Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random Post

Ok, this is going to be a random post updating you of what's been going on in my life the last week or so whatever I can remember since the last time I gave an update. My car hit 88,888 miles the other day. I was exactly at 4700 South and 3600 West it was super exciting. I took lots of pictures of this exciting and monumental event, hopefully I'll be able to post them haha. I also have been going to the amazing Utah football games. Yes this included the crazy win over TCU two weeks ago Thursday. IT was the most intense game I've ever been to. I'm going to the Utah/BYU game Saturday and am super excited. My guess for the score is 24-21 Utah. So, when I'm right I can say I predicted it haha. This week I also produced Newsbreak. I did it a special sports edition rivalry week show. It was soo much work, but in the end was way fun and worth it (I think). In the end I was very happy with how it turned out even though that meant a lot of long nights and very early mornings, but in the end seeing it all come together was way cool. Today I went on a little field trip to Rocky Mountain Power. I had to drive a carpool van so that meant I got to tag along on the field trip. It was really interesting getting to see how it all works and the control room and everything. I even got to 4-wheel the state mini-van into a substation and look in there. Tomorrow I'm going to a prescreening of Twilight!! I"m super super super excited to see how it turns out. I loved the books so I"m afraid I wont' like the movies, but I"m going to have hope for right now. Plus I"ve never been to a prescreening so even that is cool. Hmmm my mind is a whirlwind I"m not sure what else, just wanted to give you all a small update!