Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What to do in life

So I'm sitting here on my bed contemplating life.  Am I doing exactly what KayCee Burnside needs to be doing at this moment in life?  Ok, sorry I'll get out of the weird third person reflective questions.  I'll first explain a little of my day, I woke up went to work, sounds pretty ordinary although today we all switched up stations that was something new.  After work I decided I really needed an oil change so I went over to my favorite place the Jiffy Lube.  I always laugh going there because I know they see me as this little incompetent girl and think they can sucker me into buying things my car really doesn't need, I never fall for it.  My favorite is when they told me my car really needed a tire rotation and I had just bought tires like 2 weeks before.  I also love how they open all the doors for you because you know they really don't want to,  but they have to.  Today the guy opened it for me and we were walking out of it, he was behind me.  He then tried to jump in front of me to keep it open because I was like a foot taller then him.  He ended up like tripping both of us, I just wanted to be like I promise you I can get the door and I'm not going to complain to your manager.  Well I guess it's  a nice service they provide and I really shouldn't complain about them so anyway I'm happy they do it and I pretty much the reason I go in there is so they can fill my wiperfluid up because I hate doing it.  So moving on I then stopped at the best store DSW because I had a $10 off coupon after buying my other shoes.  I really couldn't find anything I fell in love with.  Deseret Book is next door so I stopped in there for quite awhile.  I found a lot of books I liked, but with school and everything going on I just don't have the time to sit down and read for pleasure.  I did buy an amazing eclair mmmmm it was tasty.  I then came home and checked out my webct with all my homework and dundundun(or however that music would look typed out) I realized I forgot to turn in an assignment on Monday for my online class.  I"ll be honest that is like the first time I"ve ever done that and I am still very upset at myself.  I quickly did it and got it in for I think a 10% reduction in grade, but I mean its not worth fretting over too much it happened and I paid the consequence.  I then worked on some other homework and had dinner I have a big group presentation tomorrow, remember analyzing our own group so stepping outside of it to present on it with different theories we find.  We've come a long way and I feel fairly comfortable in it, although I'm still looking over everything.  The reason I'm still up is because I"m having a hard time deciding what to do in life.  I really need to go to summer school if  I want to graduate next spring, but I'm not going to go for just one class, its not worth the money.  After talking with my manager today I think he was expecting to work a little more this summer, something I"m not sure I can handle with another full semester load.  It's just such hard choices to make.  In some ways I feel guilty because he's worked with me this semester in letting me leave at 11:00 to get to a class I had to take to graduate and this was the only time it was offered.  I'm not sure where life is going to take me, I think by this time next year especially every single day will feel like a roller coaster with different choices to make and what to do with my life.  Well no worries I'm not making any drastic choices anytime soon, but I'll keep you all posted to what goes on.  Well I'm out for now its already 11:15 and I've got another fun Wednesday morning meeting to get up for, believe me I can't wait!