Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Good Life

It’s been interesting trying to get back to “normal” not vacation life.  Funny, I was only gone a week and that was all I needed for my brain to completely want to shut down.  I wanted to blog on some very good things that happened this week.  First, yesterday driving to work you know I’m a little out of it, there was more traffic then normal and I plain just didn’t want to be going, I look over and see this Range Rover with an exceptionally good looking guy in there.  Well, I’m like hmm that just made my morning a little better.  I look closer and realize I think it’s Kyle Korver!  At that point I about drove off the road I was so excited.  Now who knows if it really was, but I’d like to think so it made my day a little brighter.  I’m also getting way to used to this work however much and whenever you want thing…this whole week each day I’ve worked only about three hours…haha I know.  In my defense I’m still a little sick even though I could handle it, its just more comfortable to be home.  I checked my official grades from the semester and even though I didn’t make the 4.0 I did get on the Dean’s List!  I haven’t been placed on it for a few semesters, so I was proud my last one I was able to go out with a bang.  I went to the chiropractor this morning, all I can say is amazing.  The insurance keeps calling me from that accident I think I’m finally going to be released from it and no more dealing with it all!  It’s been almost 6 months, it’s about time.  When I got back I had a good 2 hour meeting with my boss on the videos.  Everyone had a chance to look at them and give critiques.  I was happy they thought especially with given no direction I did really good and gave me some pointers on fixing them.  It was really helpful to get the feedback and even though I have ideas of what to do, I feel at a creative stuck-point I think my brain wishes I was working from the beach or something.  I had a good talk with someone last night and even though my family says it (more cause they have to) I’m really really happy where I am in my life and am such a better person for the choices I made with things last year.  This person who hasn’t seen me in over a year said it’s like I’m glowing I look so happy and I realized I am a much happier person then I was two years ago.  I’ve been able to accomplish a lot of things, that I may not have if I hadn’t made those choices.  Ooh sort of a good and bad thing, this getting sick didn’t prove to be so so bad, I lost five pounds from it when I initially got home from the trip, even though it’s been rough it’s a nice crash diet plan.  Well just some ramblings I wanted to get out, I promise Guatemala post is still coming.