Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Tuesday/Wednesday Activities

Well hello again.  I decided to write this after getting three questions of why I didn't post yesterday.  I'm now sitting in my comm tech class eating a quick lunch of skittles, a granola bar, and you guessed it my diet coke wishing I was still in bed.  Today was a rough morning at work.  It started with our weekly Wednesday morning meeting where we had a training on IRA's oh boy do I love waking up for that.  I then had every random problem to deal with one included a hearing impaired lady who couldn't balance her checkbook.  Think about that and trying to get her to balance without being able to talk to her.  We finally realized she was going off what her online statement said and maybe it missed something so I printed her off normal statements from us.  Anyway, I'm now sitting in class just said here for the class roll now all I have to do is listen to an hour and a half group presentation, oh what fun.  I'll back up a little and tell about my day yesterday.  It was the usual same ol Tuesday wake up go to work come home do homework then go to bed haha.  It also was April Fool's day yesterday which was funny.  A girl at my work had the day off so we text her and said our boss came in and freaked at us for being on the Internet and then just quit and we had to call upper-management in and we were all on probation.  She totally believed it and I felt really bad once we told her it was all a joke, he actually was out sick for the day.  After work I went home and sort of started my homework, I still have a 13 page paper due Friday I haven't yet started because I have 2 group projects I've been putting most of my time into.  Anyway, I then got the invitation to go tanning, which I not being very smart accepted.  Even though I live in Salt Lake a bunch of girls from work and I go up to this place in Bountiful.  We then went to Baskin Robbins after and then I came home where I stayed up until midnight working on a powerpoint, the ice cream made me sick too so I didn't really have a choice.  I got about three hours of sleep when I then realized I forgot to do something else I got up and started writing I then realized I was writing out my dream I just had instead of what I really needed to be working on.  At that point I realized I was too tired and not going to get anywhere so I just went back to sleep.  So yeah, that's about it for yesterday to midday today.  Happy reading.