Thursday, July 07, 2011

Start of an adventure

What a day! I feel typing this out will help me feel better so here goes and I'm not going to edit it this will be my spit everything out post. So, the amazing vacation with the cruise, day in Disneyworld and layover in New York is coming up on Saturday. Everything is scheduled and ready to go as far as when I'll pack, get laundry done, all of that. Well, today Marne emails saying we probably won't make our flight from SLC to JFK. Did I mention we decided to fly standby...keeping in mind we need to make the cruise by Sunday? Well, it's a risk we took because it was so cheap. AFter probably 127 emails back and forth anywhere from calling in sick tomorrow and driving to Long Beach to catch a flight, to just driving to Vegas. Well, we decided on the flight from Vegas to JFK then Orlando. After more discussion, we decided to not chance driving the 6 hours and just fly down there. Well, that's been officially booked so now our trip will entail flying to Vegas, then New York, then Orlando, cruising to the Bahamas staying in Orlando for two days and going to Disneyworld flying back to New York and spending the day there and finally back home..all in a week. HOpefully the only stress will be what came today and the rest will be peaceful and relaxing although it is fun now having quite an adventure.

THe other craziness of my afternoon is last week I went to the doctor to get some blood work done because I haven't been feeling the best. Well, they found out I have hypoglycemia. I think I've only heard of it just a few times and it's something with blood sugar levels. Basically the doctor wants me to change my diet, she said to Google diet plans and then they'll evaluate where I am in 6 months. Does anyone out there in the blogging world have experience with it? Any helpful websites or books? From websites I've read and discussion posts I'm really excited for how I should feel after changing a few things. It answers soo many questions about why I feel the way I feel and the dizzy/fainting spells I've had.
WEll that was just in the span of a few hours, let's just say I can't wait until I'm on that ship :)