mallory, Sam, Shelley and Kathy swimming and sit in the hot tub.  It was soo nice, I haven’t been in a hot tub in months.  We then got some ice cream and watched the video from when Sam and Mallory were hypnotized.  It was ok, but they cut out all the funny parts, either showing the audience or people who weren’t doing anything.  It was also out of focus half the time, I’m telling you I should start up a videography thing if people like that can sell theirs.  On Saturday I went with Mallory to do baptisms at the Draper temple.  I haven’t been in it since the open house, it’s very nice inside one of my new favorite temples.  You can definitely tell we’re in Utah and it’s summer because we saw soo many brides.  We then went back to our houses and she came over later for a sleepover.  Sunday was spent relaxing and preparing for the new week.  I have two funny stories of compliments I’ve received which are nice, but on the other hand leave me going ok…weird.  So I was at the temple and came out wrapped up in the towel.  Well one of the nice little temple workers goes you have beautiful color skin, your tan is just the perfect color.  I was like oh um thanks.  It was very nice of her, but something you don’t expect to hear and especially not at the temple.  Then I was getting a diet coke at the McD’s drive-thru which was oddly crowded I remember thinking for the time of day it was.  I get up to take my drink and the guy stops me he’s all I really like your sunglasses.  Now I’ve gotten you have pretty eyes before, but sunglasses, that’s kinda random.  He started asking where I got them, how much I had to pay and have an entire conversation as I’m looking in my mirror thinking no wonder there’s a line if the guy here compliments everyone.  It was very nice of him, but totally random.  Well back to work I go, we’ve had a lot of good donations (although none have topped my Kyle Korver picture-this includes La Caille giving us $1,000) and I’m keeping busy with it all.  I got here very early this morning and am leaving early to get my car estimated to finally fix the damage from that accident in December.  Well enjoy the middle part of the week! PS I have a new love for nail polish, I used to wear it all the time as a kid then got sick of it, but now love it again.  I got this awesome blue color this time!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm an idiot

Well, as the nurse said when it rains it pours.  On Tuesday night I decided kinda last minute to go country dancing.  (back up for a sec) I had just stopped wearing the splint on Monday and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.  I mean it hurt a little, but finally felt like it was healing.  I was dancing with my friend during a couple's line dance.  The guy normally dips you after every song, but not the line dances, well he decided to this time.  I wasn't ready for it making me off balance and when I realized what he tried to do I said no, no dip, but it was too late.  He tried to catch me and I really felt bad for him because he felt so bad, but on the ground I landed.  I of course tried to catch myself with my already hurt hand.  Needless to say it wasn't such a good thing.  After it swelling up pretty good, my fingers going tingly and a very sharp pain I decided to go back to the doctor.  Good news its not broken (although I hear sometimes its easier to heal if it is broken), I did bruise the bone and she said I just banged it up pretty good.  I'm back in the splint for another week, I'm supposed to take the anti-inflammatory medicine (She could feel where its swelling around the bone) and I decided I'm taking it much easier this time.  I won't do anything stupid and I"ll be better about wearing it.  Even if it gets hot and annoying.  I'll see how it is in another week and if it's still bad go to the orthopedic doc.  I have faith it'll be better then new in a week though.  So there's my story for the day.  Lidia said maybe it's my shoes?  I'm not sure about that maybe it's the idiot wearing the shoes who was doing things I shouldn't have in the first place.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A very good day

