Monday, August 03, 2009

A rough week

Well, this past week was one I would prefer to forget, but I'll go ahead and document it anyway.  I should have figured it was going to be bad when first thing Monday morning walking into work I slipped and fell down this little muddy hill, hurt my wrist and was completely covered in mud.  Skipping ahead a little in the week I ended up going back to the doctor on Saturday to have it x-rayed.  I had decided to let it go a few days see what happened, well it still hurt even a little worse so I decided to go in.  It wasn't broken although I did tear some ligaments and I possibly did something else I can't remember, but he put me in this massive wrist/finger splint and said give it a week, gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatory medicine if it still hurts see about going to an orthopedic surgeon.  So, I'm going to be good, wear the splint thing and hope it gets better.  It's been interesting trying to type with one hand and four fingers, but I'm making it work.  Well things just seemed to go downhill after that.  I found out I didn't get the Mountain America job and an interview I had on Wednesday I found out I didn't get that job either.  I've haven't been applying to as many places lately for different reasons so now I"m running low on possibilities.  Well after the rough week I decided I needed to have a positive attitude and I must be going through all of this for a reason, I mean come on something's gotta give.  Well, I really feel this will be a good week and even two days into it is already looking positive.  Last night I went to an amazing fireside at the Tabernacle, I got a letter from Cameron today (I haven't gotten one for quite awhile after the last one I sent him got lost in the mail), my job told me I can now stay into September to help train the new people coming in so I have an extra month for job hunting, I got a ton done at work today (it was one of those you're totally exhausted by the end of it but I loved looking back and checking off everything that's been nagging at me for the last few weeks), I went to the chiropractor this morning (he's been out all during July and after that fall, sitting on bleachers for different things let's just say I almost ran there this morning), everyone I work with was super nice to me today (they normally are nice people, but a lot of the time I can sit in my office and no one says a word all day well today everyone was talking to me), and one final thing that made me laugh a little.  Two of the people I work mostly with were saying it's good I've had such a positive attitude about my wrist.  Because I've just been saying it's my own fault for being stupid and walking across grass.  They were saying that's good most people would be complaining saying it's someone else's fault.  Well then I was on the other side of the office and a lady I don't really work with asked what happened I told her and she's like oh you better have filed workman's comp.  I"m like well I wasn't on the clock just walking in to work.  She's like well you should have anyway.  It's funny the different opinions and really I wish I was doing something cool to get hurt not just walking down a hill to work.  Anyway, I hope the rest of the week continues to be better then last and all of yours too.


KayCee Burnside said...

I just reread this and it sounds super awkward with long run-on sentences. Sorry again I blame the only typing with one hand really and a little bit on the medicine...