Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random happenings

I can already tell this post as usual is going to be all over the place. So funny story first. Yesterday I was in a hurry but almost out of gas so I quickly stopped and decided since I was there I'd get the cheap car wash and get all the salt crap off my car. It's good I get in and the car wash finishes and I try to drive forward. Well guess what, the door won't open! I sat there trying to go forward back up everything and couldn't make it open. SOmeone had come in behind me so their carwash was going the entire time I was stuck inside too. I debated maybe calling the cops, waiting until someone finally noticed, I really didn't know what to do. Then I remembered I had the receipt and possibly their phone number. I did, so I called the guy I'm all so this is going to sound weird, but I'm stuck in your carwash. He was really nice about it and came to open it for me. Now how random is that, seriously who gets stuck in a carwash? Oddly enough that was a huge fear I had as a kid, obviously I was scared I'd be trapped forever, it was in the days of no cell phones haha. Anyway, I survived it and am alive to tell about it now. I've thought of complaining to the manager see if I can get some free gas or something out of it, but who knows if I will or not. So the reason I was in such a hurry is with my new camera, I got a gig shooting for the Utah Jazz fans of the game. I go around saying can I get your picture for our fans of the game website. I'm super exited about it. They said I don't have to be an expert the one guy even shot on auto with his SLR all last year and was just fine, they more just need someone outgoing and who at least doesn't have a little point and shoot. I think it'll be a great opportunity. It doesn't pay the best, but I get in free to the games, I really only have to take them up until halftime and I can stay the rest of the game and sit anywhere there's an open seat besides the floor. Last night he just went over stuff and I went on the bottom level. I couldn't believe how different it looks down there haha. It was fun though and I"m excited for it, not only to make a little extra cash, but great exercise, free Jazz game and I'm in the same building as Kyle Korver :) Plus I can say I was a Utah Jazz photographer, so it'll look good on my resume. It is intimidating going up to people, but I have a shirt and official looking pass and nice camera, so hopefully it'll be ok. It's definitely interesting shooting still shots instead of video. A lot of the same principles apply, just getting used to how different the camera is, will be hard. Today I trained someone to take over my place with the radio programming. I thought it'd be my last week, but actually the other person will be out of town and I"ll need to run the soundboard this Saturday so not totally out of it yet. I realized today I'm a radio show producer, student, engineering presenter, engineering movie maker, Newsbreak photographer and Jazz photographer. I seem to get just busy enough to stay above water, then decide to load one more thing on to make me go crazy. It's good though and as long as I take it day by day I"ll be fine. Today also at the show the person who comes in after us asked me if I've been working out, she could tell. I about hugged her, I've sorta been able to tell more just that I feel better, but haven't had anyone else notice. NOt that thats what I need and why I'm doing it, but it definitely motivates me more knowing that its finally paying off. Again, no set weight goals or anything I'm doing it as a lifestyle change and I'll see what comes from it. Well I need to pop out some massive amounts of homework today, so I'll be on my way.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A new camera

I swear this one will be fast because I only have 15 minutes left of work and don't feel like starting anything new. So yesterday I bought a camera!!! It's my first semi-professional one the NIkon D-40 and I can't wait to test it out. I'll for sure post some pictures so you can all see what I create. I bought it used so it was way cheaper, he gave me his bag which is a camo one haha, so I'm looking into getting a backpack that will also hold my laptop. Hmm what else, it seemed I had so much to say but now my mind is drawing a blank. Oh one thing yesterday I was at Draper Elementary for an engineering day I was waiting for everyone else to arrive when this blue PT cruiser slowed down in front of me and started waving. It was a guy around my age, but I have no idea who he was. I was like in shock and by the time I realized it he had drove away and I didn't wave back so on one hand I feel bad but I totally want to know who it was, if anyone knows its like one of those random things thats going to bug me. Well, someone just came into talk to me now I"m almost done with work so I'm going to the gym and I"m excited it's the weekend!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Longest post ever!

