Thursday, November 24, 2011

Update of the past few months

It's been awhile, but I blame never wanting to get on my laptop. If I could blog on my phone I'd do it all the time. Well, lot's has happened the past few months. I purchased my first condo which I love. I'm planning to do a video walk through and I'll post it. It's a little scary now being an adult with a mortgage, but I'm really excited about it. I also went on another trip this time to Hawaii. My friend Lidia got married on the beach there, again one day I'll post pictures. Speaking of marriages, Chalice and Blake finally got married too. I was also able to go through the temple and be there for it, which was a good experience. Recently I've adopted a dog, his name is Baxter and he's a bichon frise (I think that's how it's spelled). Besides that I think everything else is the same.

WIth today being Thanksgiving I'm grateful for the life I have. I have sooo many blessings, it would take me days to list. I'm thankful for my family, friends, job, opportunities in life, gospel everything in my life. I'm going to keep this short and sweet hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll try to keep these posts closer together!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Epic Fall of 2011

And epic it was. It all started when I was running slightly late for an appointment on Sunday. Well that and I saw someone I knew that I was trying to avoid. I had my temple recommend interview with the Stake President. I got there and saw a group of guys talking, like 10 of them. I knew someone in the group and we all know I hate the small talk so I was hoping to avoid saying hi to them. I had the brilliant idea to run up the stairs, acting like I was in a hurry to avoid it. As I got to the second stair, I completed face-planted it. My scriptures went flying, purse and temple recommend. It was a good 15 seconds until I realized what happened and was able to get up. By this time a few of them came over to help me. I heard one say oh how sad, she's going for her recommend interview. I just grabbed my things and ran inside. To top it off when I got inside I lost it and started crying. I did hurt, but it was more the emotions of everything. I tried to find a bathroom, but of course got to the Stake President's office first. I think the secretary was like what in the world is wrong. I told him what happened and I was able to go to the bathroom to get myself together. All is well that ends well I suppose. I was able to do the interview and had a few battle scars. Of course I documented everything.

I just painted my toes the day before, maybe it was for the best it probably chipped off before the nail. Sadly my middle toe and ankle probably hurt the most from all of this and obviously you can't see that in pictures.

The top of my left leg. Of course I feel on the second stair so this scraped the top of it. It was the most painful thing to have my skirt on this over church.
My right leg, only I could fall so I hurt every limb on my body.
My leg and arm also have bruises, I think because my skin is darker you can't see as well, but let me tell you it still hurts.
I should bubblewrap myself I think...

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Start of an adventure

What a day! I feel typing this out will help me feel better so here goes and I'm not going to edit it this will be my spit everything out post. So, the amazing vacation with the cruise, day in Disneyworld and layover in New York is coming up on Saturday. Everything is scheduled and ready to go as far as when I'll pack, get laundry done, all of that. Well, today Marne emails saying we probably won't make our flight from SLC to JFK. Did I mention we decided to fly standby...keeping in mind we need to make the cruise by Sunday? Well, it's a risk we took because it was so cheap. AFter probably 127 emails back and forth anywhere from calling in sick tomorrow and driving to Long Beach to catch a flight, to just driving to Vegas. Well, we decided on the flight from Vegas to JFK then Orlando. After more discussion, we decided to not chance driving the 6 hours and just fly down there. Well, that's been officially booked so now our trip will entail flying to Vegas, then New York, then Orlando, cruising to the Bahamas staying in Orlando for two days and going to Disneyworld flying back to New York and spending the day there and finally back home..all in a week. HOpefully the only stress will be what came today and the rest will be peaceful and relaxing although it is fun now having quite an adventure.

THe other craziness of my afternoon is last week I went to the doctor to get some blood work done because I haven't been feeling the best. Well, they found out I have hypoglycemia. I think I've only heard of it just a few times and it's something with blood sugar levels. Basically the doctor wants me to change my diet, she said to Google diet plans and then they'll evaluate where I am in 6 months. Does anyone out there in the blogging world have experience with it? Any helpful websites or books? From websites I've read and discussion posts I'm really excited for how I should feel after changing a few things. It answers soo many questions about why I feel the way I feel and the dizzy/fainting spells I've had.
WEll that was just in the span of a few hours, let's just say I can't wait until I'm on that ship :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Strut Your Mutt

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cruise time

Bahamas cruise in 52 days. Debating if I should Google how to lose 50 pounds in 6 weeks or how to feel skinny and rock it in a fat body...this thought process started with swimsuit shopping. Maybe I'll just wear jeans and sweatshirts the entire time. Also, for the record, I'm more excited for the one day we'll be spending in Disney World after the cruise then the four days on the cruise and in the Bahamas and yes you can quote me on that, that is all.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Weekend (or at least the first half)

