Sunday, September 20, 2009


This weekend I was bitter.  Bad, I know.  I think the fact I knew I was bitter is probably a good sign, in that it isn't permanent.  I'm pretty sure I know the reasons behind this, none of which I'm about to disclose on this.  I do however feel bad for the people who had to put up with me and those who I met for the first time and now probably think this is my permanent state.  I actually can't remember being this mean in quite awhile.  It wasn't anyones fault but my own, I just felt like being mean.  It was so bad I walked into church and told Chalice flat out I'm not in the mood to fake smile or have conversations with anyone.  Maybe that's one good reason I'm a primary teacher you HAVE to put on a smile and your patience definitely gets tested.  We've been practicing for our program, which I can barely sit through we've practiced so much now, let alone 3 year olds they start to lie down in their chairs and I just let them do it, at least they aren't yelling and running around.  I decided tomorrow after work and a much needed chiropractor appointment (another bitter story in itself I asked to leave early for the wrong day so hopefully they're understanding) I'm going to get my hair cut and other needed things I've been putting off to hopefully make me feel better.  Well, I'm working on my bitterness (I know its probably just a thing that needed to run its course and I am looking forward to this week)  Sorority has been fun, we have a barnyard dance coming up and exchanges with this cute fraternity who brought us a rose and wrote a poem (I know how cute is that??)  Wow, I"m starting to get all over the place and don't feel like fixing my wording and transitions so I'll just end now, have a fantabulous Monday!


Betty's Blessings said...

K.C. I think 80 year old grandmothers can cause just as much bitterness as 3 year olds. But you didn't seem at all mean to me yesterday, infact you were pretty nice. Love to you Grandma