Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Jazz Game

I"ll try to make this one quick. So last night was my first time actually shooting for the Jazz fan website. Go here my.utahjazz.com click on Fans photos then it'll take it you a new site. I'm the orange one. Now keep in mind its my first night and I did a lot in auto, but I thought some turned out pretty good. Probably my favorite is the one with Jazz Bear and those two ladies, just because they were all looking and smiling, not the best shot since I had to shoot into the stands, but oh well. I also really lucked out wtih it. I was standing in one of the opening things and he was coming up to give someone flowers for their birthday right where I was. He's pretty good about taking a minute to pose and I know my camera is going to get better shots then most camera phones. The other ones didn't work out the best because not everyone was looking but that's alright. I also like a lot of the little kid ones, we'll see if any of them get bought. I'm sooo tired. I left during the 3rd quarter, but had to pick up a book from JJ's house, come home to upload the pictures and work on a paper due in about an hour. Man I do not love this class, but at least its done, not very well but its done. Well I just wanted to give you all an update of where to go, maybe I'll post more stories specific later today when I'm not so nervous. I have the possibility of giving a presentation with this paper. He draws names and we each have to go one out of four times throughout the semester so I have to be prepared today if I don't get called then still keep preparing for later dates and guess what I'm not ready at all haha. Well have a happy morning!