Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sunday thoughts

Well, I don't have too much to write about today except I pretty much spent the entire day in bed watching conference and then eating dinner with my family and now back to my bed writing this blog.  First, I wanted to put a bit about my grandparents in here.  They're pretty much the most awesome grandparents ever.  My grandpa has this email chain and I get about an average of five or so emails from him a day-really funny ones too if you want to get on his list let me know and I"ll let him know.  My grandmother also has her own blog just like this one.  I had to help her set it up and show her how to use it but now she's basically a pro at it.  Since I know you're all dying to see it I'll link you over  I know you'll enjoy it very much-and no worries she says I'm soon to be her next post in there.  I hope she doesn't kill me for saying this but we just went to her 79th birthday party.  Now, how many 79 year old grandma's out there do you know that have their own blog that's actually pretty cool.  Heck I mean how many grandma's out there even know what  a blog is?  Also, she has her own cell phone and everything.  Yeah, I know you all are pretty much jealous now that I have the most awesome grandparents in the world.  Well, I better get back to homework and such it's the start of another fabulous week and I really didn't accomplish too much over the weekend-not a good sign, but happy reading and I'll see you all later.


Grandpa Broadhead said...


Your grandparents sound like WONDERFUL PEOPLE. How were you so fortunate to be a granddaughter to such a fine couple?

I'll bet they feel the same about you. Who wouldn't?

KayCee Burnside said...

Well grandpa broadhead I have no idea how I got to be so fortunate, I would hope they feel the same about me, I'm betting so.