Thursday, March 19, 2009

More job hunt

I've applied at I think three more places (I've done so much applying I forget how many) this week and still nothing. Although one position I did hear they ended up canceling so yeah. I also went to do sort of an interview with my old work about the loan officer position. With my schedule still needing to be in school the next month and a half I"m just not sure it's going to work out to be honest, I said no hard feelings, but he's going to interview everyone else and let me know next week what he decides. This is one of those things I truly have no idea what is going to happen with a job at all. I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to look outside the state yet either. I need benefits with health insurance on one hand, but on the other its sooo hard right now to find any of that. I'll just keep looking for stuff and see what comes up. On other news I was sitting at work yesterday when the department chair for communication walked by. She's all KayCee did you know you're on the front page of the department's website. I'm like uhh no. Well I got to look and guess what there I am. You can look here too I was like yikes bad picture I didn't even know it existed. I'm like of course you choose the worst one probably with my alien red eyes. Well I decided to take today and tomorrow off everything so I at least get a mini spring break from everything. I'll keep you up to date if I do anything fun!