I've had a lot of fun over the past week including a Park City trip, going to the Salt Lake County fair watching Sam and Mallory get hypnotized (I started crying I was laughing so hard and I was all by myself which made it funnier), getting my hair done (brown low-lights and a more defined a-line so far I LOVE it), keeping very busy at work which makes me feel better about things, and finally I've saved the best for last.  It deserves it's own sentence though.  I know the suspense must be killing you.  Drum roll please.....today I held in my hand an ACTUAL original signed photograph from KYLE KORVER!!!  Yeah, it didn't just make my whole day, but probably month I'd say.  Let me back up and explain the story.  So for work we're having a competition and they asked if I'd call around looking for prize donations.  The Jazz was one of the places and we thought they'd just send tickets.  Well today I walk into the guys office who signs the letters and he's all I have a surprise.  The stuff has been getting mailed to him and he had things from all sorts of companies.  He's showing me everything then pulls out the Jazz one.  He's all yeah they sent over some signed pictures.  As he was pulling it out I saw Kyle then he's all this one is Kyle Korver and I started to like squeal I was so excited.  I'm like can I hold it.  I took a picture and everything.  He got a good kick out of it and even told some of the others in the office.  They're like maybe this will be the coveted prize.  So now because alumni can do this I want to make JJ and Jacob compete for me and win that prize.  The worst part or maybe the best is I"m keeping all the prizes locked up in my office so I know how tempting it is to "accidentally" let it slip into my purse and "get lost"  But at least now until the competition I can look and admire it everyday.  I'll attach the picture I took for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Well, so much for trying to have a positive week.  Today I called the principal of the school for the after school program coordinator.  Well, let me back up.  We've been emailing and finally last Friday at 5:50 she sent me an email saying yes call me at this number at the school.  I found it weird being a Friday so late, but tried it (my phone pushes my email to me within minutes usually if I'm paying attention) and no answer.  I figured that's fine I'll try Monday.  I called Monday around 11:00 the secretary said she wasn't in so I left my information including two numbers she could reach me at and waited.  Tuesday still nothing so I tried again sometime early afternoon.  No one at the school answered so I tried today Wednesday.  I figured if she wasn't there/didn't answer then I"d send an email saying I've tried to get in contact and give her my number for her to try me at her earliest convenience (plus I know she had my phone number from the guy I work with...)  Well, she finally answered, she didn't know who I was at first.  I explained and she's like oh well I never heard back from you and we really needed to get moving on this so I've hired someone else.  I'm like what the heck!  Normally I'd let things go, but not this it's not fair because she has a not very responsible secretary that I don't get the job and now I look like the one who never calls her.  Plus, you don't find and hire someone within three days.  She then was like well do you still want to hear about it in case the other person doesn't work out.  I did, not quite sure why.  But can you believe that?  I was in my car talking to myself like I"m so mad how did this happen.  I'm really really trying to stay positive, but it's hard to when stuff like this keeps happening where it's out of my control and I possibly could have gotten it.  I just have to figure something else that's totally amazing is out there and just waiting for the right opportunity.  And I have been lucky I have had the perfect summer job.  They even asked if I'd stay through part of September to train the new people (can't remember if I mentioned that before) unless I get something else I"m not obligated.  What kind of job says that?  Plus I work whenever I want, which has been awesome for the summer.  So, I'll just keep thinking positive maybe I just need to learn "life lessons" or something or have these experiences for future relief society moments, who knows?

Monday, August 03, 2009

A rough week

Well, this past week was one I would prefer to forget, but I'll go ahead and document it anyway.  I should have figured it was going to be bad when first thing Monday morning walking into work I slipped and fell down this little muddy hill, hurt my wrist and was completely covered in mud.  Skipping ahead a little in the week I ended up going back to the doctor on Saturday to have it x-rayed.  I had decided to let it go a few days see what happened, well it still hurt even a little worse so I decided to go in.  It wasn't broken although I did tear some ligaments and I possibly did something else I can't remember, but he put me in this massive wrist/finger splint and said give it a week, gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatory medicine if it still hurts see about going to an orthopedic surgeon.  So, I'm going to be good, wear the splint thing and hope it gets better.  It's been interesting trying to type with one hand and four fingers, but I'm making it work.  Well things just seemed to go downhill after that.  I found out I didn't get the Mountain America job and an interview I had on Wednesday I found out I didn't get that job either.  I've haven't been applying to as many places lately for different reasons so now I"m running low on possibilities.  Well after the rough week I decided I needed to have a positive attitude and I must be going through all of this for a reason, I mean come on something's gotta give.  Well, I really feel this will be a good week and even two days into it is already looking positive.  Last night I went to an amazing fireside at the Tabernacle, I got a letter from Cameron today (I haven't gotten one for quite awhile after the last one I sent him got lost in the mail), my job told me I can now stay into September to help train the new people coming in so I have an extra month for job hunting, I got a ton done at work today (it was one of those you're totally exhausted by the end of it but I loved looking back and checking off everything that's been nagging at me for the last few weeks), I went to the chiropractor this morning (he's been out all during July and after that fall, sitting on bleachers for different things let's just say I almost ran there this morning), everyone I work with was super nice to me today (they normally are nice people, but a lot of the time I can sit in my office and no one says a word all day well today everyone was talking to me), and one final thing that made me laugh a little.  Two of the people I work mostly with were saying it's good I've had such a positive attitude about my wrist.  Because I've just been saying it's my own fault for being stupid and walking across grass.  They were saying that's good most people would be complaining saying it's someone else's fault.  Well then I was on the other side of the office and a lady I don't really work with asked what happened I told her and she's like oh you better have filed workman's comp.  I"m like well I wasn't on the clock just walking in to work.  She's like well you should have anyway.  It's funny the different opinions and really I wish I was doing something cool to get hurt not just walking down a hill to work.  Anyway, I hope the rest of the week continues to be better then last and all of yours too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Halfway through summer...what??

I'm really slacking on the blogging lately, I guess that's what happens when you're having too much fun.  I promise this post will make up for it.  I'll try to think back two weeks ago, it may be out of order, but I'll do the best I can.  I FINALLY got that tiny piece of paper in the mail after working four long years and waiting the past couple months since graduation.  It's really not as cool as it could have been.  It's basically computer paper with the embossed University logo, but oh well it still means the same thing I suppose.