Well hello everyone. Sorry lately I've been letting this go like a week out before I update it, but one I'm so busy I barely have time and second I feel stuck in a rut lately and don't want to depress everyone else haha. Today however is better. One reason, well and it's kind of a roller coaster story but this semester I only had two classes I absolutely had to take. THe one if for my bachelor requirement the other for my major. Then I just needed the credit hours. Well with the bachelor requirement I kept hearing different things, that you needed at least a C to get the credit to you just need to pass with a D-. Well, these are two totally different answers. Everyone I talked to thinks its the C. SO I decided to look for myself and just found out today as long as you graduate before 2013 and were enrolled at the U before 2008 then it's a D- Obviously this isn't what I'm shooting for, but this class goes totally over my head and it'd be one class I'd let my GPA drop for. There are a few other comm students in there who are all in the same boat, btw this is my political research class. Most other kids (poly sci majors) can ask questions and discuss things I'd never even think of, let alone be able to formulate a response to. So, even though its kind of sad this was good news so that I have the option in case it doesn't go so well. I am on the other hand trying my very best. Our grade is mainly just this big 15 page research paper. We slowly work on it and I"ve been trying to stay on top of what I need to do on it. On a better side of things my current developments in telecommunication course we had our first paper awhile back and I got the grade back on it today. I felt I did ok, just kind of average. Well I got it back with a 96 out of 100 and he said it was well developed and thought out I just needed to further one of my sources I used more. I was soo happy. I've been stuck in a rut with school carried over from last semester and also senioritus kicking in and to get something good back made me want to work harder. I also did my first assignment in my web design class. Ok, don't laugh but here is the link to it. We have yet to learn how to make it "pretty" so expect some pretty cool stuff. And we had to put a pic in there and all I had was the ones I have on this blog, I was in class and didn't have my laptop today so I just attached that one, I know dumb but who cares. I showed Peter and its funny cause today I'm wearing the exact same outfit with the hate I"m like umm this looks like I just took this huh. He just laughed and was like it kinda does, its definitely nice having a friend as your teacher and he's amazing at web design he can go so fast I"m like whoa dude. I actually thing this class is going to be extremely valuable. For our big project we already will work with a company producing a website for them, like an actual company, so I can use that in my portfolio and hopefully generate other things from that. Wow, this is long as usual haha. So as I was driving today I started thinking of totally random things about me that people even my family probably don't even know. I even kind of laughed at some of them, so I'd like to share them all with you. Some of you might know some of them, I'd be curious to know if you did.

1. I hate being late. I just feel so weird walking in late. I've gotten better at making sure I"m right on time and not too early and actually can time things pretty well. I'll tell a really embarrassing story. So when I was in junior high it was so bad that I knew the bell schedule exactly down to like 3rd period ends at 10:11 or whatever it was. I knew exactly the second my clock was set to it. I absolutely hated if we had an assembly or something where it messed the schedule up and caused way more stress on me then I should admit haha. I also as soon as one class would end run to my next one. Oh man the more I think about it the more I wonder how I never was shoved into a locker.
2. I can't stand driving on I15. I will go out of my way to take 215. Today I drove I15 and for some reason drivers are just crazy and cut in and out of lanes on there like maniacs, with 215 you can keep to yourself and there's not near as many cops.
3. Going along with driving I love to let people in. Merging, coming out of parking lots whatever, it makes me feel like I did a little good deed for the day.
4. I hate to admit this one, but what my old friends did to me last year really hurt me I think a lot more then I should have let it and definitely more then I let on. It makes me sad people I called my friends would be so vindictive to me and make it feel like it was my fault when I knew it was their lie in the first place. Granted it takes two people to fight and I know I had faults, they never let my side of the story out and I almost want to write a book or something about it all.
5.Ok, this isn't so secret, but I love Kyle Korver. No idea why I"m so obsessed honestly. I don't get this way with guys. There's a contest right now for 25 people and their guests to meet him I keep making everyone I know sign up for it and I tell them I'll give them a dollar if they take me as their guest.
