Monday, April 07, 2008

Waiting for class

I'm just sitting outside of my first class' lecture hall about to walk down to my next class.  To be very honest I'm fighting everything inside of me to turn the other way and walk back to my car to just go home.  I ran home when I left work before I came up to school because I wasn't feeling very good so I grabbed some medicine and let me tell you that was hard getting back in the car and coming up to school.  Anyway, I just was bored I'm not getting any emails and I left my phone in the car so I can't even call or text anyone.  I also don't have enough time to start any real homework.  Today has been just like any other day nothing too exciting I think the highlight of it will be when I stop to get an oil change on my way home, or possibly the homework later tonight-I should hold a vote of what everyone thinks is the best.  One sort of exciting thing was there was snow on the grass on campus when I got here.  I couldn't believe it all I got by my house was rain.  It pretty much stopped raining up here although I spent 5 minutes this morning looking for my umbrella because I didn't want to get stuck in a downpour especially since I have my computer with me.  Wow, I must say this post is boring I promise I'll try and have one exciting thing this week to write about or maybe take an ordinary story and make it seem crazy exciting.  Well, I better start that walk....I promise I'm going to class and not home.