Last week for my primary kids I decided I wanted to get something for them.  After brainstorming all week, countless google searches and looking over the lesson I decided to make prayer bears for them.  I originally was going to get tiny little bears and tell them they were prayer bears, then I found these little guys on clearance and decided to be ambitious and make my own shirts along with glitter glue and all.  I think they actually turned out pretty cute.  One of my little girls even brought me cookies and a card with her Grandma to say thank you.  I about cried it was the cutest thing ever.  This week my co-teacher moved so I was stuck doing sharing time by myself.  Yeah, it was interesting to say the least.  I wanted my kids to help which I can't decide if I regret or not.  It was on keeping the Sabbath Day holy needless to say I'm glad it's over.
Last week I also went to a car show (sorry no pics) it was cool to see a lot of old and new cars.  And we went to see the floats on display at South Towne Expo.  Again no pics.  Joe is a huge BYU fan and well we all know where my loyalty is.  There was a BYU float and also one from his stake.  Each person got to vote for their favorite float and he even chose BYU over his stake.  I chose a completely different one because I knew if I voted for his stake he'd automatically vote BYU and I couldn't have any part of that ;)

On Thursday I went to the Kenny Chesney concert.  Can I tell you how amazing he is in concert?  He has such high energy it was soo much fun.  I wasn't a fan of Miranda Lamber who opened for him, but what can you do.  Lady Antebellum was also there, they were good too.  Here we are enjoying it, notice the hats?
Pioneer Day was also very crazy.  Joe came with us, it started watching Chalice's softball tournament in Orem, to going to Fairview for the parade, back to Orem, then back to Fairview for the derby.  I was exhausted and slept til 11:00 the next day (I never do that I can't stand to sleep in), but it was a lot of fun.  Here I am at a car show there in front of Bella's truck.
We were all separated watching the Derby, me and Joe were able to still sit together.  We're trying to do a self-portrait with my huge camera, it's hard to hold out and take a picture at the same time, that's why my face looks so weird.

Wow, lot's of updates on pictures.  Even just today I had a call to come interview for one of the many positions I applied for at the U.  It's not one of the best paying, but it'd be a job.  I also got an email from a principal who's school I used to help do outreach events for engineering at.  The guy I work with now gave my information to her because he thought I'd be interested in an outreach coordinator position.  It's a very part time position, but I thought maybe it could be a good opportunity, I"ll see where it goes.  I also had quite and embarassing experience walking into work today.  I was walking down this little hill that happened to be muddy.  I didn't realize this and totally slipped and fell down.  I had mud everywhere, it was bad.  I was able to clean a lot of it off, but I hurt my wrist again, the same one I keep hurting.  It's not broken or anything, but still is annoying.  Well, there's my last few crazy weeks I'll try to be better about posting so it's not some marathon thing.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another week

I just wanted to give a quick update before I forget.  I’ve been busy this week as usual.  I have no idea how I found time for things while I was in school.  Speaking of…drum roll please….big news I just got word today my degree has been OFFICIALLY awarded.  Meaning I passed all my classes and am officially a college graduate.  Wahoo!  I also ended up going to the doctor on Saturday (yes with a $30 co-pay instead of $20 because my doctor was closed) After minor speculation I could have swine flu and being just a tad freaked out I went in to find I had a sinus infection.  It was what I suspected all along.  So no worries, no pig flu here.  Good news was he couldn’t hear anything in my lungs, but gave me a refill on my inhaler in case it turns into bronchitis.  I feel better today like the pressure isn’t so bad, but you’d think after being on four days of heavy doses of antibiotics I’d be almost cured and I’m not, so I’m still a tad frustrated, but at least I know what it is and can be on the mend.  The most frustrating part is my voice sounds so gross and the coughing at night, but I know it just takes time.  No word yet on the two job interviews.  I know the MACU one had an interview today with another candidate so hopefully I’ll hear from them.  The other interview was a group one, the weirdest thing I’ve ever been to in my life and even if they offered me the position I don’t think I’d take it.  I’ve also been dancing this last week (surprisingly getting better) I went to the new water park in Draper Cowabunga Bay (I know smart idea when I’m sick right?) it was not as fun as it looks and in my opinion not worth the price, maybe if I was younger or it was cheaper, but yeah probably won’t go back.  I also started a new book and am dying to finish it, but haven’t had a chance.  I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a book review blog, would anyone be interested or should I just keep my reading to myself?  Well, that’s a whirlwind update.  I’ve been taking lots of pictures and I’ll post them whenever I remember to upload them to my computer.  Ooooh and another exciting news event I am going to the Kenny Chesney concert.  JJ and Jacob asked about going in for the 4 tickets for $99 and I was all for it.  I’m so excited and there’s three other groups coming so it should be good!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


