Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Night Ramblings

Well, I sit here at 11:00 at night my body a little more anxious then it should be.  Its tax day and well frankly just plain not fun day at my house.  Now me, being the on top of things person I am, filed my taxes months ago(well honestly I knew I would get a refund so I wanted my money)  At least there's only an hour left of it and hopefully no one will be grumpy about it tomorrow.  So today I went to work as usual although I was running extremely behind.  Chalice and I sat and talked this morning for like 20 minutes, making us both very late but neither of us felt like getting ready.  Because of that I had absolutely no time to pack a lunch so I had to break down and get some Wendys on my lunch break.  Now, I have to give another frustration so I'm in the drive-thru and I order a chicken sandwich combo with potato instead of the fries(at least try and be a little healthy plus I'm not the biggest fry lover) so the screen comes up with baconator.  I"m like uhh whoa I don't want that(I was nice about it, but I mean if I ate one of those wow I'd still be sick)  So she's like oh ok we got it and I pull up and get my food.  I'm sitting there eating it back at work look at the receipt and realized I got charged for the baconator like two bucks more then my meal.  I was mad, but didn't have time to go back plus I didn't care that much so anyway that was a midday frustration.  Work was slow in the morning but picked up towards the afternoon, I think everyone trying to do last minute tax stuff.  I finished up the day getting out of there a little bit late to come home to some fabulous homework.  Tomorrow is the big day of our presentation and I have to go first introducing the topic and talking about privacy in relation to global media and the role in the state protecting intellectual property.  I do ok giving presentations, but not generally my thing especially a 45 minute long one.  Since I am going first I do have the advantage of not having to take up so much time because there's people behind me who can fill in if I don't get it all in.  I"ll let you know how it goes.  I also have been trying to get some paperwork together so I can run errands around campus getting some things straightened up and taken care of.  I also have been finishing filling out an internship application for KSL.  At work today, well I've been thinking about leaving so I can take on an internship.  With my field I know I have to have experience to even compete.  I figure I need to get in now as a student and then with the scholarship to back me up I"ll be in a really good position.  I guess there are some people from out of the city branches who are going to be here for the summer and wondering if any position has opened up.  I've talked about it outside of the work setting just getting ideas about what I could do and honestly I haven't made a final decision.  I've been worried about quitting because I feel bad since they've accommodated my schedule this semester.  However, this is a really good opportunity for me.  One of the internships is with KSL studio 5 and the other is with KUED working on an event in September.  I have no idea what to expect, but I"m excited to try something new and get into real world experience within my career.  I've been busy with finishing this semester it's been hard looking into stuff but when I'm at school tomorrow I'll run into the department and check out internships their binder has(since I used to work there and I put it all together)  Well, that's about where I'm at in life.  No word on stalker, ummm what else needs updating not sure anyway, I hope you all are getting to bed and reading this Wednesday instead of when I post it 11:30 on Tuesday night.