6. Another thing about guys. I can soo easily talk to them about sports, school, politics anything but the second I start to like them I turn into this mute person. I know most people would say they do that too, but I can get seriously weird so that's why I try to avoid it haha.
7. I secretly think it would be fun to be famous for like a year. You know test it out deal with all the crowds of people following you, just to know what it's like, as soon as the year is up I want my privacy and things to go back to normal.
8. K this one is weird and only recently have I noticed it. I can't sneeze in odd amounts, its always even. Usually always twice, never once never three times sometimes four, weird and random huh? Even more weird I noticed.
9. I hate being away from a computer for more then like an hour. My phone makes it nice, but not totally the same. ANd really I like my own computer I haven't been bringing it to school as much for instance I didn't today just because I'm all over the place on campus and I felt like part of me was missing. You know those studies out going without your cell phone or computer for like a week, I literally think I'd die. Most people would agree I respond to an email usually in less then an hour right???
10. I'm very very excited for this trip to Texas, but also very very terrified. I've never flown by myself and I"m not afraid it'll crash or anything jsut that my luggage will get lost or I won't make my connecting flight or something totally random like that. Plus last time I flew my eardrum burst, not a fun experience and definitely something I don't want to happen again.
11. I'm extremely paranoid that someone is going to attack me even in broad daylight. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder and have my pepper spray out. At all costs I avoid being out at night by myself, I even plan my school schedule so I'm not up there at night. Speaking of this random story today I was walking to my car and this kid's all hello, I'm like uh hi. He's all did I scare you, I'm like well you just never know meaning like if that person is talking to you or whatever. We talked for a minute he asked how my day was and so on. I was like oooh how nice. Especially up there people walk from place to place minding their own business it was nice to have someone actually stop and talk to me, especially a complete stranger.
12. I hate running into people I know like at the grocery store or whatever and forced to make small talk. Seriously I like avoid especially if I just sorta know them, so I don't have to do the whole hey how are you? Good thanks, you thing I just think its a waste of time and breath. If they would actually stop to talk I wouldn't mind that at all, random I know I probably sound rude haha.
13.I love to text. I can do it pretty fast especially with my phone and only a few people can/like to do it too especially when I'm bored or just watching tv or something.
14. I love getting all your blog comments so keep them coming especially if you've never posted and I know you but don't know you're reading this I've found out a couple people and love getting the comments!!! Well this really really needs to be ended I promise not so long next time haha.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Crazy Life

Yay!! I'm so excited. So, ever since Lidia left to Texas I've said I want to go visit her. I didn't want it to be one of those things where I"d say I'd do it but then not really. And for many reasons, I haven't had a trip in years, especially one on an airplane! and of course I want to see Lidia, where she lives, her family, her dog everything. I've always planned to go during spring break, even going for the most part of that week. Well, she got a job (which is very exciting although hard to plan visiting trips with) so it would have to be on a long weekend. We looked and the only break I have is Presidents Day in February. She doesn't even have that for some reason she has the next Monday off for Mardi Gras so I decided I"ll come still on Presidents day weekend from February 13-16. I just realized I"ll be flying on Friday the 13th but I'm sure it'll be ok there isn't a Hudson river around there haha. I honestly can not wait. I have no idea how I'll concentrate with school until then. I've been waiting sooo long for a break and this will be fun. Oddly enough my family is planning a trip to St George the following weekend so I'll be one busy body. Airfare is sooo cheap right now though. I'm possibly going to a conference to Vegas in April and can get there for 100 bucks, we'll see if that one pans out. Anyway, I just had to let everyone share in on my excitement of finally taking trips and PS Sam and Shelley you should come to Texas with me. Just tell Jerome you guys need it off else you'll quit or something haha.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New template