So today I got a call from the doctor.  Every test they had me do this second time around came back ok.  So that is good news no thyroid problems, but on the other hand so frustrating because I don’t know what’s wrong.  They said give it another week or two if things still aren’t better come back for imaging tests, not sure what that means all I can assume is it will equal expensive.  I just don’t understand why I’m still having problems over a month later.  Sorry to go on but this is my venting place and my frustration level with it is very high.  I just don’t understand they’re the doctors they should know what’s wrong.  Or one of these million tests should come back with the answer.  I’m also sick of paying that lovely $20 co-pay.  It doesn’t help that I have had a cold all week either.  It went from sore throat, to chest cold, to nose/head/sinus cold.  I actually think I have a sinus infection with the symptoms, but don’t want to give another $20 to get an antibiotic.  I’ve been taking over the counter stuff that seems to help.  And let me tell you one trick I’ve been using my face moisturizer under my nose.  It feels sooo good putting it on after blowing my nose a million times.  I’ve never had a cold this bad where my nose won’t stop running.  Therefore the reasoning thinking its sinus infection, along with a few other details I’ll spare you from.  Anyway, I just hope I get better really really soon.  People always say you don’t appreciate your health until it’s gone.  That is so true and even now I’m still in good health compared to others and I should be grateful my problems are so small, but sometimes it’s nice to just vent about them.  

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Summer fun

Wow, I actually let this go over a week.  Doesn't sound like me does it?  As usual a ton has been going on.  I'll try to highlight this past week.  I had a very enjoyable 22 birthday.  I know I'm getting up there in years.  Sunday we had family over for cake and ice cream.  I have the privilege of having my birthday the day after my Grandpa's so Chalice ordered us a very lovely cake.

My work brought in this one and we all sat around my office eating it.  JJ was dropping by a card right when they pulled it out and also shared in the festivities.  

I also had a very delicious lunch with Sam from Five Guy's mmmm it was yummy.  I went to see My Sister's Keeper that night.  I had read the book, it's very sad and the movie was completely different in the end, so I'm still not sure how I felt about it, but it was nice to be able to see it.  I also got some very nice gifts and all in all it was a great birthday.

I also this week had my first date with someone since Cameron.  Chalice's boyfriend Blake works with him, his name is Joe, and set us up.  We went country dancing, he's insanely good and me well not so great.  He was still very nice to teach me and we had a lot of fun.  We also hung out all day on the Fourth.  I was mainly just planning to go to the parade and a bar-b-que with some of his family and friends, but it turned into an entire day.  We hung out with a few of his friends, talking, playing card games and buying fireworks.  We also watched the big firework display later that night and lit some of our own.
He had volunteered to help block off the street and had me come.  We met in the police building there and I was the only girl.  Luckily, since I didn't know the town at all (it was in Magna) he asked for us to be together.  We got to wear sweet orange vests I felt like I was on safety patrol in elementary school all over again.

I started getting sick later that night and woke up this morning with no voice.  Go figure I got my first summer cold.  I was sad I was supposed to teach the lesson today, but Chalice ended up doing it.  I also went to the doctor on Friday because I'm still not better from what I had before.  I'm again having more tests.  My neck bruise is coming back and he says it could possibly be a thyroid problem or still more tests for different parasites.   I should hear back later this week.

I also had a phone interview for a job I really really hope I get.  It's only part-time, but is like my dream job.  The phone interview went really well and I have an in-person one this week.  It's doing internal communications like making videos and publications from higher management to the rest of employees for Mountain America.  I'm nervous it only being part-time, but they said definitely potential for more.  I also have a group interview for two hours this week.  Not quite sure what that will entail, but we'll see.

Wow, that was quite the update hope everyone had a good holiday.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What a weekend.

Well I've had yet another busy weekend!  Today was almost packed with too much, but it was fun and I was able to get most everything in.  I'll just do a little highlighting.  Last night was my Grandpa's birthday party dinner with everyone.  Sorry (especially Grandma) I had my camera with my but didn't take any pictures I know my resolution is turning out bad.  After that JJ and Jacob were going to Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house.  I decided why not I"ll come.  It was raining pretty hard that night and when we came out of the tent you watch the introduction video in there was the brightest prettiest rainbow I've ever seen.  Well now I"m really kicking myself the camera was in the car.  It was very pretty inside, surprisingly different then Draper even though they were built at the same time.  I'm not sure if I can call a favorite, but probably Draper just because it sits nestled into the mountain and I loved the Bride's room there (random I know)  When we came out the sun was setting and I got some neat shots of that although you can see the tents in some of them.  Today I got up at 6:15 to go to a breakfast at Harmon's for Taylorsville Dayzz, I know very early for a Saturday and I haven't been up at that time since I graduated.  We also had a ward party up the canyon and I was able to get some shots up there.  Then Pat took us out for my birthday dinner.  Everyone was going to see the fireworks, but I decided I was just too tired for that, so here I am blogging and sending out more resumes.  Definitely an adventurous weekend!  Here are some of the pictures I took. 