I feel like some weeks, the only thing keeping me going is knowing I have the weekend. And because of that I try to have a good mix of relaxing yet entertaining things going on. This week I was just so tired. I got home Friday and literally felt I could have fallen asleep at 7:00. But that was not an option. Me and Sam decided to keep it low key and since we had a baby-shower the next day went to Babies-R-Us for the gift. Now I'm not sure how many childless people read this (well let's be honest I'm not sure how many people in general read this) but have any of you childless people ever stepped foot in there? Well, in my entire life I never have. Of course I've seen the baby aisle at Walmart and even Toys R Us and I thought we were just walking into a slightly bigger selection then that. No, no it was like the size of a normal Toys R US, let's just say I walked out of there very traumatized for all the items needed for a baby. I think I pushed back what was already something in the very, very distant future after that small trip. We then watched a Red Box movie and called it a night. Saturday was the nice mix of productive and relaxation. I decided to get my behind out of bed by 8:00 to hit the gym. I told myself if I did that I didn't have to feel guilty if I wanted to watch movies the rest of the day. I was home alone and still had two movies left from the Red Box. The next thing I'm about to say, please don't judge. I was not a believer before and made fun of people that have turned into me. Well, I'll just say it. I watched the Justin Bieber movie...not once..but twice and actually enjoyed it, well obviously. I even cried three different times during it. I know, I know. I've already given myself the lecture. No worries, this isn't to the extent of Kyle Korver and never would be, I can now just see where everyone is coming from. Later tonight me and Sam went to the baby shower and after that I went with a group of friends up the canyon for a bonfire and hotdog/marshmallow roast. It made me very excited for summer nights. It was good temperature with a jacket, the moon was pretty and magical hearing the roar of what is supposed to be a small creek, now turned river. During the winter I forget how wonderful summer is, especially at night when it stays lighter for longer and you don't have to worry about driving home in the snow, I'm definitely excited. Well, that's been my weekend so far, we will see what Sunday brings.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Deep/Vague thoughts (So deep and vague I barely understand what I'm saying)

Have you ever wondered if one small decision changed the entire course of your life? I've been reflecting over this a lot lately. Even little things like if I had said this or done that, maybe one misunderstanding wouldn't have turned into some huge fight that led to relationships falling apart. I also wonder, is it a good thing or would I have been better off if it didn't happen. I'm a huge believer and always will be in things working out in the end, but what if the end would have put me in a more ideal situation if the original misunderstanding hadn't happened in the first place. Anyway, just some of my thoughts tonight. I'm pretty sure no one on the planet Earth will even understand this post I barely know what I'm talking about, but it felt good typing it out. That is all, goodnight.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

15 Completely Random Facts

1. Me and Marne are currently sitting in almost the exact same position, with almost matching computer, blogging about pretty much the same thing.

2. I have a strong dislike for cats. I've been attacked by more then one and pretty sure they are the devil's minions. For example one cat in our complex follows me and gets its paw prints all up and down my car and no one else's. I think they sense how much I love dogs.

3. I have a new found love for Psych.

4. I just bought an amazing flat screen TV as well as Apple TV. I'm now enjoying Psych and other such shows in a totally new way.

5. For a long time there was only three reasons I wanted to get married. First, I hate getting into a cold bed so it would be nice if someone warmed it up before I had to get in. Second, so I would never have to get gas. I hate standing out in the cold and seeing my money drain away. And third so I wouldn't have to go to a single's ward anymore. Not that I don't like people in it, I just don't enjoy awkwardness of the single's ward. I'm becoming more open to the idea, but I'm still very scared and have a super hard time trusting anyone from past experiences.

6. I hate that I feel for the last two years of my life I've felt like I've just plateaued. I finished school so fast and during that time it was such a constant go, that even though yes I'm working I haven't accomplished anything where I could physically show something, like my diploma.

7. I'm planning a trip to Jamaica in July and seriously couldn't be more excited. A little nervous yes, it seems any time I travel to a foreign country there's like an earthquake or something...

8. The Salt Lake marathon was this weekend and I'm super bummed I couldn't participate like I was planning. The foot injury prevented that, so hopefully next year.

9. I have a huge crush on Duane Lee from Dog the Bounty Hunter. He's almost to the point of Kyle Korver, almost.

10. I have a new love of the song Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks, Google the lyrics.

11. I get super excited when someone starts a conversation with me on Facebook chat or sends me an unexpected text (I suppose I'm easily pleased)

12. For some reason I feel turning 24 in a couple months is like a huge step. I know it's not even a "milestone" birthday, but it just does for whatever reason.

