Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Lately I've been doing soo good with my money (minus that Jazz game...and my tax return helped quite a bit) I've finally been able to pay things off/down and feel I'm in a good position. With that though there's only so many things you can cut before it's too much. I think I've hit that with my wardrobe. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought an article of clothing (I'm choosing not to include shoes with this) I'm even bringing this up because I think I've hit my breaking point, where there's only so many things I can wear in my closet. On top of the fact most of them no longer fit, I think I need a major shopping spree this weekend. I've also been trying to dejunk and sell things I don't need, maybe that will help this new found clothing budget need... if only I liked to go shopping, that would probably help things out a little. If only I allowed myself this little spending spree to get a new iPad...