That's me and Sun.  I'm taller then her anyway, but I decided to wear one of the highest pairs of shoes I own that night so I was like a tower over here that's why I was leaning over to appear shorter.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Just a little break

I’m at work and actually accomplishing a lot, but decided I needed a little blogging break.  I got a haircut last night.  I was so sick of how long it was getting especially with the heat of the summer.  I got an A-line (shorter in the back it’s not very dramatic though, but it feels sooo much better off my neck)  It was funny a guy did it.  He made very sure I knew he was straight.  It was sorta weird at first, but he was a nice although very flirty guy.  He even told me about his girlfriend, which actually made me not feel so weird about it.  Anyway, I decided I like it and it was a much needed change.  I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days how I need to get out and use my camera more, especially for “fun” personal things.  It seems for so long I was just using it for business or other people, but I really want to go back to just using it for fun.  Along with that comes needing to have it with me.  So, I’ve made a goal to try to carry it around most places I go.  It’s so big and obviously gets a little annoying, but it could kinda be considered a purse and I could just stick my wallet in there, I’m not sure we’ll see what works out.  You never know when you’ll come across a picture moment or if I have free time and want to take a drive for some landscape shots.  Needless to say expect more pictures and hopefully I’ll continue to do it.  Well, I’ll keep this one short and get back to work oh I also just got news Tuesday may not be my last day.  He decided that’s not long enough notice for me to finish all the projects, so we’ll see what happens.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Becoming a mother...

What a crazy weekend!  I felt like it was just go-go-go the entire time.  Did I scare everyone with the title?  That was my goal, no I"m not pregnant or even close to being haha, but I became a mother for a little over an hour on Sunday.  I was getting ready for dinner when I looked outside and saw the Bishop's car.  I walked out to see what was going on to find a little 2 year old boy wandering around with another neighborhood boy say he followed him from the street over and he's just been going to everyone's houses.  I was like oh, interesting and tried to ask his name.  He wouldn't talk (maybe he couldn't I'm not sure) but he wouldn't go with the Bishop so we decided I'd walk with him and we'd try to see if he recognized one of the houses at all.  I still couldn't get a name or anything we stopped at a neighbor house in another ward to see if she knew.  Long story short, an hour later we called the cops after we had started knocking on doors and no one knew who he was.  Finally, someone pulls up that lives a few streets over saying they'd been looking for him for about 10 minutes.  I couldn't believe someone could lose their kid for over an hour and just notice 10 minutes before.  I didn't stay to find out what the police said, but it was an interesting experience.  It's eye opening any bad person driving through our neighborhood could have taken him.  It was cute though he'd only come to me, so I did feel like a mother for a little bit.  I also gave my talk that day.  It went as well as a talk can go.  I was last and spoke about 10 minutes.  I focused mainly on education and tied in Father's Day.  I guess this post is going backwards as far as how the weekend went.  Saturday I spent with my cousin Mallory here from Phoenix.  She spent the night and we got up (supposed to be early wasn't until around 9:00) to go to the Salt Lake Temple.  She had never been inside so it was a cool experience, I love how it is there and she did too.  We also saw a farmer's market which she insisted checking out.  I was nervous since it was Pioneer Park.  I told her not to tell her dad I took her there, haha.  It wasn't bad though since so many people were there.  She even made friends with a hippie in a sweet van selling tie-dye things.  We shopped a few other places, mainly Nordstrom Rack and came home to visit with our parental units.  I also developed huge blisters on my pinky toes from walking in heels everywhere and Jacob had to perform surgery to pop them, what a nice brother-in-law I have, no way could I have done it.   Last Wednesday Lidia came for her friend's wedding.  Since everyone else had work and my job is so flexible we hung out Thursday and Friday in the day.  Mainly went to some movies, got ready for the wedding, drove to the wedding forever far away and just rested.  I was sad last time I saw her was Friday night, I didn't realize it would be, but with how things worked it was.  I didn't get to say bye, but now that just leaves an excuse for her to come back or me to go visit her again!  Also, yesterday I got word more then likely next Tuesday is my last day of work.  I have an interview today cross your fingers, so we'll see what happens!

This picture was pre-surgery I know kinda sick, but look how huge it was!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So for like the last month I've had this feeling they're going to ask me to speak at Church.  I really thought it'd be around Father's Day too for some odd reason.  I've had all of the Bishopric talk to me at some point these past few Sunday's and never a word.  So I thought I'm off clean.  Well, not so fast.  I'm sitting here and my cell phone starts ringing number I don't recognize against my better judgment I answer it.  Well guess who it is, none other then the Bishop asking me to speak this Sunday.  I mean how does your Bishop get your cell phone number??? They're having all the high school graduates speak and one can't do it so they thought of me.  Well isn't that lucky I get to do an 8 minute talk about graduating, Father's Day or Conference and I'm among the high schoolers so I look like one of them.  To top it off the primary is singing to the Father's and I have to teach.  Oh the joys of being LDS...