So, it's not a secret I'm not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day. I won't go as far as saying I hate it, but yeah just don't like it. I think why does there have to be one day a year for that, you should be showing your love all year. I"m not sure if it's just because I've never had anyone to share it with or what just how I feel. I did however feel I should put up a Valentine's template. It may be gone before Valentine's Day but it's my attempt at enjoying the holiday just a little more. Maybe it's not Valentine's fault at all maybe it's because February is a hard month. We just came back from lot's of holiday breaks and February is just kinda bleh. THe weather too, the snow starts getting all black and gross, I dunno just not my favorite thing and maybe that's why they put a holiday such as this on Valentine's, who knows just my two cents, but enjoy the template.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just another Tuesday

So, I'm going to be a not very good student and take time out of this crazy homework time to write a post. I've been trying to write a paper all day and can only get about 3/4 of a page out, I need 3 by tomorrow. I'm stuck with it. It's comparing Al Jazeera's coverage of the Gaza incursion to that of CNN and Fox. I'm trying to keep it empirical researched based, but my own opinions keep coming out. Maybe by writing in this it will get out all my own opinions and I'll be good to go with the paper. So today I work 7 hours and have one class. Seriously, and I do feel bad about this, I didn't do hardly any work today. I was fascinated with all the inaugural happenings of the day. I think it was an important day for the country no matter which side you're on. He is our president like it or not. I was able to watch the live stream on my computer at work. Even just seeing how many people showed up amazed me. In class today, oddly enough a political science one and he didn't even cancel class to watch it go figure, we learned how to gather data for our research. I feel so lost with it. I have a paper due in a couple weeks, he would go around individually answering questions. I didn't even feel I could come up with one let alone have a conversation about something. I sort of gathered data for the remainder of class. With the paper, we also have to do an oral presentation. How he does it is there's four times during the semester and he just pulls our name out of a sack. We have to be prepared each time, if you go at the first one then you don't need to go again. If your name is called the very end, you had to have prepared each day. So there's ups and downs to both. I have no idea how the class will go honestly I just want a passing grade at this point. After that I went to the bookstore to return the books I bought before the ones I ordered off the internet had arrived. It took forever because of a line but I got my 130 bucks back which I and my credit card were happy for. As I was walking across campus back to work I got extremely out of breath, had to stop and drink water. I could hardly breathe by the time I got back. I was like crap all this exercising and I'm getting worse, not fair. It wasn't until about an hour later I realized it's because of the poor air quality. When you can see the gunk in front of you, you know its bad. I have an inhaler I can take, but it makes me really shaky and I still had the rest of the afternoon to be there. I was very glad to know it was the air not really me though. Speaking of exercising I was all ready to go today I even changed at work and was heading to the fieldhouse when I realized I forgot to bring my shoes. I almost forgot my clothes, but remembered at the last second and ran up to get them. My shoes I normally keep in the car but I went on Saturday walked barefoot from the house and forgot to take them off before going back in. I knew I had to go, I can't let this stop so I headed to the Taylorsville Rec Center. I had gone there Saturday to check it out, it's ok, not amazing, but does the job. I had just gotten the day pass then, but decided this time to get a month's pass. Now if I have something out here right after school I can do that then go to the Rec Center. Anyway, I know I haven't posted in awhile and this one is especially boring, but it's nice to get it out I'll try to be more exciting in the future haha.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another Day

Where to begin.....well hello everyone!! I'm warning you I"m in a weird mood today almost like a roller coaster or something so if my posts weren't bad before (also cause I typed super fast and never double check anything with this) it might be all over the place. I feel my readers must get bored seriously all I ever post is I did this today then this bleh bleh bleh. Oh well I sometimes consider it my venting station or something. So school has been school for some reason I've had a really hard time getting into the grove of it this semester. I don't know if it's because it's my last one and Im just secretly sad inside or what my deal is. I've seriously been like 10 minutes late to everything I do this week and already feel I"m paddling just to keep my head above the water. I hope things will even out I'll get into that groove and everything will be ok. I actually really like my classes this semester. I"m doing Newsbreak again but this time I"ll be behind the scenes directing and all that fun stuff. It's still at 7:30 three days a week, so it makes for early mornings and being an elective somedays I think I"m crazy, but I love the class and it will be good experience. I"m