Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just another Tuesday

So, I'm going to be a not very good student and take time out of this crazy homework time to write a post. I've been trying to write a paper all day and can only get about 3/4 of a page out, I need 3 by tomorrow. I'm stuck with it. It's comparing Al Jazeera's coverage of the Gaza incursion to that of CNN and Fox. I'm trying to keep it empirical researched based, but my own opinions keep coming out. Maybe by writing in this it will get out all my own opinions and I'll be good to go with the paper. So today I work 7 hours and have one class. Seriously, and I do feel bad about this, I didn't do hardly any work today. I was fascinated with all the inaugural happenings of the day. I think it was an important day for the country no matter which side you're on. He is our president like it or not. I was able to watch the live stream on my computer at work. Even just seeing how many people showed up amazed me. In class today, oddly enough a political science one and he didn't even cancel class to watch it go figure, we learned how to gather data for our research. I feel so lost with it. I have a paper due in a couple weeks, he would go around individually answering questions. I didn't even feel I could come up with one let alone have a conversation about something. I sort of gathered data for the remainder of class. With the paper, we also have to do an oral presentation. How he does it is there's four times during the semester and he just pulls our name out of a sack. We have to be prepared each time, if you go at the first one then you don't need to go again. If your name is called the very end, you had to have prepared each day. So there's ups and downs to both. I have no idea how the class will go honestly I just want a passing grade at this point. After that I went to the bookstore to return the books I bought before the ones I ordered off the internet had arrived. It took forever because of a line but I got my 130 bucks back which I and my credit card were happy for. As I was walking across campus back to work I got extremely out of breath, had to stop and drink water. I could hardly breathe by the time I got back. I was like crap all this exercising and I'm getting worse, not fair. It wasn't until about an hour later I realized it's because of the poor air quality. When you can see the gunk in front of you, you know its bad. I have an inhaler I can take, but it makes me really shaky and I still had the rest of the afternoon to be there. I was very glad to know it was the air not really me though. Speaking of exercising I was all ready to go today I even changed at work and was heading to the fieldhouse when I realized I forgot to bring my shoes. I almost forgot my clothes, but remembered at the last second and ran up to get them. My shoes I normally keep in the car but I went on Saturday walked barefoot from the house and forgot to take them off before going back in. I knew I had to go, I can't let this stop so I headed to the Taylorsville Rec Center. I had gone there Saturday to check it out, it's ok, not amazing, but does the job. I had just gotten the day pass then, but decided this time to get a month's pass. Now if I have something out here right after school I can do that then go to the Rec Center. Anyway, I know I haven't posted in awhile and this one is especially boring, but it's nice to get it out I'll try to be more exciting in the future haha.