PS funny thing he's all that will be easy for you....um no it won't who is that easy for...no one!  So anyone have a talk written out I can just use, please send it my way.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My life as of late

So out of curiosity I added the web page hit counter.  I started it at 680 because that's how many profile views approximately blogger tells me I have.  Well I just added it yesterday and I'm already to 700.  So either I have a bunch of blogstalkers I'm not aware of or everyone checks my blog multiple times a day...not really sure.  But we all know I'm a blogstalker/Facebook stalker so it's all good.  Although if you read this and I don't know you do for example you stumbled onto it somehow I'd love to know who you are.  If these hits keep going up I can put ads on the side and generate a little revenue from it all, I"ll refrain from that for now.  

Anyway, I'm starting to feel better.  After missing a ton of work last week I went back today.  Probably the worst I felt was Saturday.  It was Shelley's birthday and I was able to make it for lunch, but that was about it before I needed to come home and rest.  It's weird I start to not be able to breathe-the feeling when you have pneumonia but I don't have a cough or any of pneumonia symptoms.  Oh well all I care about is not feeling this way.  I did hear back from the doctor on the x-ray and blood work which came back normal so that's good.  I honestly don't know what blood tests he did.  So just waiting on the other tests.  I also was on the antibiotic this weekend and just finished this morning with it.  They were ginormous horse pills that I gagged every time taking.  I think that made me a lot better.  I was still pretty tired when I got home from work, but much much better then how I felt this weekend.  I also applied to a few more jobs.  I've honestly completely lost track how many times I've sent out my resume.  I know of at least three places just today that I can remember, really good ones too so we'll see.  I also was able apply to a few while I was sick.  Oooh and I finally got a letter it took like two and a half weeks this time, but I swear I'm not complaining :)  
As I was driving home today I was thinking of some of the crazy things I've done in my life and what crazy goals I have.  One, last year having purple hair (for those blogstalkers who don't know me it was only in three spots underneath that you could only see when I flipped it out) I'm not even sure why I did it.  I just wanted a change I guess.  It was funny because that's when I did the internship with a very conservative politician-oh well guess I was feeling crazy.  Another crazy thing is the Guatemala trip.  Pick anything from the zip-line to riding in the boat with 25 people in the middle of the bottomless lake.  Jumping into the Snake River during a raft trip when I was 8 just to get all the scouts to jump in because a girl did it.  This one was before the Guatemala zip-line, but doing the Park City/Snowbird zip-lines.  They make you sit up and then they release the gate and you go down, it scared me pretty bad.  Here are some crazy things I want to do.  One buy a brand new car in cash-it's crazy cause wouldn't that be something crazy cool to do-I know it's far off but that's ok.  Learn to fly a helicopter or airplane.  I know bad for someone who was scared of the "baby-small plane"  But I entered this contest to win a scholarship for flying lessons, wouldn't that be awesome to win.  They also do this tv special on you, I'm pretty excited.  Well I also decided I need to work on my list.  I have a good start, but definitely could use some more crazy adventures.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guatemala Pics 2

Sorry, I did this kind of backwards.  Start with the post on the trip then all these pictures will make more sense (they're in no particular order)

Me enjoying the hammock at the first cottage.
One of the many pretty views of the volcano and lake-seriously prettiest place on earth.
Lidia coming down the zip-line
Me after surviving the first of eight of the zip-lines.

The three of us after getting all our gear on.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guatemala Pics

Here is the three of us in a Tok-tok
The very famous Antigua
Me and Sam on the scary baby plane
Me and Sam on one of the boats.

Me buying the bread in a basket.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Guatemala Trip

Here it is, the much anticipated post!  THe first two days are written out after that I just did bullet points of highlights.  These are exactly transcribed from my journal-I knew it'd be too hard remembering everything after when I got home.  Enjoy!