also taking a webdesign class being taught by my friend Peter. I knew him as an undergrad which is even funnier cause we'd hang out occasionally and now he's my teacher, but it should be fun I already made my first real HTML code website and am really excited to get into it, he'll be a really good teacher I think too. I also have a class called current developments in new media. It's taught by a professor I used to work with in the department. I've never had a class by him, but he's always known my name and I just love him. It should be a good class, but I think will be a lot of work. I also am taking a political theory research class, where we'll write a 15 page paper and construct our own political theory I can say right now that will be where most of my venting from the semester comes from. I know it'll be really interesting, but super intense, I need it for a credit though. Finally, I'm doing a fitness for life course online. I needed one final elective from anything I had signed up for something else, but realized it would be too big of a time commitment so I choose this. I'm actually really excited sadly enough. I decided since the fieldhouse on campus is free to use with student ID card that I would start going. Well this class requires you exercise 30 minutes a day 3 times a week. I've gone everytime I told myself I would, which has only been twice now haha, but I'm really excited I had decided about the exercise thing last week and now with this class it will force me into it. Its making for really long days, today I didn't get home until around 8:30, I actually really enjoy it. I had a doctors appointment yesterday so I couldn't go and I actually missed it and was excited to go today. I know it will get worse as the semester goes on, but I almost find it relaxing. I always hated working out before and I truly think it was gradeschool gym that ruined me. I always felt I had to do it and for so long and I don't like full out running, walking is ok. Well, with this I totally get to choose what I do. I've been stationary cycling for half time then doing the stair master. I feel like an idiot doing it you're totally shaking your butt, haha but hopefully it will start to work. I'm not going into it with a need to lose certain weight mentality, just to get healthier. I've slowly started making healthier food choices and I'm happy to say already lost 2 pounds and that's by barely trying. I don't want to go too hard core too fast or set huge goals, just start out slow see where I end up. I"m really excited I'll be able to go again tomorrow, hopefully it won't be such a long day I also have prep for the crazy radio show which I"m debating even showing up for after last week haha. Anyway, this is getting long and I need to get to bed ready for another early and long day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Roller Coaster Day

Holy crap! Today has been insane to say the least and I'm only halfway through it. So it started out with me being about 5 minutes behind Chalice all day long. So for example she got in the shower right before I was going to and since she always takes forever long showers it left me waiting. Then again with the blow dryer luckily she caught on to my slight irritation and even though we had to be somewhere at the same time, I had a half hour commute compared to her five and she let me go first. I somehow managed to throw together a lunch in mere seconds and ran out the door leaving my house exactly at 7:05 am. By some stroke of luck the windows weren't frosty and I was on my way. I will admit I did speed the entire way. For some odd reason it was insanely more crowded then usual, who knows why. I kept getting so mad because the radio would say it's such a good commute no problems I"m like what the heck yes they're is with twice as many people out today. The reason I was in such a hurry is it was the first day of class for this spring semester. My first class is with a professor I've taken several classes before with, I love him, but he's very strict with attendance. As I got to campus there's a turn where you have to merge with another lane. It's kind of random, but most times you keep driving and people will let you in. Well for some odd reason today some idiot decides to dead stop right in front of me. I was looking at the clock at the exact moment and somehow managed to look up to see this car totally stopped feet from me. I almost said my first really bad swear word haha. I have no idea how but I slammed on the breaks and was able to stop the car inches no not even inches a half inch before I rear ended the car in front of me. I was so lucky there was no ice and my antilock breaks decided not to kick in for a minute. My next reaction was crap if I had this then the car behind me surely will. So at 7:27 am 3 minutes to get to class I'm bracing to be in an accident on the first day of class. Who knows how but he managed to stop behind me too! We then are able to go the guy behind me I think thought it was my fault cause he didn't look to happy with me. I swear I'm like some kind of bumper car magnet or something. I race into the parking lot to not be able to find a spot. I decided I"m pretty much late now I"ll try one more lane and one