Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Sunday Morning

I"m sitting in my room about to start on three 10 page papers and a group presentation analysis when my wonderful little dog walked in soaked from going outside in the rain.  Of course I had to stop and put her in  a blanket and of course she wants to sit on my lap and not the bed.  So now I'm typing this petting her instead of doing all that other fabulous stuff.  But I decided today she could ask me for anything and she'd get it (well most other days this is the case but especially true today)  So, this morning around 9:30 am I hear my name very faintly I wondered what was going on because usually no one has to wake me up I just do on my own.  I got up to see what was wrong when I see my dog standing at the bathroom door anxiously looking in.  As I'm about to walk past and tell her to calm down I hear my name again coming from the bathroom.  It's my little sister Chalice.  She had gotten in the shower at 9:00 blacked out soon after that and had been laying on the floor until I got her.  My parents ended up taking her to the doctor they think it's something wither her stomach, she's had problems before and supposedly there's a nerve in your stomach that if you have severe enough pain it can cause you to faint.  They also said it's a slight chance of appendisitus.  She's home now with a prescription to hopefully help her and hopefully everything will be just fine.  However, it amazes me how aware dogs can be.  You hear stories all the time of them barking for their owners when somethings wrong.  Chalice even said to her go get KayCee and Sam tried pawing at my door but it was shut and she couldn't open it.  I think however that's what started waking me up then I finally again heard my name.  It's crazy how aware she is and can sense when somethings not right.  Even when Chalice got into bed Sam jumped right up and was trying to lick her face to make her stop crying.  Anyway, that is why I love my dog and she knows I love her and will do anything she wants me to.