Day 1 May 23, 2009

And the adventure begins!  Me and Sam met at the airport at noon for our 2:10 flight departure.  Yeah, it was super early, but we heard we had to make sure our bags were checked two hours before.  Anyway, we get on the plane and it’s tiny!  Like seriously seated 50-60 people.  It was called a Continental Express.  It had two seats on one side and only one on the other.  Sam couldn’t even take her carry-on they had to gate check it.  It was a pretty good flight, they had a change in route plans and made us wait about 15 minutes which wouldn’t be so bad except we were already cutting it close with the connecting flight.  We had turbulance going into Houston.  Sam’s all hey look out the window as soon as I did I see the wing go bouncing yeah I decided not the biggest fan of little baby planes I’ll definitely keep that in mind next flight I book.  We landed 15 minutes late to realize we’re in terminal B and need to get to E.  We quickly realized how insanely huge the airport is.  When I flew to Houston last time I just flew into Hobby airport which is still big, but in no way compares to this one.  We head towards Terminal E signs including up an escalator to realize we have to take this monorail shuttle thing.  Yeah it just may be the coolest part of this trip.  We get to our stop and realize they’re already boarding our flight.  We still had to go down an escalator down a really long hallway turn the corner and our gate was halfway down that.  Throw in being on a hot stuffy baby plane and Texas humidity yeah we were out of breath and very tired.  Luckily this was the part we found Lidia!  It was like out of a movie we came running (well fast walking) and hugged her.  We then had to get our passports checked and stand in line to board the plane.  It was much bigger this time three seats on each side.  They handed us two papers to fill out (up to this point it was the really only indication I was on an international trip I guess besides the passport)  It was in Spanish first with English translation underneath.  This is also how all communication with the flight crew has been.  Originally they said there was a dime size indentation in the aircraft and a specialist had to come clear us for flight and would be at least 20 minutes.  Wel 5 minutes later they said it was ok and we taxid out not long after.  I’m currently writing this portion while the movie Marley and Me is playing.  Yeah not a good idea for me to watch.  I’d bawl my eyes out.  They even gave us free headphones and we got a meal.  It was a salad and an enchilada surprisingly pretty decent.  We also got served drinks twice.  I greatly appreciated since we didn’t have time to get anything in Texas.  The plane landed and as we walked out of the gate they gave us a survey to fill out about the flu.  We couldn’t get past a certain checkpoint without filling it out.  We then went through to get our stamp and gave the other paper on the airplane saying we weren’t bringing anything into the country although they didn’t double check or go through our bags  When we went outside we quickly found her family.  Her step-grandfather, uncle, and cousin were all very nice to come pick us up.  Her cousin is in a very popular band here as the drummer and we got to ride in his BMW-it was pretty sweet.  It took about 20 minutes to get to her grandparents house.  Oh I forgot to mention its very humid.  They say it’s not normally this bad, but just cause it rained that day.  We pulled up to the house.  It’s dark out so we had a hard time seeing things anyway.  The houses here are very different from the U.S. and even what I expected knowing coming into this. It just like a cement wall then opened it to the front door.  The house has very cool tile everything else is like cement.  We get to stay in the guest room a double bed where me and Sam are staying then they brought in a twin for Lidia.  We also have a small bathroom with just a toilet and isnk in the room.  We were very tired and grateful to see a bed we all climbed in.  I tossed and turned most of the night, their two parrots were making noise and dogs were barking.


Day 2 Sunday May 24, 2009

            We woke up about 6:30 AM I felt I was about half asleep all night.  We wished Lidia Happy Birthday gave her her presents realized it was too early and slept until 9:00.  I actually felt like I slept this time.  We got up and had a breakfast of plantain, like bananas fried, tomales nothing like Mexican kind.  A sort of Mormon coffee it was ok.  Her step-grandfather took us to a sort of mall thing.  I was able to buy bread and a cookie in a basket is what you shopped with.  We also had the most amazing churro with cream and got her a birthday cake.  I also got my diet coke from McDonalds about 23 of their dollars for two of them which is about 3 of our dollars.  We stopped at the grocery store bought them out of bottled water and here its called Coca-Cola Light.  We bought a calling card for the cell phone we’re borrowing from these little markets people run out of their houses on the side of the street.  We’re staying in a gated community has an armed guard at the gate.  We ordered chicken from a place called Pollo Campero-just like KFC more of a baked not fried taste and none of the sides.  We rested for a bit then had cake.  Her great-uncle was there we enjoyed trying to teach each other our languages and headed to bed.

After this I realized the writing everything out was too long, so I just made bullet points

Day 3 Monday May 25, 2009

-woke up at 6:30 we were out door at 8:30 for Lake Atitlan

-stopped for very good breakfast eggs, beans mush, bread, black tortillas

Got lost lots construction sign for Lake road gone went 40 kilometers too far

Road very scary I call it death road Sam kept pointing out crosses on side of road where people died

No street laws at all pass people on corners and pass cops even speeding

We took boat ride to get to hotel cottage thing

Prettiest place I’ve ever seen-pictures won’t do it justice

Very humbling, I knew to expect bad conditions especially in these little villages had no idea how bad

We able to have fettucine dinner here and carrot cucumber salad very good

We made our own hot tub in the bath here

I was even able to hop on interenet real fast to send email

We’ll do shopping in village tomorrow I’m so tired after the like 5 hour car ride on windy roads