13. I made sugar cookies today that look like Easter eggs.

14. I'm really not a chocolate fan. Once in a great moon I get that craving and if it's there I may eat it, but I don't get the cravings for it like some people. I much prefer the sugar (see 13)

15. I had the most amazing pedicure yesterday, seriously amazing.

Well, that was a lot harder then it should have been.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


So, this past week my car was in it's first "official" car accident with another car (me hitting the box on the freeway doesn't count) And no it was not my fault, actually I wasn't even in the car. Here is a picture of the damage.
Another first, I can finally put my hair in a ponytail. I'm pretty sure it's been years since this was last accomplished. Anytime in the past it started getting long, I would get sick of it and cut it, but I've finally let it grow out a little. I know it's barely there, but hey its a start.
Well, here's to hoping this is the first winter I don't catch a cold (I can't say get sick because I got the fun stomach virus, but I have yet to catch a cold)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Lately I've been doing soo good with my money (minus that Jazz game...and my tax return helped quite a bit) I've finally been able to pay things off/down and feel I'm in a good position. With that though there's only so many things you can cut before it's too much. I think I've hit that with my wardrobe. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought an article of clothing (I'm choosing not to include shoes with this) I'm even bringing this up because I think I've hit my breaking point, where there's only so many things I can wear in my closet. On top of the fact most of them no longer fit, I think I need a major shopping spree this weekend. I've also been trying to dejunk and sell things I don't need, maybe that will help this new found clothing budget need... if only I liked to go shopping, that would probably help things out a little. If only I allowed myself this little spending spree to get a new iPad...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Two Day Fail

If the last two days of my life could be summarized by a picture this is what I would choose.
Bad two days.
Let me just begin with the cookies. I swear on my life I followed the recipe exactly, yet somehow they turned into pancakes and came out like this. I almost took a nap instead of making them, but decided I wanted a quick treat, I should have stuck with the nap. Next, so in my entire life I can probably count on my fingers how many times I've ever honked at someone. Well tonight was one of them. Seriously people if I'm in a lane and you're in a lane, that does not equal you having the right to just merge into my lane without a blinker or warning at all. I won't even get started with Applebees. I waited there for over a half hour, it was a party of 6 and every single party who came in before or after me was seated before we were. Some groups even had 4 or 5 people, seriously frustrating. Pretty much the rest of it deals with other things I probably shouldn't blog about (haha that makes it sound much worse then it actually is)
Also, I keep missing opportunities to talk with a certain someone. I feel I either keep missing chances or they don't get when I'm putting myself out there. I'm nearly positive they have no idea either, I think we're both pretty clueless. So much so, I haven't had enough of a chance to get to know them to see if I am even interested and see if all of this over analyzing would be for something or not...there are moments when a person doesn't really need a drink they're just trying to start up a conversation.
One thing though and even though it happened today, I still blame yesterdays stuff on it too. I didn't listen to the Spirit today. I was at Costco, in the rain, and was running to my car when I saw this old lady trying to put her groceries in her van. I usually always offer to help and I think I've been turned down every time (not sure why, I don't think I look THAT scary) Anyway, something told me to ask her if she needed help. Well because of the rain and the fact I'm always turned down I ignored it. It kept getting louder and louder, I finally got to my car and mentally said no she's fine and just drove off. I feel awful now. What if she really needed help? Or what if she didn't and it was just a test to see how well I'd follow promptings even if I was having a bad day? Regardless I failed miserably and I feel super bad because of it.
Well, at least I have Monday off to hopefully calm down and relax a little and get over the slump of bad happenings, whether my own doing or the stars just not aligning for me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jazz game!

I had the amazing opportunity to go to last weeks Jazz vs Bulls game with Shelley. Since my husband was playing we decided to go all out and get lower bowl seats. To our luck we found a pretty good deal on Row 10, just up from the Jazz bench. Little did we know what a game it would be. Sadly, we lost although Kyle played a good game. But the bigger story of the night was it ended up being Jerry Sloans last game. The next day he resigned. I'm sure knowing that people would have paid triple for the tickets. Whatever the reason, I'm very sad to see him go but he was a great coach and I'll miss seeing him. Of course I got some pictures at the game.

This is our view.
I was able to zoom in to get a picture of my favorite player, even if he's now in a Bulls uniform.

I think this one's my favorite, before the second half they did warm ups on the basket we were closest to. He was literally feet away I think I was drooling a little.

Anyway, it was an awesome night. Now only if the Jazz could get out of this funk they seem to have gotten themselves into...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My weekend

Another week has come and gone. It's funny now that I don't have semesters to break up my year it seems to go by pretty fast and there's very little difference to whether it's February or September except maybe the temperature. I decided to do a post on what did KayCee do this weekend.

