Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bored not wanting to do homework post

Well the title pretty much describes my mood at this moment.  Ever since I forgot that assignment last week I've been freaked I'm forgetting all this other stuff and in turn it's just given me no motivation to do anything because I realize exactly how much I have to do.  I've thought about planning out my life to the minute like I used to do, but somehow I don't think that's the answer.  Maybe I should do it with homework.  I seriously when I was in high school and my first two years of college I would write out hours and pre-fill them in with work or times I was in class and then I would make a list of all the big assignments I had to get done that week or work on.  It would be even so detailed that from 4:00-5:00 I worked on the reading assignment due the next day.  Now this in itself took at least an hour each week to compile.  The great thing about it was when I had time to do homework during work I would then have that time when I had scheduled it originally as free time.  With this system I never forgot to do anything and in fact most things got done and redone, but I also had a job with a lot of time to do homework.  After I stopped doing it I realized how much I stressed over sticking straight to that schedule.  I've totally loosened up lately and although most people would disagree I've started to be more spontaneous(at least for KayCee).  Anyway, that's what I'm up to this second is listening to music thinking I should do my homework, but really not having a desire to because I have so much of it.  Last night we went to Outback.  I got the prime rib and I swear it was still raw, but the potato and everything else was amazingly delicious.  We also went to Deseret Book.  I got the new book from President Hinckley My Dear Sisters and I've already read through all of it.  It really is a neat book of small quotes I also got another one similar to it called One Bright Shining Hope  and then a book called Finding the Angel Within.  Neither of the last two I've looked at yet.  Well that's about it(I almost just typed out nothing too exciting going on, but I've definitely learned my lesson)  Everyone enjoy their Sunday and I'll get back to actually doing my  homework.


JorJa Mattson said...

Man you are hanging with a whole new crowed these days kind of crazy, man what are you going to talk about in May when you don't have HW