Sam lit a fire in the room or let’s say attempted

We had little boy show us to hotel it was uphill and very long walk wish we would have taken a little cab called a tok-tok

I fell asleep very early over everyone else

Day 4 Tuesday May 26, 2009

Woke up around 8:30 got ready

Went to restaurant in hotel for an amazing breakfast.  I had French toast with fresh strawberry jam and fruit French toast were just little breads best French toast ever had-tried Lidia’s omellete and biscuit soooo good

Went into village to shop took a tok-tok for it

Bought guitar-little wooden one, beautiful painting, giraffe that’s wooden like a puzzle with hidden compartment and a postcard I sent home

Checked out of cottage hotel discovered a lizard on wall of room-took a tok-tok to beach and again did boat ride to next place we were staying

Had scariest boat ride ver we had to stop at a little town first took a taxi to other end of village to get on another boat

It had to keep stopping at random docks kept putting more and more people on in total 24 people I honestly thought we were going to sink or tip to one side (its only supposed to fit 12)

Finally arrived at La Iguana Perdid out Santa Cruz hotel nice room three beds in it private bath- no shops or atm like other village only dinner at hotel during certain time.

They didn’t have diet coke either had to go to another tiny store for candy too

Been getting eaten alive by mosquitoes

Dinner was weird served family style carrot soup and pizza Lidia said nothing like authentic food

They told us we couldn’t do any of the things the website suggested you needed to plan in advance

I didn’t’ sleep well it was freezing everything was damp and I really had to use the bathroom didn’t want to get up plus saw lights through window all night

Day 5 Wednesday May 27, 2009

Craziest day ever!

Went to breakfast at hotel we all ordered fruit, yogurt granola crepes it was sooo awful tasted like rotten milk from two years ago

None of us ate, we checked out as soon as we could and caught the boat to Panachel

Boat ride not so crowded this time

So tired carrying our stuff there was a little restaurant we stopped at

Had a diet coke and the best fries at 10:00 in the morning

Lidia called her uncle he was just leaving it was a 2 and a half hour drive so we had time to kill

We knew of a butterfly sanctuary so she asked the waiter he told her where it was and said they have a zipline there

Took a tok-tok to the place

It cost Q175 for the zipline about $20-25

OH MY HECK craziest thing I’ve ever done Park City’s so called zipline is nothing compared to this

We hiked clear up this mountain over the tropical forest through a waterfall you could hear rattlesnakes during it I freaked out and freaked out at Sam for continuously pointing it out

Before they put all the gear on us the harnesses a dinky little helmet that I’m like this won’t do any good although I later realized it protected my head from the trees

They let us practice on a little cable

They hooked you up then let your body weight carry you-you have to stop yourself with a gloved hand

The hike was exhausting with the humidity and altitude change we had to keep stopping

There were bridges we crossed they said only held 7 people there were 5 of us and it looked to me like it could only hold one

It was very dinky and high up

The view was amazing it was over the trees you looked over and could see the Lake and volcanoes

There was 8 lines you’d have to hike a little to the next one it was soo pretty

It hurt my hands with the breaking but they said I did really good

Sam the first one lost her grip and the guy had to catch her so she didn’t hit the rock

We got done and walked the butterfly sanctuary

Took another tok-tok to meet her uncle at the dock

On way home we stopped few more places bought a jade necklace and wood horse

I got pretty carsick on way home luckily I was able to fall asleep

Stopped at a beautiful Swiss restaurant for sandwiches and pictures

I saw a firefly! Coolest thing ever like little lightbulbs

Came home took long time finally fell asleep

Day 6 Thursday May 28, 2009

Woke in the morning anticipating a trip to Antigua

Lidia said there was a minor earthquake in the middle of the night she almost woke us for to stand in the doorway

I didn’t feel it, later we found it was in Honduras like 7.4 magnitude in the ocean

After I showered I did not feel good

Went to the bathroom felt like everything I”ve been eating this trip came out

Decided postpone trip Lidia went to her grandpa’s grave and to visit a friend me and Sam literally slept and read all day

Don Carlos (Lidia’s stepgrandfather) took us to a fruit stand to get something when I got back felt like I was going to pass out Sam was nice to air me off while I layed on the couch

Toilet became our friend rest of day

            Well that’s all from my journal I’ll do a quick wrap-up of the rest.  Still felt sick into the night and Friday.  Me and Sam decided to get a flight back home.  It was full on Saturday so we got one Friday afternoon.  We still really wanted to see Antigua so we went early that morning.  It was really cool.  My favorite was seeing a Jade museum and learning all about it.  I didn’t feel very good at all, but I still enjoyed seeing it.  As usual long plane rides and trip home.  My first time through customs in the US they just asked questions didn’t go through our stuff.

            All in all it was a crazy adventure!  It was a ton of fun and definitely memories I’ll keep for the rest of my life.