7:15-I'm not sure if I'll ever know why but my body always automatically wakes up at this time. And I always have to get out of bed to use the bathroom, brush my teeth and take daily medicine. If it's a work day usually I'll just be up and get ready sometimes I get back in bed. Since today wasn't I got back in bed.
8:45-I never fully fell back to sleep, but it was still nice to relax. I got up and tried out the new Zumba video I bought. Around 9 Sam came out of her room, I'm sure I looked pretty ridiculous but after a minute she tried to.
9:15-After my extremely exhausting, haha, 30 minutes we decided we deserved breakfast, so it was off to BK we went.
9:30-Didn't have the best of experience there, but came home to a meal I didn't even order...
Sadly the rest of the day's time kind of was a blur. I remember I went to Walmart for grocery shopping, back home and cleaned the house, met Lidia up at Spoons and Spice to buy a rolling pin (I've been using a glass to roll my cookies...) went back to Walmart because I forgot three things. I was not happy that place was a zoo. Back home, Sam and I had a late lunch then she went off on her date and I went to a friends house to help her decorate sugar cookies. Came home and made a banana cream pie and got the sugar cookie dough mixed to make them today. And finally went to bed :)
7:15 Again same routine and this time was completely able to fall back asleep
10:00 Woke up and couldn't believe I slept that long then got ready for church
11:00 Went to church, then came home and started preparations for baking the cookies.
I finished those, then went to JJ's house for dinner, came home cleaned some last things up now I'm here. Have you ever tried to type out your day? I forget what times I did what. Anyway, that was my adventurous weekend, what did you do?

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Random thoughts

I'm not really sure what to write honestly, kind of sad I know. I just felt like typing what came to mind and seeing where the post went. I'm going to the Jazz vs. Bulls game on Wednesday, we have row 10 tickets and I couldn't be more excited. I also applied for a mortgage loan on Friday. It's been an on/off thought for awhile now. I decided to just apply to see if I'd even qualify, we will see what pans out from it. I made Valentines/heart cookies this weekend. I wonder why my weight loss doesn't work out, then I look at the kitchen and see. My foot still isn't better, I really should have it looked at again but that's prevented me from running and seriously set me back with things. I've decided for the time being to give up on boys. Remember those toys as kids where it was a block with shapes cut out and you had little wood shapes where you were supposed to fit them in the holes cut out? Basically matching the shapes... Well I feel like I'm trying to fit the square shape into the circle cutout. It's just not working and not worth trying over and over when it's pointless. Because of a few instances I think I'm giving up. I know, I know as soon as I say that something will come along. And that's fine, I'm not saying I'm boycotting it, just not going to try forcing something that just isn't there. I really want a vacation. Yes, I did just go to Vegas/St. George, but it was a last minute and rushed thing. I want a true vacation, no I need a vacation. Well, I'll leave you this Sunday evening with those thoughts.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vegas/St George Weekend

This past weekend me and my parents ventured down to St. George for my cousins mission farewell. I've never been to Vegas so we decided to make it a mini-vacation. I was awful with the picture taking, but did manage to get these in. My dad really wanted to see the completed bridge over the Hoover Dam. It was a little less then an hour away. We got there and drove over it....

...Yeah exactly what I thought. Until we drove down underneath (the old way you used to have to go before the bridge)

It was pretty cool to see, although I wish you could realize what you were on while you were on it, I bet some people drive over it and don't even realize. Like I said that was the extent of my pictures. Later that day we went to a big marketplace were I got some pretty awesome silver shoes. We saw the M&M Factory and Coke store where I snagged a pair of Diet Coke earrings. Me and my dad decided to try something crazy. We almost went on a helicopter ride over the Hoover Dam, but instead opted for a ride on the New York New York Roller Coaster. Let's just say I wasn't the biggest fan...

Can you see that? It goes taller then some of the buildings, makes a loop and several corkscrews. After this adventure I was done for the day and spent the rest of the night in the hotel room (awesome, I know, I'm in Vegas on a Saturday night and choose to be in the hotel, to my defense we were out until 3:00 the night before). We got up early the next day to make it back to St George with literally a minute to spare for the farewell. It was a nice warm getaway, even though it was just go, go go.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

I'm back...

It's been awhile since the last post. I hardly ever get on my laptop now that I'm out of school and I think that's part of it, I just check things on my phone and I can't do a post on there. With that being said I don't exactly feel like putting together some elaborate, witty and entertaining post about what I've been up to over the last month. I'll say this though, I'm excited for this week to be over. It started out rough when I got my mom's truck stuck in the snow, went even more downhill when I caught some sort of stomach bug for two days and hit rock bottom when I almost seriously injured myself like three times today between the gym, Walmart and Costco. Well, I'll leave you with that, I hope I just needed a rough patch to begin 2011 and the rest of it will be an excellent year.