happened to be opened on the front row. I ran into class skidded into my seat just as he was starting. Exactly 7:34 am. Now thing about that Leaving my house and being seated in class in 29 minutes avoiding an accident and getting front row parking that was pretty crazy. I finally let the fact I almost caused my first accident sink in and started to shake nervously. I made it through that class, Its newsbreak I had the same one last semester except this semester instead of reporting I'll be behind the scenes. I then with my new schedule couldn't decide how to work where to park my car and what to bring with me since I was already running late I decided to just drive over to the building I work. I quickly discovered this will not work. I"ll have to leave it in on of the two lots. THe problem is I start and end up at the same place on Monday and Wednesday. But I don't want to haul everything including my lunch with me all day. SO I'll work something out maybe dropping stuff off I'll need for the second half of my day at my office first then driving over or something, I"ll test out a few different ways. Work was ok, I did about ten minutes of work and worried about my schedule for the rest. There's a rule where you can't have more then 42 hours of communication credit you have to take it elsewhere, but some courses don't count towards that. I couldn't remember what those were and I thought I'd need to change my entire schedule around. So I came back to class in the other building which my old friend is teaching its rather funny actually a web design class, it should be really cool and I"ll show you what I create. It will hopefully put this blog to shame. He let us out way early so I stopped in at the advisors to see. Since I peer advised for a year myself and worked in the department for two years, I do know a lot of the stuff. I got paired with another peer advisor I knew from the start wouldn't be able to answer my question, no offense but I didn't even know it. She pretended to help me for about 10 minutes and finally let the real advisor help me. I am now ok with the credits I'm taking and will be fine to graduate with the courses I'm in. I"m so happy I honestly don't know which two classes I'd give up it'd have to be newsbreak or webdesign and I think I"ll like both of them really well. So that's it so far, now I sit waiting for my next class to start at 1:25. Hopefully it'll end super early too. I have to pick up contacts today, I called expecting to need an eye appointment but they said I"m good for two years and can just buy the contacts, that made me very happy and I also have a chiropractor appointment later. Wow this turned into an insanely long post, but I haven't talked to anyone since this morning and needed to get it all out!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wow I let this go awhile

Just like the title says, I've let this go awhile. It's kind of sad when I'm in school and ten times busier then I am now I seem to find more time to update this thing then if I"m not. Well come Monday that will all change. It is officially my last semester and I honestly cannot wait. I can't believe it's so close time has just flown by. Reality has kind of been setting in this past week that I"m going to have to start "real" life come May including finding a job and all that jazz. I'm terrified to be honest, but I know everything will work out. For those of you who have been following this, I did take the GRE on THursday. Another reason I haven't updated it in awhile, I've spent all my free time studying for that. I'll be honest I didn't do as well as I hoped, I could possibly get in with the score I got, but my GPA is kind of the same position, it's not fabulous enough to pull me up. I will receive the official scores in a couple weeks, I only found out about half of it because they still need to grade the two essays I wrote, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't bring it up enough. Just with how everything is working out or I should say not working out, nothing really seems to be falling into place with it and I have to bend over backwards to just get something to sort of work out, like with my letters of recommendation, I decided after a lot of thought, grad school at least for this fall isn't for me. I know it'll be hard trying to find a job with how the economy is going, but I hope it'll be ok, who knows maybe I"ll find a job making a million dollars a year working twice a week or something :) Sorry, I'm typing this during the radio show, it's kind of boring today and I'm having a hard time concentrating, but that's ok. Oooh I'll tell you about my day yesterday. I decided to take the day off since I did the GRE Thursday and during this whole break it hasn't really been a break because I've been worrying about that. I had to get my oil change so I did that. Then I went to get my hair done and went to a movie all by myself. I've done this before and no one believes me or thinks I"m pathetic, but I actually kind of like being by myself every once in awhile. I didn't do anything last night, just watched a movie and went to bed fairly early to wake up at 6 this morning. Anyway, just thought I"d give you all an update again sorry if it's all choppy.