Sunday, June 01, 2008

Another week

Wow, I can't hardly believe another week has passed. I'll start where I left off. I did end up going to the drive in to see Maid of Honor. Since I've already seen it I fell asleep about halfway through it. It was still fun being at a drive in and being able to be outside but not freezing I went home after that it was around 1:30 if i recall, but luckily I had the next day off. I actually was able to sleep in pretty late Monday, considering its something I hardly ever do. It felt really good, especially because it was raining and I love that feeling when you can just be inside during the rain. I hate admitting what I did all day, but sadly I just watched tv. I had the opportunity to go out, but I haven't had a chance to just chill out and do nothing in quite awhile (and for how the rest of the week went I'm glad that's all I did). I had to work the rest of the week including Saturday and I knew that and dreaded having to wake up early everyday, but at least it gets me going. I went tanning once on Thursday. They didn't have the bed open I normally like so I had to go into another one, which I didn't really like, but at least I went so I don't turn back to total whiteness. Work was hard because of the holiday, the end of the month, and one of the tellers had the week off for vacation. We also were supposed to have an auditor show up at any minute of the week. She ended up coming on Thursday and for some lucky reason only chose me to ask questions too. One of them was something I had never been trained on and I felt I did horrible, but looking back on it and what my manager said I think I did pretty good. ANother dumb thing I had a desktop picture of Kyle KOrver up and she said are you really supposed to be downloading pictures from the internet ( it creates a security issue if someone hacked into our system) I really had just copy and pasted it, but obviously couldn't say that to her. With the question she asked me and how ridiculous it was I think she was just trying to trip me up so I wouldn't lock my computer or lock my cash in my drawers, but we'd had the drilled into us so I made sure I did. That same day I seriously had ever member that I don't like helping the most come in. By the time I got done I was ready to scream. Looking back on it though I think I did really good and it helped build me up and made me realize I can handle stressful situations better then I could maybe a year ago, it helped to train me for things that might come ahead. Also this week I went to Chalice's last softball game of the season, but I just got news hot off the press she made her all-star team, so she's definitely not done playing for the year nor are we done watching. I also started a new book called Twilight this week. I just finished it today. I absolutely loved it and even went to buy the second and third and reserve the fourth yesterday in the series. It was one of those books I stayed up half the night reading and just couldn't put down. I'm so excited to start the second one, but I promised myself I had to work on my online class and get at least another chapter done today. Speaking of which I finally am going to take the midterm for that on Thursday. I can't wait to get it out of the way finally, although that will be awhile until that happens. I almost forgot about my car. I went to get its emissions and inspections done and pay the taxes for the year on it on Tuesday. I"ll make a really long story short, but it didn't pass emissions because a cable wasn't connecting in my car to their system or something like that and they couldn't get it to read. I took it to the mechanic my grandparents go to and they let me borrow their spare car and he said nothing was wrong with it. So I take it back and come to find out their machine was broken the whole time. So it was a lot of wasting time getting my car in, but after two days it finally passed and all taxes paid. Well, Im trying to think what other extremely significant events came to play over the week.....nothing I can think of except I can't believe it's already June. In 30 more days I'll be a total legal adult ( kind of scary thought isn't it) haha anyway best be on to my homework now.