Sunday, May 11, 2008

ANother weekend come and gone

Well, I'm doing a little better with the updates. I think I last wrote last I right? Anyway, since then the Jazz are tied with the Lakers 2-2. I watched the game today and oh my heck it was amazing, I also watched it Friday, another great game and I'm soooo excited to see it going on after being down 2-0. I'm a big sports fan and have loved the Jazz since I was a little girl. I like all of the NBA, but of course I like my hometown boys. I even call Kyle Korver my future boyfriend, haha I"ll let you know how far that gets (I"m sure I"ll never even meet the guy, but I can dream right?) Well, backtracking a little bit for an update on my week. Thursday night I went hottubbing. Now I was terrified to the point of almost not going, just because swimsuit with other people isn't exactly my idea of the best activity. As I was sitting at my house I was thinking you know why not? Seriously what do I have to lose. It ended up being a blast and I"m glad I went. I also went and ordered a sign to sell my car. They were supposed to call Friday when it was done, they were a little special and took forever to help me and when they didn't call I knew they probably wouldn't so I went in Saturday afternoon and picked it up. My car is officially up for sale if anyone is interested???? Probably not anyone reading this but thats ok. Saturday, I worked in the morning. I also went and got a pedicure that afternoon. I'm going to try and post a picture to this because I must say they look pretty cool. It's like in a plaid design and I love them. Oooh another cool story I went to Seagull to find my mom a mother's day present. I was just browsing through the aisle and I saw a book that interested me. I was like, well I'm not going to get it, I didn't come in for me when I walked by the front of the store. The author of that book was there for that hour doing a book signing. Well, I must say I was very surprised and decided I had to buy it as some sort of sign. The author is Michele Ashman Bell and when she was signing it she asked who it was for. I looked at her kind of embarrassed and said me, after all it was the day before mother's day and that's what most people were getting it for. I told her my story and she got really excited and talked to me for a good five minutes. SHe said she had many other books and hoped I enjoyed them. I'm really excited to start reading it, I"m always looking for good authors I"ll let you all know what I think about it. So, today I was again asked to substitute for another primary class. I have the sunbeams, but they hardly ever come, just two little girls and when they do they have a hard time staying in primary the entire time. So, now I'm also the regular substitute, especially for the class right above mine. I'm beginning to love them, at first I had a hard time keeping control and actually getting a lesson in, but they are some of the smartest and cutest 5 year olds I know. ALthough today in sharing time we made cookie bouquets for the moms. Now, that was interesting trying to get 4 little 5 year olds through that and they seemed to go a little sticker happy, pretty much covering their little boxes in them. They also gave the kids cookies after. One little boy sat there with the saddest look on his face. I just thought oh its because he finished them all first and everyone still had one. Well, apparently he never got any and just didn't want to tell me. I felt so bad, but luckily someone else asked him and he got them and was very happy after. THey also have this thing of sitting in the window. I know I shouldn't have let them in the first place, but I must say its a good threat to listen to the lesson because they know they'll have to sit on their chairs if they aren't good. THe lesson was on prayer and that can always get some good stories out of them. THe funniest part is when they try to pretend they have a life experience almost identical to the book. I tell them something and ask if they had anything similar. Well, they always repeat the story just using their siblings names or whatever. Its quite funny actually, but I love teaching them and being in the primary. I even got to go up in Sacrament Meeting and sing to my mom today ( well I was a teacher helping the kids, but I still told my mom it was for her) Wow, time just flew by I put laundry in and hopefully now it's all done. I think I want to start reading one of my books. I have so many I don't know what to choose. Hope you all had great weekends and we'll see how long it takes me to write again.